Ma Chao panicked.

Yes, Ben was still excited, and Ma Chao, who thought that King Qin's reinforcements had arrived, panicked again.

Why? Why after a long time, there is still not a single Xiliang soldier armor appearing? Why

? The killing cries in the rear of

the Chu army are getting weaker and weaker? Why? There are more and more Chu troops surrounding him

? "Hahaha! Ma Chao, you are finished, your Qin reinforcements have been defeated by General Tai Shici, and now they are busy fleeing for their lives, right? You better quickly dismount and surrender!" Finally,

Gao Ran answered the doubts in Ma Chao's heart.

Ma Chao didn't understand the situation, could Gao Ran still not understand?

Most of the Chu troops who came to surround Ma Chao one after another came from the rear.

If it weren't for Tai Shi Ci's victory, how could the rear army have the spare strength to assist him in capturing and killing

Ma Chao? !!

was shocked to hear Gao Lan's words, and Ma Chao already believed most of it in his heart.

This seems to be true, damn it! Who is leading the Xiliang Iron Cavalry that came later? Why is it such a waste? You can even make a little more impact, so that Ma Ye and I can see your existence!

And at this moment, the waste that Ma Chao was worried about was also depressed.

Damn, Lao Tzu, why did I rush so fast?

Yes, Yan Xing had been leading the charge in front of the cavalry formation before, which also caused him to naturally fall to the tail when he retreated.

And what happened to the tail wing? Naturally, he was caught up by Tai Shici.

Just kidding, wearing it so obviously, and giving the order to retreat, it must be the commander of this Xiliang Iron Cavalry, who will you catch if you don't catch it?

Although Tai Shici suffered some injuries in the battle with Ma Chao before, the pressure on Shang Yan Xing was not great.

Even if they can't take you, can't they hold you back?

As long as they delay you for a moment, a large number of Chu troops will naturally rush to encircle them.

As for Yan Xing's Xiliang Iron Cavalry? Just kidding, didn't you see that he had already fled far away?

Now, all the Xiliang Iron Cavalry was just a thought

, escape! As long as they could escape from this place, who would care about anything else? Those who were caught up could only consider themselves unlucky.

"Tai Shi Ci, you can't stop me!" Knowing

that if he was delayed, he was afraid that he would have no chance to escape, Yan Xing flew with a spear in his hand, just hoping to force Tai Shi Ci in front of him to retreat.

Unfortunately, he is just Yan Xing and not Ma Chao.

If it was Ma Chao in a desperate state, then Tai Shici would never be able to stop and dare not stop him.

But although this Yan Xing's strength is not bad, it is not enough for Tai Shici.

Hmph, you're crazy, I don't expect to defeat you just like that, as long as you are firmly dragged here, the purpose of that family has been achieved.

Facing Tai Shici, who was bent on defense and delaying, Yan Xing was tragic.

Countless times I wanted to break away from the war group, but I was always entangled by Tai Shici.

If you ignore

him, just kidding, let's not talk about Tai Shici's double whip that keeps beating horses and running around him.

It's his archery skills, and he can't bear it.

You must know that in the battle between Tai Shici and Ma Chao before, Yan Xing saw it in his eyes for a moment.

Tai Shi Ci's unpredictable archery technique really made Yan Xing feel frightened.

"General Qin, just tie your hands and capture it, you can't escape!" Because

he hadn't seen Yan Xing before, Tai Shici didn't know his name.

If it is Gao Ran who comes at this time, then it is really an enemy meeting.

And just when Yan Xing was entangled by Tai Shici, Ma Chao, who was trapped in an ambush circle, broke out.

"Death to those who stand in my way!" The

spear in his hand flipped over, and Ma Chao finally rushed to a way out of the way for himself after being injured by several Chu soldiers.

Ignoring the Xiliang Iron Horse that was collapsing behind him, Ma Chao, who had escaped from the encirclement, desperately slapped the war horse under his crotch.

At this moment, the only thing Ma Chao thought in his heart was to quickly break through the encirclement of the Chu army and escape.

You must know that if he is captured by the Chu army at this time, then Ma Chao's only choice is to surrender.

After all, he is still young, and Ma Chao is absolutely unwilling to die.

What's more, for the Qin State and Lu Bu, Ma Chao really doesn't have much loyalty at all.

Being able to obey Lu Bu's orders is just forced by the facts.

But if he surrendered, his father, brothers, and all the clansmen would probably be killed by Lu Bu, the king of Qin.

This is also unacceptable to Ma Chao.

Therefore, now that I have gotten rid of Gao Ran and other Ma Chao, I really don't care about it.

As long as you can escape, nothing else matters.

The war horse galloped at a rapid pace under the urging of Ma Chao, and soon crossed the giant tree barricade.

After all, this kind of giant wood is easy to use to block large-scale cavalry, but it is really difficult to use it to stop Ma Chao on a single horse.

"Chase! can't let him escape!" Although

this battle has taken down all the 10,000 Xiliang Iron Cavalry led by Ma Chao, Gao Ran is not satisfied with this.

Just kidding, if this is run away by Ma Chao, the credit will inevitably be greatly discounted.

The duck that was already almost in his mouth, how could he see him flying like this?

In a fit of rage, Gao Ran did not wait for the left and right armor to follow, and also frantically slapped the war horse and chased after Ma Chao.

Overnight, Ma Chao, who was running frantically, fought all the way out of the encirclement and came to the place where Tai Shici and Yan Xing fought.

When Ma Chao saw that it was Yan Xing who was delaying Tai Shici, he immediately burst into tears.

Good comrade, good brother!

Running all the way, Ma Chao had already discovered that it was not the Qin army that he thought was coming.

I'm afraid that Lu Bu didn't send an army to his palace all the way to himself.

The chaos in the rear of the Chu army before was precisely because of the discovery of this army.

Although he had already guessed the approximate situation, Ma Chao had no intention of assisting Yan Xing.

Just kidding, as long as Ma Ye and I can escape, then your Yan Xing's sacrifice is worthwhile!

Of course, this is just Ma Chao's own opinion.

When Yan Xing saw Ma Chao, who was fleeing for his life, staggered past him without hesitation, his eyes were suddenly blood-red, and he couldn't suppress a mouthful of blood anymore, and spit it out directly.

This Nima, it's not righteous enough, isn't it? Lao Tzu, I gave up my life to save you, and then you repay Lao Tzu like this

? Even if you hesitate, Lao Tzu, I feel better, right?

Obviously, Yan Xing forgot that when he found out that the situation was not good, he also planned to leave Ma Chao and escape.

It's just that this product was unlucky, and it was targeted by Tai Shici.

At the same time, this product does not have the strength of Ma Chao, so he can only spurt his own blood, and then watch Ma Chao's back gradually drift away.

As for Tai Shici, who was fighting against Yan Xing

, of course, he also discovered Ma Chao who was passing by by mistake.

But what's the matter, he is already injured, and it is not easy to hold back a Yan Xing, so how can he ignore Ma Chao?

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