"How is it possible!?How is this possible!?" The

two generals fought each other for more than ten rounds, and Zhang He became more and more frightened the more he fought, and the more he fought, the more timid he became.

How is this possible? He has only been separated from Gao Ran for a few years? Why has his strength improved by leaps and bounds

? "Hahaha, Zhang He, aren't you going to challenge Gao? Come, let's continue!"

Compared to Zhang He's consternation, Gao Ran yelled excitedly.

It turned out that since Zhao Yun returned to the team, Xiahou Lan, as Zhao Yun's deputy general, was still angry with Gao Ran in his heart, but he couldn't find trouble with Gao Lan openly, so he could only keep inviting him to fight alone.

Although Xia Houlan thinks that he is not Gao Lan's opponent, Xia Houlan now does not want to defeat Gao Lan, but only wants to be content if he can leave a trace on him.

Unexpectedly, after a few months, there were no traces left on Gao Ran's body, but Xia Houlan's marksmanship was learned by Gao Ran.

You must know that Gao Ran was completely born in the wild road before, and he had never received guidance from a famous teacher at all.

Now, through the sparring with Xiahou Lan night and night, Gao Ran can finally learn marksmanship systematically.

has been improved in skills, Gao Ran's whole person has been sublimated, and his strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

Now in the Chu army, Gao Lan's personal strength has approached Tai Shici and other first-line generals, and he naturally has no loss against Zhang He.

But Zhang He still had an inherent impression of Gao Ran in his heart, which caused him to suffer a big loss from the first round of the fight.

lost the first move, and his own strength was unable to suppress Gao Ran, which made Zhang He completely fall into passivity.

"Zhang He! Look at the gun!" Taking

advantage of Zhang He's stunned doppelganger, the spear in Gao Ran's hand was like a dragon going out to sea, stabbing straight at Zhang He's façade.

Although, they used to be partners in the same palace, although, the two used to be good friends.

But now, since it can be its master, since it has come to the battlefield of the fighting general, it is naturally life and death.

Cowardice had already risen in his heart, Zhang He could only rely on instinct to turn his head to avoid the spear that Gao Ran was stabbing at him, but he never thought that this stabbing blow was just a false move.


It turned out that Gao Ran stabbed this gun and knew that it would not be difficult to dodge according to Zhang He's skills, so he had already retracted his strength, and when Zhang He dodged, the gun turned into a stick and was drawn horizontally against Zhang He's face.

Unprepared, Zhang He was directly thrown under the horse, and fell into a coma with a mouth full of blood.

"Hahaha! Someone, tie up!" Seeing

Zhang He who was in a coma, Gao Ran's momentum was even better.

"Is there no one in the Qin Kingdom?But who else dares to fight with a certain family!"


Seeing that the so-called Hebei famous general Zhang He was actually stunned by Gao Lan for more than ten rounds, Lu Bu suddenly turned blue.

Nima, what kind of famous generals are here? Where did they all come from?

"The king, the last general Zhang Xiu is invited to fight!" Finding

that Lu Bu was furious, Zhang Xiu, who was his descendant, hurriedly stood up.

Through the observation just now, Zhang Xiu has found that the number of guns used by Gao Ran is actually the same as that of him.

This is very interesting.

You must know that as far as Zhang Xiu knows, his master Tong Yuan has only two disciples, Xichuan Zhang Ren, who is himself.

But now, this Gao Ran can actually use Tong Yuan's spear skills, which makes Zhang Xiuchong full of interest.

It's just that how did he know that after Tong Yuan taught Zhang Ren and him, he accepted Zhao Yun as a closed disciple?

"Very good, Zhang Xiu, you must give this high view to the Lone King and I will take it!"

Regarding Zhang He's defeat and capture, Lu Bu didn't have the slightest feeling.

It's just a new person who has recently joined the team, and he is still a player who only has fame and no strength, and if he folds, he will fold.

But this face problem is something that Lu Bu can't accept no matter what.

Let's not talk about who wins and who loses after fighting with that class, that is, if the generals under his command lose too much before the two of them fight, then Lu Bu will not be able to bear it either.

got Lu Bu's consent, Zhang Xiu's legs were clamped, and the war horse under his crotch shot out.

"Gao Lan, Hugh is arrogant, I am Zhang Xiu, the gun king of the North!" Seeing Zhang Xiu

fighting, Gao Lan was still interested.


Zhang Xiu's name, Xiang Ji vaguely remembered that Tong Yuan, who seemed to be Zhao Yun's master, had accepted a total of three apprentices, one of which was Zhang Xiu.

As for Fan Juan and Xiahou Lan, they were just piggybacking when teaching Zhao Yun, and they could only be regarded as registered disciples.

"Zilong, have you ever heard of this embroidery?"

Curious, Xiang Ji reflexively asked Zhao Yun beside him.

This Tong Yuan's strength seems to be really good, but it's a pity that he didn't catch up with the good times, and just let a few apprentices be active in this war-torn world.

"My lord, Yun has not heard of it. Obviously

, Tong Yuan only taught Zhao Yun the art of spearmanship, but he didn't tell him about his past experience, or anything like Zhao Yun's fellowship.

No longer paying attention to anything else, Xiang Ji put the main force on the battlefield.

I saw that Gao Ran and Zhang Xiu had fought for more than ten rounds in the moment when Xiang Ji was distracted.

But the result was expected by Da Chu Xiang.

Gao Ran, who was actually pressed and beaten by Zhang Xiu? Even a bloody hole had been pierced in his shoulder?

Because the two marksmans were of the same origin, and their fighting techniques were almost identical.

But Gao Ran is just from a wild road, but Zhang Xiu has been taught by Tong Yuan's Eight Classics, and the gap is naturally very obvious.

If Gao Ran didn't rely on techniques, but used his previous bravery to fight with Zhang Xiu with his sense of smell on the battlefield, the result would not be like this.

However, he recently learned spearmanship, and even defeated Yan Xing and Zhang He with this spearmanship, Gao Ran completely fell into superstitious marksmanship.

This also made him fall into disadvantage the moment he fought with Zhang Xiu.

Although Gao Ran had already realized that something was wrong, but helplessly, just like Zhang He before, he had lost his first move, and he could only be dealt with and beaten.

"Hahaha, what a high-minded view, but that's it. Gao

Ran was completely suppressed, and Zhang Xiu became even more excited.

This guy, what kind of bullshit marksmanship he uses, it's just a vain shape.

Come to think of it, I'm afraid I don't know where to steal the teacher, right?

Today, I, Zhang Xiu, will let you see what the real marksmanship is!

His heart moved at will, and the spear in Zhang Xiu's hand was swung even faster by him, constantly stabbing at Gao Dian everywhere around him.

In the face of the arrogant Zhang Xiu, Gao Ran, who fell into passivity, could only silently persist.

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