"General, there is news from Yecheng!

That Yuan Xi has been defeated, and Huguan has also been lost, and now he has defected to Yuan Shang with his last men.

Of course, that's not the most exciting.

General, that Yuan Shang is simply a madman, he actually killed Tian Feng and Fu Zhu because of Xu Yu's slander! "


When Zhao Yun heard this, he couldn't sit still anymore.

This Yuan Shang is not just a madman? He is simply a fool

! That is Tian Feng and Fu Zhu! That is the pillar of Hebei!

This guy is even more domineering than the overlord when he says that he will cut it? This is really more domineering than the overlord.

"Xiahoulan, have your ranger friends found out the reason for

the frequent transfer of materials in Hebei?" Compared with those exciting gossip news, Zhao Yun is most concerned about the frequent transfer of materials in Hebei.

Among them, there must be a conspiracy.

"General, aren't you still worried about my Xiahou Lan's errands?

All of this is a ploy by Na Xu You, saying that he wants to use materials to lure General Gao Ran into a scheme, and then he will destroy General Gao Ran and his Canglong cavalry.

Moreover, General, my brothers have also found out another important piece

of news! That Yuan Shang plans to form an alliance with Lu Bu, and the price paid for his alliance is Yuan Xi's wife

, Zhen Mi! General, that Zhen Mi is known as our

No. 1 beauty in Hebei!" Zhao Yun did not have the slightest interest in the No. 1 beauty, but became interested in the news that was almost gossip.

This, if Yuan Shang really succeeds in forming an alliance with Lu Bu, I am afraid that our Chu State will be in trouble!

You must know that at this time, the overlord does not know that Lu Bu's army has come to Bingzhou.

This is also the reason why Zhao Yun is so eager to meet the same family.

"Xiahoulan, do you know the specific implementation time of Xu You's plan?"

At present, Zhao Yun can only find out how long it will take for Xu You's plan to lure the enemy into depth.

If it is implemented immediately, then Zhao Yun can only find a way to turn Gao Lan as soon as possible.

But if there is still time...

"General, it's going to take a long time to implement.

General, you don't know, that's Xu You, but a notoriously greedy thief.

Previously, Tian Feng and Fu Zhi blocked it, so the collection of materials was not smooth.

But now, these two people thought that they had been cut down by Yuan Shang, and there was no one to stop them, so this goods were not a little greedy?

According to Xia Houlan, this goods would not easily end this material collection if they did not hang the entire Jizhou three feet to the ground.

Hearing Xiahou Lan say this, Zhao Yun suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.


, fortunately! Sure enough, God bless my Chu country, God bless me as an overlord!

In this way, there will be plenty of time, and the maneuverable space will naturally be much larger.

"Very good, Xiahou Lan, go and ask your brothers immediately when the envoy sent by Yuan Shang to Lu Bu of the Qin State will depart, and what the specific route is.

Let's go and stop the messenger!"

Yes, this is Zhao Yun's plan.

Since there is still plenty of time, Zhao Yun is not so eager to meet Gao Lan.

After all, even if they converged with Gao Lan, Zhao Yun would not be able to let him lead through the defense line back to the Chu position.

You must know that Gao Ran is shouldering the heavy task of cutting off the logistics of Ningjin this time, so how can he lead his army back because of himself? It is

easy to break through once, but if you still want to bypass the defense line again, I am afraid it will not be so easy.

The Hebei army is not a fool, so how could it not take precautions against this?

Now, what Zhao Yun wanted was to stop the envoy sent by Yuan Shang to Bingzhou.

As long as Yuan Shang and Lü Bu can be cut off, then at the very least, the state of Chu will not have to face the risk of an alliance between the state of Qin and the state of Qi.

Now, that's all that matters.

After receiving Zhao Yun's order, Xiahou Lan didn't say a word, and reflexively left this place where everyone was temporarily staying.

With Xiahou Lan's transmission of Zhao Yun's order, the rangers in Hebei took action again.

Countless rangers mixed in the countryside are wandering around, and the news that the secret agents of the Chu State can't find out is too easy for these local rangers in Jizhou.

Sure enough, when the envoy team of Yecheng had just set off, the rangers who had closely monitored it discovered its traces.

"General, I have already found out that the envoy sent by Yuan Shang to Bingzhou is Xin Ping, who was originally a subordinate of Yuan Tan, and with the defeat of Yuan Tan, he has now been brought under Yuan Shang's command.

As for the stunning Zhen Mi, I heard that he is also in the team, according to my brothers, there is a luxury carriage in his convoy, which is Zhen Mi's frame. "

I didn't expect that these rangers, who usually didn't care about people, had so much energy when they were activated.

Zhao Yun really looked at them this time.

You must know that in this era, the rule of any prince and king is full of a large number of rangers.

These guys don't do production, don't work, and don't serve in the military, and they just oppress the township and are disgusted.

But because these guys who have never been valued by the major princes and kings, they provided a lot of help to Zhao Yun in this Hebei campaign.

"Very well, Xiahoulan, tell your ranger brothers.

Tell them that I Zhao Yun inherited this favor, and I also inherited it on behalf of the Chu State and the overlord.

When the battle in Hebei is over this time, it will definitely be reported later!"

After all, Zhao Yun is one of the top generals in the Chu State, and he still has this self-confidence, and I believe that the overlord will definitely not reject himself in such a trivial matter.

made another promise to the rangers, and Zhao Yun took action.

At present, even the rangers can't even find out where General Gao Ran is, and Zhao Yun doesn't know where to go to join him.

And Xu You's plan to lure the enemy into going deeper...

I'm afraid that this product won't be launched until it's enough.

So for Zhao Yun, who has plenty of time now, it is naturally the most important thing to intercept Yuan Shang's envoy.

Jizhou, Shexian County.

After several days of running wildly, Zhao Yun and the others have taken to the last place on the border with Bingzhou, Jizhou Chengxian.

This will be the place where Yuan Shang's envoy must pass.

"General, according to the itinerary of Yuan Shang's envoy team, I am afraid that it will arrive in Shexian County at noon tomorrow. Hearing

Xiahoulan's report, Zhao Yun couldn't help but rejoice.

It's okay, it's okay, it's just in time.

If this is a wild run all the way and finally fails to catch up with Yuan Shang's messenger, it will be a real tragedy.

You know, once this envoy procession passes Shexian County, it will enter the territory of the state.

Zhao Yun didn't know what the current situation was in the state, and at the same time, Zhao Yun didn't dare to send someone to investigate.

After all, it's not a joke to climb over Taihang Mountain, those rangers don't have such strength.

But if you don't go to Taihang Mountain, Huguan is afraid that it has already gathered the Xiliang army, so will you send someone to deliver food?

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