Jizhou, Jing County.

Just when the army of Chu was being reorganized after the war, in Jing County, far away under the Taihang Mountain in Jizhou, a general wearing a ghost head armor, holding a Fang Tian halberd, and riding a red rabbit horse came here.

This person is Lu Bu, who has been riding a horse and galloping all night.

You must know that the red rabbit horse, as the king of horses, can naturally travel thousands of miles.

This is still injured when fighting with Xiang Ji before, otherwise the speed will only be faster.

Today's Lu Bu has long lost the high spirits when the soldiers came out of the pot.

The whole body is embarrassed, the people are sleepy, and the people are tired, so let's talk about the current Lu Bu first.

In the Battle of Julu, Lu Bu didn't have to guess to know that his Xiliang army was completely finished.

For the sake of today, it can only return to Merge Zhou, and then lead the remnants of the army to withdraw to Chang'an.

After all, Lu Bu is not stupid.

He had previously sent out the 100,000 army in Huguan, but it was the most elite army in the entire Xiliang, and the combat effectiveness of the other troops was far weaker than that army.

But now, the 100,000 army is all folded in Julu, and Lu Bu has no intention of competing for the same nationality, so it is true that he should quickly flee back to Chang'an to lock the pass and lick his wounds.

As for the future, Lu Bu, who has recovered his strength from the new one, will still compete with the same nationality again, but he has no plans at the moment.

ran wildly all the way, just because Lu Bu knew that Yuan Shang was attacking Huguan.

If this is broken, it will be difficult to return to the state.

Not everyone has the courage to cross the Taihang Mountains.

The camphor beast is not terrible, but what is really terrible is that it is lost in the deep mountains.

In this era, if you are really lost and deep in the mountains, it is difficult to get out.

As for why Zhao Yun dared to lead a large army through the Taihang Mountains, it was only because Zhao Yun himself grew up in this Zuo Jin, and he studied art with that Tong Yuan in the deep mountains of Taihang, so it was a dangerous situation for others, but it was too common for Zhao Yun.

Then Zhao Jia and the others took Zhao Yun to flee through the Taihang Mountain, which can only be said to be a helpless move under duress.

Now, Lu Bu has become a loner.

In this regard, Lu Bu could only reluctantly accept this cruel fact, who would let himself be fast

? Can't you call the big guy to run together, right? As for who can escape and who can't escape in the future, Lu Bu is too lazy to care, as long as the lonely king is still here, then Daqin will not fall! This is

Lu Bu's confidence in himself.

After a short pause, Lu Bu urged the red rabbit under his crotch to gallop towards the kettle.

I just hope that the pot will not be lost so quickly...

At this time, Yuan Shang's Hebei army had already attacked Huguan for a whole day.

However, in the face of Huguan, which was only guarded by 10,000 people, Yuan Shang's Hebei army was unable to move an inch.

You must know that Huguan is a dangerous pass in the world, and now it is guarded by the Xiliang Army, whose combat power far exceeds that of the Hebei Army, and the difficulty of overcoming it is not a little bit.

Even if you have a lot of soldiers in Hebei, but after all, the area of the pot pass is so large, you can't

spread it all out, right?" "Attack! Don't stop! Even if you fill it with corpses, you have to fill this pot pass for Gu Wang and me!"

Obviously, Yuan Shang has made a desperate bet.

Since it has been decided to sneak attack the Huguan, it is natural to do all your best to capture it.

In order to have this, the Hebei Army can have a future.

Otherwise, not to mention the loss of the army, and in the end, Lu Bu was evil, and the Yuan clan of Hebei really came to an end.

After all, as the son of Yuan Shao, the former overlord of Hebei, although Yuan Shang is immature and cowardly, he still has a strategic vision.

Now, under the fierce attack of the Hebei army at any cost, Huguan has also been crumbling, as if it may be conquered by the Hebei army at any time.

As the guard of the pot pass, Li Kan had already jumped up and down in a hurry.

However, the number of troops in Huguan is so small, and the messenger who went to the party for help has not yet returned, and now Huguan can only rely on himself.

"General! The brothers are almost unstoppable! The combat strength of the Hebei Army is not strong, but there are too many people, and the brothers have not closed their eyes all night, and now they have reached the limit!" Hearing

the report from his command, Li Kan felt even more bleak in the future.

But if you want to say that you abandoned the pass and fled? Li Kan is not so bold.

Lu Bu, the king of Qin, is not a good-tempered person, if this is investigated later, he Li Kan will not be able to bear Lu Bu's anger.

As for the surrender of the Hebei Army, no joke.

Li Kan died stupidly, and he would not make such a brainless choice.

This Hebei Army also bullied and bullied Huguan, which had insufficient garrison strength.

In the face of any Xiliang army, can he be an opponent? I'm afraid that if he hadn't seen Lu Bu, he would have fled a long time ago?

And just when Li Kan was thinking about Lu Bu incomparably, in the rear of the Hebei army, a fiery red figure suddenly rushed out.

"Lu Bu is here, and those who stand in my way will die!" "Rushing all the way, Lu Bu

finally arrived before Huguan was lost.

When he saw the smoke above Huguan from a distance, killing and shaking the sky, he immediately knew that the Hebei army had not yet captured Huguan.

This, what else is there to say, you must take this opportunity to rush into the pass.

Facing Xiang Ji, Lu Bu lost his courage.

But in the face of the Hebei army that was sorry for this battle, Lu Bu would never be polite.

At this time, Lu Bu showed why he was called the Flying General!

The red rabbit horse was fast, and as Lu Bu's voice fell, he had already led him into the Hebei military formation.

The halberd in Fang Tian's hand waved wildly, and a large area of the Hebei army was knocked down by its sweep.

"Someone! What happened to

the rear army?" Discovering the riot in the rear army, Yuan Shang, who was in command of the Chinese army, hurriedly asked questions about it.

"Report! It's Lu Bu, it's Lu Bu, it's Lu Bu, the king of Qin! Lu Bu is here!"

When Yuan Shang heard that it was Lu Bu who came in person, he was shocked and almost fell under the horse.

How could this Nima Lu Bu come? How could it be? Wasn't he fighting against that person who was in Julu Zuo? How could it be so fast?

"Military Division, Military Division, what should I do? What should I do? Then Lu Bu is here!"

Obviously, when Yuan Shang heard the news of Lu Bu's arrival, all his previous high spirits, calm and capable disappeared.

Hearing Lu Bu's attack, Xu You was also taken aback.

Shouldn't this be completely illogical? Is that a fool? Watching the Xiliang army withdraw

? No! There must be something wrong with this

! "Quick! Go and find out, how many soldiers and horses did Lu Bu bring?"

The most important thing now is to confirm how many soldiers and armor Lu Bu has brought.

If the Xiliang army or the Xiliang iron cavalry arrived with Lu Bu, then there would be no need to fight this battle, and they would each run for their lives.

But if it was only hundreds or even thousands of riders, Xu You would never mind eating Lu Bu in one bite.

This is a great credit!

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