
of years ago, on this giant deer land, the former overlord of Western Chu led the Chu army to victory.

Now, thousands of years later, under the leadership of the overlord, we will still win this battle!"

Under the several rounds of charges of the Xiliang Iron Cavalry, nearly 20,000 soldiers of the Chu army fell forever on this vast land.

Here, thousands of years ago, it was once the giant deer battlefield where the overlord of Western Chu destroyed Qin.

Here, thousands of years later, the Chu army and the Qin army fought for hegemony in order to dominate the north.

Eight thousand children went out of Jiangdong, fought in the yellow sand, and soaked in blood, just for a belief in their hearts.

Where the Overlord Soldier is pointing is where his will goes.

Under the call of Zhao Yun and other generals, the Chu army was suddenly attacked by the Xiliang Iron Cavalry, which caused the low morale to rise again.

Confused, vanished.

The fighting spirit returned to the heart of the Chu army from the new.

All the Chu soldiers became fanatical.

Yes, thousands of years ago, we Chu people could win.

Thousands of years later, how can we disgrace our ancestors?

"Kill!" "For the Chu State!" "For the overlord!"

"Kill! For the glory of the ancestors!" The

confused Chu army once again took out the blade in his hand and was not afraid in the face of the oncoming Xiliang Iron Cavalry Chu army soldiers.

Who said that the infantry could not defeat the cavalry? Who said that the cavalry that charged up was unstoppable?

In the face of the Xiliang Iron Cavalry, the Chu army was no longer afraid.

Countless Chu troops jumped up at the oncoming Xiliang Iron Cavalry, hoping to take the knight off their horses.

Countless Chu troops waved their blades at the oncoming Xiliang Iron Cavalry, hoping to cut off the horse and retreat, causing it to fall under the horse.

Countless wounded Chu troops formed a human wall with their own flesh and blood, and the Xiliang Iron Cavalry, which charged fiercely, only hoped to stop the Xiliang Iron Cavalry's charging footsteps and create an opportunity for the friendly troops behind them to kill them.

Under the frantic interception of the Chu army, the pace of the Xiliang Iron Cavalry's attack was stopped, and the pace of the charge stopped.

Immediately, a large area of the Chu army came in a surge and besieged the Xiliang Iron Cavalry Regiment stationed in front of the horse.

The blades flew and roared.

In the face of such a Chu army, all the Xiliang iron cavalry were stunned.

I think they have been crisscrossing the outside world for many years, and when have they ever seen such an army?

In the face of the cavalry's group charge, they did not dodge or dodge.

relied on flesh and blood to form a human wall to completely stop the cavalry's charge.

Having lost its impact, the cavalry threat was naturally absent.

Facing the Chu army, which was several times its size, the Xiliang Iron Cavalry suddenly fell into a disadvantage.

There were constantly knights who were thrown from their horses by the Chu army.

Knights are constantly being slain by thousands of weapons on all sides.

There were knights on the battlefield who let out desperate screams before dying.

The killing continues, the fighting continues.

Besieged by the Chu Legion, Zhang Xiu, as the general of the cavalry, was naturally in a hurry.

However, in the face of the Chu army with three layers inside and three layers outside, the Xiliang Iron Cavalry was unable to rush through this human defense line at all.

There are constantly knights dying on the battlefield, and there are constantly knights letting out unwilling and desperate roars.

"Damn! Chu Jun, who dares to fight with me Zhang Xiu!" knocked

several Chu soldiers who rushed towards him into the air, Zhang Xiu's eyes were bloody.

The Xiliang army, the defeat has been decided.

But Zhang Xiu was unwilling, unwilling to let the Xiliang Iron Cavalry, which had once galloped on the battlefield, end up with such a fate.

Now, for Zhang Xiu, the only way is to seek a fighting general, to seek the opportunity to kill the commander of the Chu army.

If the commander of the Chu army can be killed, then taking advantage of the short chaos of the Chu army, the Xiliang Iron Cavalry will still have a chance to break out of the encirclement.

Although it is slim, this is the only opportunity that Zhang Xiu can seize.


Zhang Xiu's call, Zhao Yun, who was the commander, immediately looked at him.

Sure enough.

The general who was holding a spear and was constantly rushing to kill in the battle array was Zhang Xiu.

"Zhang Xiu! Don't be rampant, Changshan Zhao Zilong is here!" Seeing

that Zhang Xiu was constantly abusing and killing the Chu army's soldiers, Zhao Yun naturally couldn't let it go.

These were all soldiers of the Chu army, how could Zhao Yun see that they were tortured and killed by Zhang Xiu one by one when they could not resist

? Zhao Yun!?

Hearing Zhao Yun, Zhang Xiu was immediately shocked.

Damn, the chief general of this Chu army turned out to be

Zhao Yun? Why is he here? Shouldn't he lead the main force to launch an attack on the Xiliang Central Army?

You must know that after Tai Shi Ci was seriously injured, the highest-ranking military general in Chu must have been Zhao Yun.

As the military general with the highest official rank, isn't it precisely the one who should sit in the Chinese

army? Why did he appear among the partial divisions of this Chu army

? What about Ma Chao and them? Why didn't they stop this Zhao Yun?

You must know that on the battlefield, there is always soldier against soldier and general against general.

For a military general of Zhao Yun's level, it must be a general of the same grade to resist.

Only in this way can it limit its impact on the formation of the headquarters and limit its torture and killing of the armor of the headquarters.

But now, Zhao Yun actually appeared in this Chu army.

This surprised Zhang Xiu.

It's just that how did Zhang Xiu know that Ma Chao, who was sorry for his loyalty, saw that the situation was not good, and he had already fled before the Chu army charged.

Just kidding, Ma Ye, I don't have the surname Lu, and I don't have a widowed aunt who was slept with by that Lu Bu, why should I fight to the death for Ma Ye?

You know, Lu Bu himself has already fled.

And it was because of the escape of Ma Chao and other generals that the Xiliang Army was even more unbearable in the face of the general attack of the Chu army.

After all, the general is the courage of the army.

The generals have all fled, where is the courage?

This is also because it is the Xiliang Army, and it is a strong army in the world with its own pride.

Otherwise, in the face of such a situation, I am afraid that there would have been a large-scale desertion mutiny long ago.

However, the current Xiliang Army is only barely holding on.

It's just one moment away.

Yes, there is an opportunity for the collapse of the whole army.

Today's Xiliang army has long been panicked and demoralized.

As long as anything that hits its morale at the flashpoint, then the Xiliang army will immediately fall into a complete rout.

This is just like the battle of the giant deer in history thousands of years ago.

Facing the Jiangdong Chu army, which was like a rainbow and fought desperately.

The old Qin army panicked and was afraid, and the consequence was that they completely lost the courage to fight with the Jiangdong Chu army.

In the end, 300,000 old Qin troops surrendered to the Chu army.

This also completely led to the demise of the Great Qin Empire established by the First Emperor.

Now, the Western Liang Qin State established by Lu Bu will also repeat this history thousands of years later.

The Chu army's rush was like a wave, wave after wave, constantly impacting the Xiliang Chinese army.

On the battlefield, the desperate screams of the soldiers were constantly heard.

The panicked Xiliang army was confused.

Why? Why, under the general attack of the Chu army, they could not see their own king, they could not see their own generals.

It's just how they know.

They have long been abandoned....

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