Sizhou, Luoyang.

Just as he was waiting for the trial in Jizhou to fiddle with his art of war, Lu Meng, who was guarding Luoyang, was about to face a dangerous challenge.

"Damn, where did these Xiliang barbarians get so many catapults?"

Seeing that Zhang Liao's army under the city was still loading catapults one after another, Lu Meng was bigger than two.

Luoyang is one of the few heroic cities in the world, and if the enemy only has a small number of catapults, then it can be completely ignored.

However, in the camp of Zhang Liao, the number of catapults is probably more than fifty.

Moreover, this item is still being installed, so how many are you planning to make up? How can this be? How can there be so many catapults in the poor and remote area

of Xiliang? How can Lu Meng know that although the Xiliang army does not have it, the Chang'an clan does!

Now that the situation has basically been decided, the clan in Chang'an naturally chooses to support Lu Bu, the king of Qin.

And when the clans heard that Zhang Liao's army was blocked from conquering Luoyang, they generously donated money to support Zhang Liao's conquest of Luoyang.

These catapults were prepared for them by the joint efforts of the various clans.

As for why the clans did not move when Hao Meng attacked Luoyang before?

It was only

because Lu Bu had newly accepted a righteous son, and the name of this righteous son was Sima Yi! Yes, because Lu Bu had accepted Sima Yi as his righteous son, so under the call of the Sima family, the Chang'an clan also chose to pin their lives on Lu Bu, the king of Qin.

Of course, some people will say that the Sima clan is the clan of Luoyang, Sizhou.

But don't forget that when Dong Zhuo burned Luoyang, he moved with the major clans.

History has changed, Lü Bu occupied Chang'an, Cao Cao occupied Luoyang, and the clans of Sizhou naturally stayed in Chang'an.

"Lu Shuai, why don't you let Huang lead people to charge and burn these catapults!"

Similarly, Huang Zhong also discovered the harm that these catapults could bring to Luoyang.

If it is allowed to be assembled, I am afraid that if it really waits for its hundreds of catapults to be launched at the same time, even with the Chengyang of Luoyang, it will not be able to resist it!"

"No need, now that Zhang Liao's protection of the catapult must be extremely tight, even if he goes at this time, I am afraid that it will only add casualties." "

Why didn't Lu Meng want to burn these catapults? But now, it is obviously not the time.

Anyone could have imagined that when they saw such a large number of catapults, they would try their best to destroy them, so naturally they were completely prepared for their defense.

Lu Meng is not afraid of losing some soldiers, but if Huang Zhong is folded here because of this, it will be a loss.

As the commander of an independent leader, Lu Meng has always suffered from the lack of capable generals under his command, and now that the Overlord Xiang Ji has finally sent Huang Zhong over, how can he easily lose it? Even when the Overlord Xiang Ji asked, Lu Meng couldn't face it.

There was nothing to do, and Lu Meng could only look at the hot assembly industry under the city in distress.

At this time, the second batch of reinforcements in the direction of Pengcheng had also been drawn towards Qingzhou and Luoyang respectively.

Yes, in addition to the 30,000 troops who supported the first batch of Xiang Ji, Pengcheng sent a second batch of reinforcements again.

This reinforcement was only accompanied by a small amount of armor.

The procession was very long, and each ox cart was loaded with heavy wooden instruments.

This is the contribution made by Huang Yueying after coming to the Chu State.

After more than half a year of research and development, Huang Yueying finally made a ballista suitable for the battle array.

Although this ballista is not up to the perverted ten rounds of the historical Zhuge repeater, it can only fire two crossbow arrows at a time.

However, don't forget that the so-called Zhuge crossbow is a single weapon, and this heavy crossbow is a sharp weapon used in battle formations or when defending the city.

Vertical said, Luoyang City.

After a series of assembling cycles, the seventy catapults supported by the clans were finally filled.

Looking at the catapult brigade behind him, Zhang Liao was full of spirits.

Hmph, with such a number of catapults, the giant city in the world can't be attacked?

Today, let's take your Luoyang as the first step for my Great Qin to conquer the world!"

Catapult brigade, aim at the city wall of Luoyang, smash it hard for me!"

"Boom, boom, boom!"

With Zhang Liao's order, there was a roar that shook the sky.

"Lu Shuai, the Xiliang army has attacked the city! There are so many boulders!" Alarmed

by the roar of the catapult, the Chu army on Luoyang City fell into a panic.

"Don't panic, tell everyone, don't panic!

With such a dense boulder attack, they can't attack the city themselves, so don't be afraid!"

Although there is no way to break the enemy, Lu Meng is not stupid.

Under such a dense bombardment of boulders, do you dare to come to attack the city? Even if I don't have a single defender and don't let go of a single feather arrow, do you dare to come?

Obviously, it was not only Lu Meng who discovered the problem, but also Zhang Liao, who was under the city.

Nima, why is this catapult attacking so violently? How can this commander order people to attack the city?

Looking at the huge boulders at the head of Luoyang City like rain, Zhang Liao was stunned.

After all, this was also the first time in Zhang Liao's life that he commanded so many catapults to attack the city.

No matter how he thought about it, he could never have imagined that this catapult would not only suppress the defenders' defenses.

But in the same way, it also hinders the siege of

the city? This Nima, let his subordinates brave the rain of boulders to attack the city? That's, I'm afraid that if you give an order, it will immediately cause a mutiny.


, do we want to reduce the number of

catapults used at the same time? But once it is reduced, can we still exert such a suppressive effect in the face of such a huge Luoyang city wall

? If we can't suppress the Chu army, then the value of the catapults will be lost?

"Boom! Keep bang! Bomb me!"

After thinking about it, Zhang Liao made a decision.

Ma De, it's a big deal, Lao Tzu, I won't send troops to attack the city, so I will rely on these catapults to bombard you.

I don't believe it, your Luoyang city wall is strong, and it can withstand such uninterrupted bombardment for a few days.

At that time, as long as you have a section of the city wall that is blown down, then this Luoyang can be easily taken.

Nima!Can you make a face?Lu

Meng, who was on the city wall of Luoyang, also found that the bombardment of the catapult not only did not weaken, but became more and more intensive.

What does this mean?

Obviously, Zhang Liao, who is stinking and shameless, intends to rely on catapults to bombard Luoyang!

Lu Meng has nothing to do about this.

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