Jizhou, Shexian County.

"King, the scouts have found out that there are only 10,000 defenders of the Qin State above

the Huguan!" Yuan Shang, who led the army to the expedition, had come to Shexian at the foot of the Huguan for two days, but because he had no bottom in his heart, he never ordered a general attack on Huguan.

In this regard, Xu You also has no opinion.

If you like to stay stunned, anyway, I have secretly let the scouts of the Qin State go, and Lu Bu must have known the situation by now.

This is completely enough for Xu You.

Whether you can fight or not is not the most important thing, as long as you can distract Lu Bu's army, it has already created enough advantages for the Chu State.

Of course, if the defense of Huguan is weak, such as the situation in front of him, then Xu You will definitely not mind Yuan Shang taking Huguan.

In this way, the credit can be greater, isn't it?"

"King, it's time!" The

opportunity to make meritorious service has arrived, and of course Xu You will not let it go easily.

Just kidding, if 150,000 people can't beat 10,000 people, then it's better to quickly withdraw to Yecheng to wash and sleep.

Yes, this time Yuan Shang personally went out on the expedition, and only left 50,000 soldiers to defend Yecheng, and the rest of the armor was all taken out by him, including even the last 30,000 veterans in Hebei.

If these 30,000 veterans are folding in, then there really is no veteran who has been on the battlefield in Hebei.

Therefore, for this battle, Yuan Shang is also extraordinarily concerned.

After all, as long as this battle is over, then these recruits can be regarded as being trained, and it is expected to become veterans of the first war, isn't it?"

Hmph, Lu Bu and Xiang Ji, you can fight, fight hard, as long as you give the Lone King time, then you will all end up defeated in the hands of the Lone King!

And at this moment, Lu Bu and Xiang Ji, who were worried about Yuan Shang, had already led their respective soldiers to the agreed Julu Zuo Near.

"Xiang Ji! Today, the rules of the fighting array have changed, I don't know if you dare to accept it?"

Seeing Xiang Ji coming as promised, Lu Bu breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

You must know that time is life for Xiliang Army now.

For every point of delay, then the chances of losing the pass are one point greater, and the news of the spread of the news is also one point greater.

At present, the Xiliang army did not know that Huguan was attacked by Yuan Shang, so it was okay to stay in Jizhou with peace of mind to fight with the Chu army of the same nationality.

But if the news spreads, mutiny is inevitable.

Therefore, Lu Bu is really afraid that there will be some moth in this book suddenly, and he will have some kind of change or also receive the news that the pot has changed.

If the Chu army avoided the battle and delayed his Xiliang army, then Lu Buke would really lose his ground.

Fortunately, the account arrived as scheduled.

"Change the rules, how do you want

to change the law?" As soon as he arrived, Xiang Ji heard Lu Bu say that he wanted to change the rules of the fighting array, and immediately sneered.

This guy was abused by Lao Tzu, and now he will play with his heart

? This Nima also has a temporary change of rules? Lao Tzu, I want to see how you want to change the law.

If it's good for Lao Tzu, then everything is easy to say, if it's a special moth or something, then Lao Tzu and I won't play with you.

Yes, although the Chu army won yesterday, only a few hundred people survived in the end, and most of them were wounded, and I am afraid that there are few people who can return to the battlefield in the future.

In this regard, Xiang Ji is also very painful.

But after all, what you say is like water spilled out.

He has already promised Lu Bu, and there is no possibility of repentance.

However, if this Lu Bu took the initiative to give an excuse, that title would definitely not be polite.

Now, after repeated setbacks, the Xiliang army has long been exhausted, and its morale is also not as good as before.

"King Gu believes that since it is a battle formation between soldiers and armor, it is natural to exclude the factor of military generals.

Therefore, King Gu thought that in this array, we would only send soldiers to participate in the battle and not send generals to accompany us!"

Aren't you a great general? I won't play with you anymore, let's only fight, not fight, I don't believe that you have ridden the dragon to fight the lone king and my wolf ride.


hearing Lu Bu's words, Xiang Ji almost burst out laughing.

This goods, tomorrow is yesterday I was scared, I know that Lao Tzu's fierce generals are like clouds, and I am afraid that I will give him a pre-battle to cut the general?

Unexpectedly, this Lu Bu is not stupid, and he also knows how to promote his strengths and avoid weaknesses.

However, I'm scared of the soldiers?

Although Xiang Ji was very confident in Canglong Cavalry, he didn't plan to agree to Lu Bu so cheaply.


Lu Bu, don't let me look down on you, if you're afraid, you can say directly, I'm not a person without a stomach."

If you admit that you are not as good as the lone king, this lone king can be regarded as a peace.

Who will command the soldiers in battle?

"It is rare to seize the opportunity to break the morale of the opponent with words, and Xiang Ji will definitely not let it go.

It doesn't matter what you think, I'll taunt you first before anything else.

Sure enough, after listening to Xiang Ji's ridicule, Lu Bu suddenly became angry and out of his body.

If it

weren't for the fact that he was concerned about the war in the rear, Lu Bu would really like to launch a general attack on the Chu army of Xiang Ji.

But for the sake of the overall situation, Lu Bu could only force himself to suppress the anger.

"Xiang Ji, Hugh wants to take advantage of that tongue with the lonely king.

Lonely King, I think you're scared, right? Don't you dare, in a word!" Lu

Bu knew that he was at a loss, if he had a verbal fight with Xiang Ji, he would definitely lose.

Therefore, he simply bypassed the topic directly, and just used the method of agitation to provoke the promise of his own conditions.

But Xiang Ji is not stupid, the more anxious you are, the more proud I am of Lao Tzu.

After a battle of words, Lu Bu was defeated in the end.

Each army has a general in charge of commanding the troops, but his position must be at the rank of general or below.

The compromised Lu Bu still said his bottom line.

Hmph, you know all the generals under your command, and under the partial generals, can you still find one who can fight?

You must know that the commander of the wolf cavalry in Bingzhou is just a captain of the Yue cavalry, and his official position is one level lower than that of the partial general.

This is also an eye of Lu Buliu.

Hmph, the royal gate under the command of the lonely king, but at least it is also the existence of the same level as Wei Xu and the others!

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