Dust and smoke billowed and the sound of killing was everywhere.

The two cavalry torrents of the Chu army and the Hebei army finally collided together.

The horses are neighing, the knights are roaring.

Knights fell in the way of the charge, and knights died at the hands of the enemy's swordsmen.

There was only one thought left in the hearts of all the knights who were close to each other, their weapons must be slashed out, and the enemy must be knocked down as much as possible.

In the face of the Chu army, which was charging in a fish-scale formation, the Hebei cavalry that scattered the charge suffered a loss.

Although it had an absolute advantage in numbers, the formation was too scattered, and many cavalry could not attack the Canglong Cavalry at all.

And the Hebei cavalry, which can face the Canglong cavalry, has to withstand the attack of the Canglong cavalry wave after wave.

Gradually, the Hebei cavalry began to lose power, and the entire formation seemed to be torn off a gap from the middle by the Canglong cavalry.

"Steady, don't panic, don't mess up, we have more people than them!" Han

Juzi finally discovered that the situation was wrong, this, I am afraid that if it continues like this, the middle of the Hebei cavalry will probably be penetrated by the cavalry of the Chu army.

If it does, it's going to be a problem.

Once the Chinese army is divided, then the Hebei cavalry will be even more out of formation, no matter how many you are, if you fall into the point of fighting separately, it will not be far from defeat.

Although Han Juzi discovered this, in the noisy battlefield, no matter how he shouted, he could not change the disadvantage that the Hebei cavalry had fallen into.

Han Juzi's shouting did not make the situation of the Hebei cavalry better, but attracted Gao Ran, who was riding behind the dragon.

When Gao Ran discovered Han Juzi's figure, he immediately broke away from the Canglong riding queue, slapped the war horse under his crotch, and went straight to Han Juzi to kill.

Gao Ran also knew this goods, and when he saw him here, he knew that he must be the commander of this Hebei cavalry.

After discovering the commander, Gao Ran, who is a fierce general, naturally wants to solve it.

Although it continued like this, the Hebei cavalry could not hold out for long.

But if you can take the command of the enemy army first, it will expand the advantage of the entire battle situation even more.

"Gao Ran is here, those who stand in my way die!" The

spear in his hand flipped over, and Gao Ran flew and stabbed the Hebei cavalry that was blocking in front of him along the way.

"Gao Lan!?General Gao?!" "Oh my God

, General Gao!" "General Gao, why are you?" Under Gao Lan's

shouting, the Hebei

cavalry finally discovered that the commander of the Chu cavalry turned out to be the Hebei Siting Pillar they once loved, General Gao Lan.

Although the news of Gao Ran's surrender to the Chu army has spread all over the Hebei army with the arrival of the trial, what I heard and saw with my own eyes were completely two feelings, especially when I saw General Gao Ran waving his weapon at himself.

Taking advantage of the brief consternation of the Hebei cavalry, Gao Ran clamped his legs, urged the war horse under his crotch to accelerate again, and rushed frantically towards Han Juzi not far away.

"Han Juzi, can you still know Gao Lan!" With

an acceleration, Gao Lan, who broke through the formation of the Hebei Army, came to Han Juzi.

"Gao Lan!?You traitor, you dare to appear in front of a certain family?" Seeing Gao Lan,

Han Juzi was not surprised.

If this guy actually appeared here, then the commander of this Chu cavalry must be Gao Zhan.

This is really good news for Han Juzi.

You must know that Han Juzi is from a clan, and he has always looked down on a poor family like Gao Ran.

Previously, because his status in the army was higher than his own, Han Juzi could only cater to him superficially.

But if you really want to say that for Gao Ran's strength, Han Juzi has never looked at it.

However, when it comes to welcoming the villain on the Lord, a child of a poor family, he has been taught by a famous teacher since he was a child, what kind of advanced martial arts can he have?

Previously, Gao Ran chose to assist Yuan Tan, which had already made Han Juzi overjoyed, and he was really ready at all times, just waiting for Yuan Shang to give the order to attack Qingzhou.

At that time, I, Han Juzi, will definitely kill this poor disciple in front of the battle, so that everyone can see who is the real Hebei general.

But unfortunately, Yuan Shang cared about public opinion and brotherhood, and even watched his eldest brother play with him without sending troops to conscript.

This is really bitter for Han Juzi's heart to fight.

It's just that I never thought that this Gao Ran was greedy for life and afraid of death, betrayed his lord for glory, and surrendered to the Chu State.

Originally, this expedition, Han Juzi calculated to find an opportunity to kill Gao Ran.

As a result, to his disappointment, there was no fighting general at all in this battle, and the general attack was directly started.

Han Juzi could only continue to wait helplessly, waiting for Gao Ran's location to be killed after finding his location.

Now, before this Gao Lan took the initiative to send it to the door, how could Han Juzi not be overjoyed.

"Hahaha, Gao Ran, today it is you who took the initiative to ask for death, no wonder others!

Let me show you, today this general will let you see, who is the real Hebei general!"

waved his hand and scattered the cavalry on the left and right, Han Juzi decided to have a battle with Gao Ran.

This stupid criticism.

Seeing Han Juzi's actions, Gao Ran sneered.

Do you really think that you can go to the battlefield to fight with those martial artists by learning a little bit of three-legged cat kung fu?

Just kidding, if it weren't for your background, I would be ashamed to be a lieutenant general for a player like you!

Similarly, Gao Ran would not look down on Han Juzi.

There is no ability at all, and the eccentricity is higher than the sky.

Now this cargo has taken the initiative to disperse the cavalry on the left and right, which is really a chase for the high.

Even if you look for death, there are few people who are so active, right?"

"Han Juzi, don't talk nonsense, look at the gun!"

Seeing the oncoming Han Juzi, he wanted to continue to say something, but Gao Ran was in no mood to continue to wait.

A scumbag of war, wasting time with him, isn't Lao Tzu sick?

Han Juzi, who was about to continue to say some slogans to promote his might, was furious when he saw Gao Ran attacking directly.

Don't you have the eyesight to pay for? Don't you see so many cavalry watching here

? People who are all dying, can't they fulfill Lao Tzu and let me brag a few more words?

But just when Han Juzi was still secretly angry, Gao Ran's spear had already stabbed at him.

What!?So fast?

This became Han Juzi's last thought left in the world.

"Bah, this is also worthy of being the cavalry commander?"

stabbed Han Juzi to death with a single shot, Gao Ran was not complacent, but was angry with his own past.

Lao Tzu, how could I be angry with such a spicy chicken thing before?"

"Oh my God, General Han is dead!" The

Hebei cavalry who was watching the two of them was stunned.

Although they all knew Gao Ran Wuyong, they never imagined that in the face of their main general, Han Juzi, they could kill

him in seconds

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