Face the furious Lu Bu. Xiang Ji can only deal with it with a defensive posture first.

After all, Lu Bu is a way of exchanging injuries for injuries and fighting with his life, and Xiang Ji doesn't want to fight with this product in the end.

If that's the case, it's a joke.

It's just that the score fell into disadvantage as soon as he fought, which in the eyes of others, Lu Bu's strength surpassed Xiang Ji's, and he completely suppressed it.

In this regard, Xiang Ji could only smile helplessly.

Who knows, what kind of madness is this Lu Bu, it's only been a few rounds, and there is no temptation, so he just starts to work hard? It's just

that how does Xiang Ji know, Lu Bu is anxious.

If you can't defeat Xiang Ji quickly, then if you delay it, your own wolf ride will really become history.

This, but Lu Bu has been following the personal soldiers since he started his family, and Lu Bu is reluctant to let him be wiped out no matter what.

If you want to say that the whole army directly launched a general attack to rescue the wolf riders in the state

? Wouldn't that be ridiculed by people

? Wouldn't it make the world say that you Lu Bu has no integrity?

Therefore, the only way to do this is to fight with this Chu king Xiang Ji alone.

As long as he can defeat this clan, then presumably his dragon rider will be affected.

And as long as the wolf rider is given the opportunity to get close, then even if the Canglong rider has an advantage in numbers, it is definitely not the opponent of the wolf rider under his command.

In this regard, Lu Bu is still very confident.

What's more, the battle on Huguan's side also made Lu Bu have to fight a decisive battle with this nationality.

Only a quick battle can get the Xiliang army out of the predicament in front of them.

However, everything is too beautiful to envision, but the reality is contrary to one's own vision.

Lu Bu overestimated his own strength, but underestimated Xiang Ji's strength.

Originally, Lu Bu planned to win the title at the cost of injury, but now, Lu Bu is riding a tiger.

Why has this damn Xiang Ji's strength also become so much stronger?

Damn, damn it!

The expected quick battle could no longer be achieved, and Lu Bu became more and more eager.

Outsiders can't see it, but Lu Bu himself knows that if this goes on for a long time, then when his own qi is exhausted, he will definitely be the one who fails.

This nationality is just looking embarrassed, but Lu Bu, the tiger's mouth has already begun to burst due to the effect of the anti-shock.

Just when Lu Bu was anxiously attacking and Xiang was defending conservatively, the battle between the Canglong Cavalry and the Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry took a turn.

Several rounds of arrows rained down, and the formation of the wolf riders in the state had become taunting.

At present, less than half of the three thousand wolf riders in Bingzhou were at the time of the battle, but they still did not give up, and they were still desperately slapping the war horses under their crotches, hoping to get close to the dragon riders.

This is the belief of the wolf riding in the state.

Even if you fight to the last man, you will never give up on striking at the enemy, and you will never give up the will to fight.

Wang Men, the main general of the wolf rider, no longer scolded Xia Houlan angrily, but just slapped the war horse under his crotch with blood-red eyes.

Because he knows that the more fierce you scold this scoundrel on the other side, the more excited he will be.

But just when Wang Men's heart gradually began to despair, the words shouted from Xiahou Lan's mouth stunned him.

"Brothers, enough is playing, it's time for these beast armies to see our true combat effectiveness!

The whole army listens to the order, Canglong rides, arrays, chariots hang formations, and charges!" With

Xiahoulan's order, the Canglong riders who were still galloping wildly on their horses reined in their crotch and fought their horses.

Immediately, the rear formation changed to the front formation, and with a roar, the Canglong Rider launched a charge against the Bingzhou Wolf Rider who was chasing after him.

Seeing that the Canglong rider actually reflexively engaged in hand-to-hand combat with himself, including the royal gate, all the wolf riders in Bingzhou shouted excitedly, just wanting to vent all their previous anger.

However, as the Canglong Rider approached, the Bingzhou Wolf Rider was surprised to find that this seemingly loose formation was actually arranged in an orderly manner, and the distance between each rider was almost the same.

What!? How is this possible!

? Could it be that there really is such a formation in this world

as a car suspension formation? You must know that when Xia Houlan shouted out the car suspension formation before, Wang Men just regarded it as a joke.

Just kidding, this is the strongest cavalry formation invented by King Zhao Wuling, who created Hufu cavalry and archery in the ancient Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

Today, it has been lost for countless years, and it is just a legend.

Many people do this because they don't have this formation in the world, and it's just the product of false rumors.

But today, under the charge of the Canglong Cavalry, Wang Men suddenly realized that this car was hanging in formation, and it seemed that it really existed between this piece of heaven and earth.

The car suspension formation, as the name suggests, is a tactic specially applied to cavalry.

When fighting, the formation is arranged into multiple formations that do not push each other, which is a pure assault tactic.

When it attacked, it did not rush in a swarm like other formations, but formed a wave-like layered charge.

The emphasis was on the spacing and coordination between the various cavalry, which was equivalent to a cavalry version of the tapered formation, except that it was wider and narrower in depth.

This also makes the car suspension array can exert more powerful destructive power and impact power when the cavalry charges and fights.

Now, what the wolf rider is facing is this car suspension formation that has been lost in ancient legends!

As for why the dragon rider has this formation, this has to mention one person, Yu Ji.

Yes, it's that obscene old Taoist.

I haven't seen this product, but I really dabbled in a lot of miscellaneous studies.

Even for military law and tactics, Jia Xu and others have specifically discussed with them.

Although most of these goods are on paper, there are also dry goods after all.

For example, the suspension of the car used by the Canglong rider in front of him was a great contribution of Yu Ji to the Chu State.

According to his own words, he picked it from a lone book that has long been lost.

There is no doubt about this membership.

After all, when Qin Shi Huang burned books and pit Confucianism, there were too many lonely books scattered all over the people, and it was not surprising that this old liar could get one.

This method of warfare has not been used before, and the requirements for the coordination between the cavalry are too high, and even the Canglong Cavalry cannot fully exert the power of this array.

But right now, these three thousand elite dragon riders are all proficient in the existence of the car suspension array.

As the commander, since Xia Houlan has a heart for a bag, how can he not show it off? As for

the wolf riding in the state,

it can only be gloriously become the background cloth under the ancient legend formation.

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