"Hurry up! stop him!"

In the face of Xiang Ji's sudden charge, the unprepared Wuheng cavalry was in chaos.

Although, it has a numerical advantage.

Although, the Wuheng people are all cavalry.

But because the Wuheng people don't know the formation, the formation they are marching in is completely a large number of cavalry loosely arranged together, and there is no depth at all.

"Death to those who stand in my way!"

Xiang Ji swept across with a halberd in one hand, and the Wuheng cavalry who resisted in front of him either broke their weapons and cracked their mouths, or they were knocked off their horses and fainted by the momentum.

The overlord halberd in his hand flew over, and Xiang Ji rode alone in the Wuheng army array, as if no one was in the realm, no one could block Xiang Ji's next blow, and no one dared to be Xiang Ji's next blow.

Faced with the Demon God-like Xiang Ji, the Wuheng cavalry suddenly lost courage.

"Shoot arrows! Shoot! Can't let him rush over! Shoot him!" Seeing

that his own soldiers couldn't delay Xiang Ji for even a second, he panicked when he was in the Chinese army.

How long has it been? How long has it been?

This monster who claimed to be the king of Chu killed hundreds of Wuheng cavalry, and even rushed forward hundreds of meters towards him.

If he was allowed to continue to charge, wouldn't Ben Shan Yu have to face this monster head-on?

can look at the item in front of him, thinking about his skills, he was decisively coaxed.

This is not an opponent at the same level at all.

Ordinary generals face this kind of situation of being encircled, even if you can break through, I am afraid that you can only defend hard.

But what about this one? This is simply to regard the Wuheng cavalry as if it were nothing, and every time the overlord halberd is wielded, it will take the lives of several Wuheng people.

Under such a majestic situation, how could Badun have the courage to go to battle?


Under Badun's order, the panicked Wuheng cavalry hurriedly shot out the arrows in their hands.



The jingle sound came from Xiang Ji's body.

In the face of the rain of arrows that the Wuheng people even had arrows that were mostly half wooden, Xiang Ji didn't bother to dodge at all, just to protect his position without armor, and other arrows couldn't break the defense of the silver dragon armor at all.

On the other hand, the Wuheng cavalry.

Because most of them are only dressed in animal skins, and sometimes they are just simple chain armor to defend against vital points, which causes the Wuheng cavalry to suffer heavy losses in the face of this round of arrow rain of their own people.

Although not many were killed by direct shooting, the screams of the injured were even more terrifying.

"Hahaha! Who dares to stop me? Who can stop me!?"

Seeing the tragic situation of the Wuheng people, Xiang Ji was even more imposing.

Damn, damn it, where did this monster come from?

Although, although the Wuheng cavalry has a full number of 100,000.

But in the area where Xiang Ji launched an attack, there were only thousands of Wuheng cavalry.

Moreover, most of them can't get close to Xiang Ji at all, which leads to only a few people around him who can really interfere with Xiang Ji.

Badun knew that the situation in front of him was afraid that he couldn't let the soldiers under his command release arrows, otherwise if the monster didn't shoot to death, most of his own people would be killed or injured.

There has been no shortage of faithful protectors throughout the ages.

Just as he was about to panic, a loud shout came from his side.

"Wu Na thief general, Hugh's rampant!" I

saw a big man with green fangs and a huge stick in the oblique thorn and killed it.

"Okay! Wuguli, worthy of being the first warrior of my Great

Wuheng!Kill! Kill this Chu man for me!" Seeing

the arrival of Wuguli, the first warrior of Wuheng, his panic suddenly subsided.

You must know that this big man is the first warrior of Wuheng, tearing the wolf alive with his bare hands, and fighting the tiger is no problem.

In contrast, with Wuguli here, the monster who claims to be

the king of Chu can't be so arrogant, right? Because the leaders of the Wuheng tribe all regard themselves as kings, so he didn't expect that this King of Chu Xiang Ji is his biggest opponent, the king of Chu.

Seeing that Wuheng was coming, Xiang Ji did not panic, picked up the overlord halberd in his hand, swept away several Wuheng cavalry in front of him, clamped his legs, and rushed towards Wuguli.

"Just let the Lone King see, how many catties and taels do you so-called Wuheng No. 1 Warrior have!" Seeing

that Xiang Ji dared to rush towards him, Wu Guli cracked his scarlet mouth.

"You'd better go to hell and see!" With

that, the hands of the Ugul holding the giant rod suddenly flashed and their muscles exploded.

The giant stick was raised, and the Ugul smashed it on the head against the oncoming item.

"Whew, whew!" A

huge sound of breaking wind came, and Xiang Ji knew that the blow of the barbarian on the other side was definitely powerful.

But even so, so what!?

The overlord halberd swung up, Xiang Ji did not dodge or dodge, and met the huge stick that fell in the air.


came the sound of weapons converging.


Immediately, the giant rod that collided with the Overlord Halberd slowly cracked, until it was completely cut off by the castration of the Overlord Halberd.


How could it be!?Faced

with the situation in front of him, the Ulguli was stunned.

I know my own strength, and it is an absolute thousand pounds.

And his own blow was even more with the help of the horse's momentum, and he smashed it in the air.

But even so, he was actually blocked by the Chu people on the opposite side

? Even, he even cut off half of his giant stick?

Wu Guli was stunned, but Xiang Ji was not stunned.

After a little relaxation, the Overlord Halberd was picked up by Xiang Ji again, and it was a sweep at the stunned Ulguli.


"Hahaha!Who else!?Is this the first warrior of Wuheng?Not enough to kill the lonely king!"

The blood of the Wuguli who was beheaded by the waist was splashed on his face, and Xiang Ji's laughter was even more terrifying.

Escape! You must escape!

This guy, this guy is not a human at all!

Seeing that the first warrior of the tribe was killed after only two rounds of fighting with this Chu people, he was completely frightened.

What kind of dignity is Da Shan Yu? Does it matter if there is Lao Tzu's name?

Bang Dun knows that if he lets this Chu person get close, he is afraid that his fate will definitely not be much better than that of Wu Guli.

"Stop him! Go up, stop him!

Can't let him come, you can't let him rush over!"

waved his hand to the Wuheng soldiers beside him, and after seeing them obeying the order to attack Xiang Ji, Badun hurriedly turned the direction of the war horse, and fled frantically without looking back.

As for what if he escaped, Wu Heng's morale plummeted?

In Badun's opinion, it was a big deal to return to White Wolf Mountain to continue to be his own big Dan Yu after defeating this battle.

The death of a tribal warrior is a big deal to recruit from the new and raise from the new life.

But if you die, then there is really nothing.

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