After a few days, the reorganized Chu army finally ushered in the Zhen family's convoy.

Looking at the long queue that seemed to go straight to the sky, Xiang Ji was really shocked.

Is this Yuan Shang a fool of Nima

? Under his rule, in Jizhou, this Zhen family actually has such a great energy?

Tens of thousands of horses and tens of thousands of baggage convoys were transported into the Chu army camp in such a grand manner.

You know, the people in charge of transportation are probably no less than 50,000 people, but Yuan Shang didn't even know it?

This is what Xiang Ji didn't know.

Jizhou is the base of the Zhen family, the Zhen family has developed here for hundreds of years, and almost every township and county has the Zhen family's stronghold and Zhen family's personnel.

If it was usual, the Zhen family would naturally not launch such a mobilization to gather all the clansmen, after all, this is indeed too eye-catching.

But now, Yuan Shang, who is too busy to take care of himself, and even many states and counties have withdrawn the defenders, so how can he take care of the Zhen family? Even if Yuan Shang knows, the Zhen family

doesn't care.

Just kidding, they are all planning to break away from your Yuan clan, so why do you care what you think

? As for saying that Yuan Shang will send troops to intercept him after he knows about it?

Hehe, if you want to say that in normal times, the Zhen family really doesn't dare.

But now, there is only that little new army left under your Yuan Shang, and if you dare to send it out, the Zhen family may not be afraid.

It's just some peasants who have taken up arms, they have not been trained, they have not been on the battlefield, and they can fight the Zhen family's thugs

to protect the courtyard? If you want to talk about Yuan Shang's revenge? The Zhen family is not afraid at all, and it is difficult to protect itself, how can you retaliate against us? Can you

say that you take revenge from a few Zhen family women who married your Yuan family?

Hehe, if Yuan Shang is not ashamed, our Zhen family really doesn't care, but it's just a clan, they are all married, and they are worthless.

"His Royal Highness the King of Chu, there are a total of 10,000 war horses and 500,000 stones of grain and grass here.

Another 500,000 stone grain and grass cannot be delivered temporarily due to poor roads, and His Royal Highness the King of Chu is requested to understand. After

a handover, Zhen Tong, who was fully responsible for contacting Chu State, came to Xiang Ji.

In this regard, Zhen Tong could only look at Xiang Ji with an apologetic face.

After all, it was a million stones promised before, but who would have thought that Lu Bu of the Qin State would actually go out of the Huguan and attack all the way to the left of Yi Yang.

This makes the Zhen family not dare to take out the grain and grass stored in the prefectures and counties in the west of Jizhou, if this is seen by Lu Bu's Xiliang army, won't it be robbed for you directly

? As for why not continue to sell good at both ends to the previous general behavior to fund the Xiliang army?

The Zhen family is not a fool, this kind of thing can not be repeated, if it continues to waver, even if the Zhen family faces the slaughter of the family in the end.

Now that they have decided to support the Chu State, the Zhen family can only hold it tightly when the big ship of the Chu State has not capsized.

"Very good, the sincerity of the Zhen family has been seen by the Lone King. "

Even if the remaining 500,000 stone grain is not given, Xiang Ji is content.

There are 10,000 war horses, this is an urgent need to solve the problem of Xiang Ji at once, not to mention that he has sent enough grain and grass for his army to eat for a year.

This Zhen family is very good.

You must know that it was because the Zhen family had promised the war horse before, but Xiang Ji had already selected 10,000 soldiers who could ride horses in the army, and they were waiting for the war horse to arrive, and they would be upgraded to cavalry immediately.

After all, there are still many people from the Northland in the army under Xiang Ji's command, and it is still possible to select 10,000 out of 100,000 people in the high-end skill of horseback riding.

Now, the war horses have been delivered, and Xiang Ji's command, together with the Canglong Cavalry, has a cavalry formation of nearly 20,000 in an instant.

Although the combat power of the cavalry formed later was far inferior to that of the Canglong Cavalry, the charge of the cavalry corps was not a big problem.

Bidding farewell to Zhen Tong, Xiang Ji proudly summoned the generals in the army.

"Gentlemen, now that the army of my Chu State is well organized, the morale is high, and the grain and grass have received strong support from the Zhen family.

King Gu decided to send troops immediately, and we went directly to Jizhou to fight with Naxi Liang Lu Bu, so that he knew that this Jizhou belonged to our Chu State!"

Nima, what should I do, Lao Tzu, I have worked hard for several days, and finally crippled the Yuan clan in Hebei, and then you came over to pick peaches? Who gave you the face? I am really afraid of you when I am Lao Tzu?

After receiving the order of Xiang Ji, Tai Shici, Zhao Yun and other generals cheered up.

You must know that nearly half a month has passed since the last time Ningjin was conquered.

During this time, the Chu army was angry because of Xiang Ji, but they rectified their military discipline.

First of all, now, the morale of the Chu army is strong, the spirit of war is high, and the grain and grass are abundant, isn't it a good time to send troops to Jizhou?"

After all, this thing itself is good at commanding cavalry, and compared to Zhao Yun, Gao Ran is also more suitable for this job.

You must know that Zhao Yunxiang didn't intend to let him just lead a cavalry.

Just like before, Xiang Ji planned to let Zhao Yun order an army to fight for him.

"Order! Overlord rest assured, the last general Gao Ran will lead the cavalry army to kill the enemy bravely!"

Becoming the chief general of the cavalry, Gao Ran was extremely excited.

As a general, he can be reused so unabashedly, Gao Ran suddenly felt that he was a confidant and died.

"The rest of the generals, march with the Chinese army of Guwang, let's drive away Lu Bu and take Jizhou!"

Hmph, Lu Bu, don't let Lao Tzu and I catch you, otherwise you will regret it, and you dare to come to pick Lao Tzu and my peaches!

With Xiang Ji's order issued, the Chu army in the Ningjin camp moved.

Countless cars converged into a torrent, as if straight to the sky.

You must know that the Chu army's expedition this time, counting the logistics troops transporting the baggage, has reached the scale of more than 300,000 troops.

Yes, more than 300,000, the 200,000 Hebei troops in Ningjin before that, none of them were let go, and all of them were requisitioned and let them be responsible for the transportation of logistics and baggage.

As for security, just kidding, in the face of these Hebei people who had already been killed by the Chu army, Xiang Ji only arranged for 20,000 troops to accompany him, so as to ensure that these prisoners would not cause any trouble.

And this also completely helped the project to solve the problem of transportation.

After all, counting the baggage brought by Xuzhou, plus the ballista team and the 500,000 stone grain and grass enshrined by the Zhen family, without these people, it really can't be transported.

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