"What!?Cao Xuan is dead?The pursuing iron cavalry is almost completely wiped out?"

Lu Bu, who was still waiting for Cao Xing's triumph, was stunned again.

You know, Cao Xing led a whole thousand Xiliang Iron Cavalry under his command to pursue it, but now you tell King Gu that I am all destroyed?

What a waste of it!

Lu Bu's anger began to rise in a straight line after Cao Xing's entire army was annihilated.

Although, under the harassment of this Chu army, the loss of troops was not much, but this loss of face, Lu Bu couldn't stand it.

This is a naked mockery of him, a naked mockery of the 100,000 Xiliang army under his command.

Just as Lu Bu was about to order someone to tell the front army to quickly reorganize, strengthen its defense, and set off again, the herald arrived again.

"Newspaper, my lord, the cavalry of the Chu State turned back again, and disappeared after attacking our front army. "

Nima, it's not over?

Again and again, again and again, really I Lu Bu is a good temper?"

Tell the front army, reorganize on the spot, if you find the Chu army attacking again, even if you die, you have to drag the Chu army to me in place!"

For the Chu army, this "fly", Lu Bu's patience has reached the limit.

"General, are we still going on the offensive?".

Under the continuous fierce battles, the three hundred cavalry who went out with Zhao Yun were now less than fifty.

Yes, after Lu Bu ordered the advance to reorganize and strengthen the defense, Zhao Yun led the army to charge several times again.

However, due to the strengthening of the guards of the Western Liang Qin army, the effect of the next few charges was not satisfactory.

Even so, Zhao Yun continued to lead his subordinates to charge again and again.

Just to kill more Xiliang soldiers.

Just to make it a little longer.

"Let's take a rest, and then see the movements of the Xiliang army, if they don't advance today, then let's return to Shangdang after dark.

But if they continue to advance, then we will continue to kill!" Zhao

Yun knew in his heart that if the Xiliang army gave up advancing, then the Chu army that was cutting down trees outside would be able to return safely.

But if they still advance, they will have to fight to the last soldier to stop the delay for more time.

Half an hour later.

"Great King, the advance has been reorganized, and the Chu army has never appeared. "

Run away, damn it! These cunning flies!

Hearing that the Chu army, which had been harassing his former army, disappeared, Lu Bu was not the slightest bit happy.

You know, this fly has been harassing them for almost a day.

After paying the price of nearly 3,000 people, he only left the corpses of more than 200 Chu cavalry, which was unacceptable to Lu Bu in any case.

But if it is unacceptable, Lu Bu can only face this reality.

"Tell the front army, continue to march, the lonely king I want to wash the party in blood!" There

was nowhere to vent the anger in his chest, and Lu Bu could only let the army speed up.

Even if it is a night battle, it must be a strong attack on the party, and only by slaughtering all its defenders can this hatred be eliminated!

But just after the Xiliang Qin army set off again, the fly that made Lu Bu grit his teeth with hatred actually appeared again.

Although, there are only more than fifty of them left, although, they are already covered with scars.

But the "fly" still charged at the Xiliang Qin army without hesitation.

"I want you dead!" Knowing

that the former army was attacked again, the furious Lu Bu could no longer tolerate it.

Regardless of arranging for the armor to follow, Lu Bu clamped his legs, and the red rabbit horse under his crotch had already shot out.

Damn Chu army, damn Zhao Yun, Lone King swears to kill you!

With the strength of Chitu's feet, Lu Bu soon came to the front army that was fighting.

Looking at the Chu army that had not yet retreated, Lu Bu was ecstatic.

"Lu Bu is here, a thief of the Chu army, give me death!" Fang

Tian waved the halberd in his hand, and swept away a Chu cavalry who was blocking in front of him with his backhand, and Lu Bu went straight to Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun, today, I will definitely kill you! Zhao Yun

, who was killing the Xiliang soldiers, was shocked to hear Lu Bu shouting, and immediately looked up.

I saw a general dressed in ghost head armor and holding a Fang Tian painting halberd riding a fiery red war horse straight towards killing him.

Who is this, who is this not

Lu Bu?" "Zhao Jia! You guys retreat quickly! I'll stop you here!" Seeing

Lu Bu coming in person, Zhao Yun knew that this time was afraid that this would be the last time he delayed the Xiliang Qin army.

Seeing that there were only more than 20 people left in the personal soldiers who followed him all the way, Zhao Yun couldn't bear to watch them also die on the spot anyway.

"No, General, we have made an oath to follow the general to the death!" Who

does not know the name of Lu Bu's prestige? Especially in this Xiliang army, all the soldiers of the Chu State know it in their hearts.

I'm afraid it's the last battle in my life.

But so what?

After years of fighting, these Zhao Yun's personal followers have long been pinned on Zhao Yun's body.

Zhao Yun is the driving force for them to fight, the sustenance of their spirit, and their faith.

Death is not terrible, what is terrible is the loss of faith.

"No, you let me go, so many brothers have already died here, it's enough! Don't let me

die without turning a blind eye!"

With that, Zhao Yun raised the gentian gun in his hand and rushed straight towards Lu Bu, who was killing him.

"Hahaha, Zhao Yun, yes, it's a gentleman, I'll reward you with a decent way to die for the lonely king!"

Seeing that Zhao Yun dared to attack himself in order to make his subordinates retreat, Lu Bu couldn't help but glance at him in his heart.

Ordinary people, I'm afraid that under such circumstances, they will only let their soldiers protect themselves to retreat, right?"

"It's not certain who will die!"

After all, Zhao Yun is also one of the few fierce generals in the world, although he has fought repeatedly, his state is no longer the best, but he is not afraid of Lu Bu.

Rushing forward, Zhao Yun stood up with the gentian spear in his hand and stabbed Lu Bu in the chest.

He, even to take precautions at all, was completely using the same fate to send Lu Bu to fight Lu Bu.

Yes, Zhao Yun had no hope of escaping at all.

As long as this array can kill Lu Bu, even if it seriously injures him, then Shangdang will be safe.

And if the party is safe, the strategic layout of the state of Chu will not be destroyed by Lu Bu.

But Lu Bu is Lu Bu after all.

Ordinary people can basically only avoid Zhao Yun's sacrifice of his life, but Lu Bu will not.

Fang Tian swung his halberd, and Lu Bu slashed at the oncoming gentian spear.


Fang Tian's halberd slashed at the gentian spear with unmistakable precision.

Zhao Yun's offensive was blocked, and even under the huge countershock, Zhao Yun almost couldn't handle the gentian gun in his hand.


only one round of fighting, Zhao Yun knew that he was afraid that he was in his heyday, and he was definitely not the opponent of this Lu Bu.

However, Zhao Yun was not timid, and the gentian gun in his hand waved again.

"Lu Bu, let's fight!"

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