Qingzhou, Gaoqing.

"Overlord, according to the scout's report, the Hebei army has crossed the river, and now it has reached Qiancheng. "

So fast?

I can't imagine it, this Hebei army is not moving, and it is as fast as it moves.

You must know that the army of Chu has just arrived in Gaoqing, and the Hebei army has already come to the front.

Gao Qing and Qiancheng are only less than a hundred miles apart.

"Command the whole army, immediately reorganize, and we will go on the expedition!"

Now that the enemy has reached the front, Xiang Ji naturally will not choose to defend in place.

Although, because of the fifty medium-sized ballistas, the entire baggage team was slowed down.

But what Xiang wants is to meet the Hebei army in the wilderness.

Only in this way can the power of the ballista be revealed, isn't it?"

General Zhang He, now our army has entered Qingzhou safely.


The Hebei army entered Qingzhou without encountering any resistance or interference, and the judge naturally thought that all this was the credit of his own plan.

Hmph, Xiang Ji'er, in the face of my unpredictable tricks, he must have been completely dizzy, right?

But in Zhang He's opinion, he is completely taking off his pants and farting, which is too much.

Nima, 200,000 troops, you cross the river casually, can he stop it? Do he dare to stop it?

You know, this Qingzhou is not the official crossing of the past.

Cao Cao was defending on his own territory, Yanzhou.

What about this Chu State? What about this Qingzhou?

This is not the territory of other people's families at all.

He also defeated Yuan Tan just now, and many states and counties haven't had time to occupy them yet.

Why did you directly lead the army across the river, wouldn't you be able to directly defeat the Chu army that had not gained a firm foothold

? Why, what a problem, how could the King of Qi send such a heartless player to come over as a prison guard?

Thinking of this, Zhang He couldn't help but sigh.

If, if Yuan Shao hadn't died, he wouldn't have been like this, wouldn't he have been?"

I've been resting for half a day, enough time, keep going, I don't have that much time to waste here. Seeing

that Zhang He didn't flatter himself, the trial was deeply boring.

What should be played, a martial artist is a martial artist, and he doesn't know how to appreciate a certain family's strategy at all.

But he didn't know that when he finished speaking, the feeling of depression in Zhang He's heart was even better than before.

Why don't you have time to waste? It's because of you, you've already wasted almost a month, and you're telling me now that you don't have time to waste

? Moreover, the army has just crossed the river and traveled all the way, how can it be adjusted after only half a rest?

This damn trial

!" "Order, the whole army advances!" No

matter how depressed his heart is, now that the enemy is present, Zhang He can only continue to choose to forbear.


because of the god-like operation of the trial, Zhang He has already had murderous intent towards him.

Now, I can't move you, but when the fight really starts, hum, he doesn't recognize people when he loses this thing!

" Overlord, go and discover the enemy!" As

the two armies marched at the same time, the Chu army soon discovered the figure of the Hebei army.

"Array, meet the enemy!" Since

the traces of the Hebei Army had been discovered, Xiang Ji naturally chose to line up here and wait for the arrival of the Hebei Army.

Just kidding, you must know that the Chu army has a ballista car, a big killing weapon, and it takes time to disassemble and assemble it, if you continue to advance and then suddenly encounter it, will

the Hebei army give you time to assemble? At the same time, the Hebei army, which was marching with the whole army, also discovered the movement of the Chu army not far away.

"What? The Chu army is already on its way? Hahaha, so bold, they even dare to fight with our Dahebei Iron Cavalry in the field?

How many men and horses are in their department, and how many cavalry are there, have you ever seen clearly?"

You must know that the trial thought that the Chu army would inevitably choose to hold the Beihai county town in the face of the 200,000 Hebei army, and at most it would harass his own army along the way.

After all, the 50,000 cavalry in the Hebei army is not a joke.

"Lord Qiqi Prison Army, according to the scout's report, the Chu army has already set up a formation, and looking at its military appearance, I am afraid that there are no less than 100,000 people.

As for the cavalry, there were less than 10,000 people. "

What!? Didn't you say 50,000? Why did you suddenly double the number of troops?

In his cognition, the Chu army was only 50,000 soldiers on the previous intelligence.

What's more, the Chu army had a big battle with the Qingzhou army, so how could the strength of the army increase instead of decreasing?

Isn't this Nima all to blame on you, a self-righteous idiot

? Is it still used to be obvious? The increase in the strength of the Chu army must be the troops that have been mobilized from within the country one after another.

Thankfully, the idiot didn't say anything about the season's bad season.

Otherwise, I am afraid that this battle will not be able to be fought in a year's time.

"Lord Supervisor, the Chu army has already set up a position, in the opinion of this general, our army might as well camp here, rest for a while, and wait for the physical strength of the soldiers to recover, and then make a decision. "

It's no longer obvious.

The Chu army set up a position and waited for itself to pass, and then Zhang He saw that if the Hebei army stopped at this time, then the morale of the Chu army, which was ready for battle, would definitely be affected.

You must know that the ancients once said that the way of morale: "One drum of energy, then decline, three and exhaustion."

Even if the strength of the Chu army increases, it will only be half of our army, not to mention that their cavalry is less than 10,000 people.

If our army stands still here, won't it weaken its morale?

General Zhang He, give the order.

This supervising army has decided that the whole army will charge, and our army will have a decisive battle with the Chu army right here!"

The enemy army is in front of them, and they have even let

the army stand still here? If this is to be said, don't others think that our Hebei army is afraid of the Chu army?

As for Zhang He, the trial is becoming more and more disdainful.

But he didn't know that Zhang He was just like him, and he hated him so much.

This Nima, King of Qi, how could you have thought of sending such an idiot over?

He doesn't understand anything about military affairs!

"The whole army, charge!"

But helplessly, the control of the army is in the hands of others, and Zhang He can only continue to be patient.

It's a big deal, it's just tens of thousands of soldiers killed and wounded.

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