After Xu You's slander, Yuan Shang's heart to kill Tian Feng was even worse.

On the other hand, Tian Feng, although he is resourceful, in the final analysis, he is still an honest man.

Most honest people have a problem, that is, their mouths begin to become stupid after being in a hurry.

And Tian Feng has exactly this problem.

When he heard Xu You's slander against him, Tian Feng almost fainted in anger.

When did I become my

Tian Feng? I didn't give you supplies because I was corrupt? I withheld it? It was because I didn't care about the country's righteousness and was selfish?

But unfortunately, Yuan Shangna, who already had murderous intent towards Tian Feng in his heart, said whatever Xu Yu said.

"Okay, Xu Aiqing, don't talk about it.

This Tian Feng, the Lone King will kill him! Someone, drag him down to the Lone King, and behead him!"

Originally, Yuan Shang's previous statement that he wanted to kill Tian Feng was mostly angry.

After all, this Tian Feng is also an old minister in Hebei, and he has always been loyal before, but he has a little problem in the world, and he is not very good at talking.

But now, when Yuan Shang, who was angry, listened to Xu Yu's words, he was even more sure of what he thought in his heart.

This Tian Feng, I'm afraid that he has long been ill-intentioned

! Damn it! Damn it! Gao Ran betrayed before, and then Zhang He betrayed, and now Tian Feng has also begun to betray

? Is it that I have always been too merciful to the Lone King? As a result, these courtiers left to me by my father have no fear of the Lone King at all?

"The Great King! Tian Feng is the pillar of our country, and the Great King must not destroy the Great Wall!"

Just when Yuan Shang secretly made up his mind to be more ruthless from now on, the frustrated scholar who was listed at the bottom stood up.

You must know that Fu Zhuke has always been Tian Feng's good friend, and the two of them have the most common language in Hebei.

Now that he saw that Tian Feng was about to be cut by Yuan Shang, he suddenly became anxious.

Just kidding, is this Yuan Shang brainbroken? How can he kill his own ministers and kill his chief think tank

? Just because of a few words from that villain Xu Yu?

In a hurry, he only cared about explaining the rights and wrongs of this matter, but he forgot Yuan Shang's mentality at this time.

You must know that Yuan Shangke is in a rage, not to mention, he has just decided to be harsh with his subordinates in the future.

Now, hearing the words of the frustrated professor, Yuan Shang was not persuaded by him, but became angry with the frustrated professor.

Damn this, what is the pillar of the country? Is this the moth? Is this the culprit who keeps filling his pockets so much that Xu Yu Aiqing's plan to lure the enemy cannot be carried out as soon as possible

? And Nima self-destructs the Great Wall? This kind of person is also the Great Wall?"

I am the master of this Qi country, and now a courtier says no, won't you do it?"

"Great king, great king! You are confused! Then Xu You are a national thief!"

Yuan Shang did not listen to persuasion, and his frustration became more urgent.

Let's ask, who can watch his long-time old friend die unjustly for serving the country wholeheartedly?

However, Tian Feng's life is not good, and his life is not good, and he has such a superb lord and has met such a shameless colleague.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty has something to do! This frustration is Tian Feng's comrade!" Xu

You, who had been paying attention to Yuan Shang's face, suddenly realized that he seemed to have a chance to kill the two of them at once!

This frustration was obviously taking the initiative to ask for death.


a traitor, what are the necessary skills to master? That must be a falling stone!"

"Xu Aiqing, what are you talking about? This is also the same party?"

Sure enough, the furious Yuan Shang has no ability to think, and he really believes what Xu You says.

At present, Yuan Shang only knows that Xu Yu is an absolute loyal minister, and this Tian Feng is a big traitor.

As for frustration, this guy dared to beg for mercy for the traitor Tian Feng, and even dared to contradict himself, that must not be a good thing.

Now I hear Xu You say that he is also the same party, it must be 10,000 believes.

"Great King, this frustrated professor has been cooperating with Tian Feng to manage the storage materials in various parts of my Hebei, and when Xu You was ordered to mobilize materials before, this frustrated professor also made things difficult for his subordinates in every way, and even slandered the king..."

deliberately left a word without saying a word, just to hang Yuan Shang's appetite.

Sure enough, when Yuan Shang heard that he dared to slander himself, he was immediately furious.

"Say, what has this thief slandered the Lone King!?"

What's the situation? Why did you get me involved again

? Yes, I did block you when you called for supplies, but didn't you have a B number in your heart

? What am I blocking you for? Now, you just reversed black and white, and even said that I slandered the king?

But helplessly, the stunned frustrated reaction was always half a beat slower, and I could only watch the performance of Xu You and Yuan Shang without interjecting.

"The king, this frustration is ill-intentioned, and he often says among the soldiers that the king is far away from the previous king.

If the first king was still there, our Hebei would definitely not fall into such a situation!"

Hearing Xu Yu's words, he was frustrated like being struck by lightning.


know, what this thing says, it's really true.

It's just that these words are an occasional complaint when he talks about state affairs with Tian Feng, Xu You and others.

And it's not just frustrating that he said, but he also often expresses such feelings?

But now, the explanation is meaningless.

After all, he did say this, and he couldn't be so shameless as Xu Yu no matter what.

"How daring, come on, I will push this frustration to the Lone King, and kill it together!"

When Yuan Shang heard this, he was even more angry.

You must know that what Yuan Shangping cares about most is that others compare himself with his father Yuan Shao.

Now when I hear this, even if I change to the usual one, I will be furious, let alone in a state of anger.

"Xu Aiqing, in this court, are there still these two people in the same party? If there are any, inform King Gu immediately.

Lonely King, I'm going to kill today!" It's

not enough to kill two, Yuan Shang obviously intends to completely establish his authority in front of the courtiers.

Damn, today I will let you know what it means that the emperor is angry and his blood is flowing like a river!

Seeing Yuan Shang so imposing, Yuan Xi, who rushed to defect, was stunned.

Is this still the third brother I know? Is this still the third brother who is a little cowardly and often pretentious?

Yuan Xi suddenly felt that he seemed to have come to the wrong Jizhou.

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