"Report to General Ma! In the south, a large number !!of troops in the south are rushing towards our party, look at the banner on Daxu, it is the state of Chu, Zhao!

Isn't this a merge state

? How could there be a Chu army here? Didn't the Chu army, the intelligence office, say that it was attacking Qingzhou? You know, Qin King Lu Bu is now rushing to kill Huguan? How did this Chu army appear? Could it be that it flew over?

Obviously, Ma Chao also knew that this was impossible, but no matter how much he wanted to break his head, he couldn't have imagined that the Chu army was actually under the leadership of Zhao Yun and climbed over the moat and Taihang Mountain!

However, this did not hinder the confidence of Ma Chao's soldiers to meet the attack.

Hmph, Chu State, Zhao Zi Daqi, could it be that Zhao Yun, let me Xiliangjin Ma Chao come to meet you for a while!"

Have you ever found out

the number of Chu army armor?" Although he had already decided to meet the Chu army in his heart, out of caution, Ma Chao still decided to confirm the number of Chu army armor before deciding whether to attack the whole army.

"General Ma, a few brothers under his command have just taken a rough view, and their armor is only 30,000. "

Less than 30,000? Less than 30,000 dare to attack the city guarded by the general? Who gave you the bear-hearted leopard guts

?" "The whole army assembled, ready to go out of

the city to meet the Chu army!" "Just kidding, I have 20,000 defenders in the city and 3,000 cavalry, and you are less than 30,000 people, and you dare to attack the general's city, I'm afraid it's a long life, right?"

General Ma, the last general should stay and guard the city, if the Chu army sneaks up, it would be better to be prepared. Different

from Ma Chao's arrogance, the relatively cautious Cheng Lian faintly sensed that something was wrong, but he couldn't confirm what was wrong, so he could only ask to stay and defend the city.

At the very least, if this is the case, aren't you afraid that the Chu army will steal the city?"


Cheng Lian is the general under Lu Bu in the end, and the newcomer Ma Chao can't save his face, so he can only agree to his request.

None of this is a problem, though.

In Ma Chao's opinion, 15,000 people, and there are still 3,000 cavalry, which is enough to defeat the Chu army.

It's just that Ma Chao and Cheng Lian couldn't know that the Chu army's armor was not 30,000, but a full 80,000.

As for why the scouts only found 30,000 people? That's because Zhao Yun did it on purpose.

After all, if you go to attack the city so clearly, as long as you are not blind, you can find the traces of the army.

Therefore, Zhao Yun simply led 30,000 people to be bait, and the other 50,000 troops were ambushed near the left side of Shangdang, waiting for all the attention of the Shangdang defenders to be attracted by Zhao Yun's 30,000 forward army, and then waiting for an opportunity to kill.

As Ma Chao led the crowd to kill, the two armies soon encountered in the suburbs of the south gate of Shangdang.

Looking at the word "Zhao" embroidered on the oncoming Chu army, Ma Chao has basically confirmed that this must be Zhao Yun of Chu State.

You must know that the general surnamed Zhao of Chu State who can lead the army independently seems to be Zhao Yun.

Hitting the horse forward, Ma Chao began to question.

"I am Ma Chao, the general of the Qin State, but the general is Zhao Yun of the Chu State, why did you innocently violate my boundary?"

Looking at the young man who came from the opposite side, Zhao Yun almost burst out laughing.

Although this young man with an eagle helmet and beast armor was very high, just by looking at his questions about himself, he could know that this young man had no experience in the army at all.

At the very least, there is no experience in leading independently.

You must know that now that the Qin State has already started a war with the Chu State, and the fighting in Luoyang is about to turn the sky upside down, you still ask here why you are violating your territory? Isn't it a joke

? It's just that I don't know what is so special about this young man, who can be promoted by

Lu Bu to be the son of Ma Teng? But even so, it won't make Lu Bu look up to him so highly, right?

"This general is Zhao Yun, a young man from the Ma family, now that he sees this general in person, why don't you descend early?"

Similarly, Zhao Yun clamped his legs, commanded the war horse under his crotch to come out of the crowd, and launched a surrender strategy against the oncoming Ma Chao.

Although Zhao Yun also knew that the chance of Ma Chao being able to surrender was very small, did that matter?

You must know that when the two armies faced each other, whoever shouted the words of surrender first would have a psychological advantage.

But don't underestimate this slight psychological advantage.

On the battlefield, all the factors that have an impact on morale are accumulated bit by bit.

"Arrogant, look for death!" Hearing

that Zhao Yun dared to surrender himself, Ma Chao was furious, and he didn't say anything else, and immediately planned to rush forward, and went straight to take the head of Zhao Yun on the opposite side.

"General, kill chickens with a knife, wait for the last general to take the life of this thief for you!"

Seeing that Ma Chao was about to fight, Wei Xu couldn't sit still.

Just kidding, it's Zhao Yun on the other side, this guy, in the Huanyu, is a very famous person.

If we can take him down, won't Wei Xu and I be going to become famous

? What's more, now that Lu Bu is personally conscripting, what is the so-called? Isn't it to attack the Xiang Ji of the Chu State?

If Xiang Ji loves to take Zhao Yun down here, I'm afraid that Lu Bu, the king of Qin, will have to give a big reward to a certain family, right

? As for the rumored martial arts of Zhao Yun? Hehe, Uncle Wei Xu really didn't take it seriously.

It's just a rumor, and whoever takes it seriously is a fool.

"Okay, General Wei Xu, Ben will sweep the battle for you!" Seeing Wei Xu

begging for battle, Ma Chao restrained the war horse.

Indeed, as for killing chickens, it is enough to use a knife to kill a chicken? A mere Zhao Yun, presumably Wei Xu will be enough to deal with him.

Ma Chao is reserved and arrogant.

You must know that Ma Chao became famous as a young man and galloped outside the Saiwai, whether it was the Qiang or the Southern Xiongnu, it could really be said that he lost his courage when he heard his name.

"Zhao Yun! I am Wei Xu, the general of Yingyang of the Qin State, dare to fight!"

With a swing of the long knife in his hand, Wei Xu fought his horse and killed.

"Zhou Cang, I'll leave this guy to you. "

Just kidding, you Qin people are proud? Zhao Yun is also proud.

To deal with this kind of nameless person, I will do it myself?

You know, after Zhou Cang's years of conquest, and even after slashing Xiahou Yuan, that martial arts have advanced by leaps and bounds.

Although it is not as good as several generals on the front line of the Chu State, but the opponents are Tibetan Hegemony and Yu Ban, and they will definitely not fall behind.

It's not a mere thing to do?

"Chu State

, Zhou Cang!" After receiving Zhao Yun's signal, Zhou Cang's legs were clamped, and his crotch shot out, and Wei Xu, who was coming in front of him, rushed up.

"Zhao Yun, you actually underestimate me!?"

Seeing that Zhao Yun did not go to battle, but instead sent a military general with a face like a door panel and a big axe in his hand, Wei Xu was furious.

No one, no one has ever dared to underestimate me Wei Xu!

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