And the state, Huguan.

"What!??Before the Wuheng Heng army arrived in Youzhou, it was defeated by that clan? Even now, the cavalry of that clan has chased all the way to the foot of the White Wolf Mountain!?"

Yuan Shang, who was still waiting for the news of the southern invasion of the Wuheng Heng army in Huguan, was tragic.

No matter how he thought about it, he never imagined it, and after thinking about it, he finally waited for such a news.

Given high hopes, the people of Wuheng have all been defeated, and now who else can help them? Yuan Shang really can't think of it.

"Strategist, Feng Ji Aiqing, what other tricks do you have?"

In a panic, Yuan Shang naturally remembered his two wise men again.

What disappointed him was that Xu You, who had been scheming before, was silent, and Feng Ji, who provided the plan to unite Wuheng, also showed a bitter face.

It is obvious that these two wise men of Hebei have completely run out of options.

Damn it! Damn

it! I'm not reconciled! I'm not willing to bow down to that title just like that

! "Someone come! Order! The army will be drawn out immediately! Let's go directly to capture the state!" Obviously

, Yuan Shang, who was unwilling to be defeated, was going to fight hard.

In his mind, there is no force at all in the current Bingzhou, so he will wave his troops to occupy it, and then hold the Huguan, the big deal is that I will be the king of the Bingzhou, and it is better than the Huguan on this territory.

Previously, Yuan Shang had never dared to attack Bingzhou, because he was afraid of Lu Bu and was afraid that Lu Bu had not left.


Yuan Shang's words, Xu You and Feng Ji both raised their heads and looked at their king in disbelief.

This is still the somewhat cowardly and timid Yuan Shang they are familiar with?

I never imagined that when faced with a desperate situation, there could be such a decision.

Conquering and merging states, in terms of first, is indeed the best choice for the Hebei army.

It's just that no matter whether it is Xu Yu or Feng Ji, they all know that this is just a trapped beast fighting and surviving.

But since Yuan Shang is the king of Qi and his own monarch, Xu Yu Fengji can only obey orders.

Damn! Isn't it good to submit to the overlord well? You must cause more trouble?

Regarding Yuan Shang's decision, Xu You was respectful on the surface, but he was angry in his heart.

Ma De, Xu someone, I have been waiting for a long time to return to the arms of the Chu State, why is it so difficult?

No, I must inform the overlord of this matter, and I must not let this Yuan Shang successfully seize the annexed state, otherwise I am afraid that if I want to completely conquer it, it will be delayed for a long time.

After a long period of contact with Xiang Ji, the current Xu Yu is already a person from the Chu State physically and mentally, and staying in this Hebei camp can really be described as torture.

Every time I think of what it would be like if I were in Pengcheng at this time and enjoyed the status and power of the three dukes?

But this Yuan Shang has repeatedly sabotaged Xu someone's path to Chu, how can this not make Xu You resentful.

It's just that Xu You, who left, didn't notice the cold glint in Yuan Shang's eyes when he looked at his back.

Yes, because of the frequent dispatch of henchmen to contact the Chu army, Xu Yu has been exposed.

Today's Yuan Shang has long been suspicious of him, but he has no evidence, and it is difficult to make a decision on this.

"Feng Ji Aiqing, immediately send someone to keep an eye on him, I want to see if this Xu Yu really betrayed the lonely king!"

Xu You, who had been sleeping peacefully, was suddenly awakened by a loud noise.

"Xu You, you traitor who sells for glory!" As

soon as he opened his eyes, Xu You saw Feng Ji with a smug look on his face.

When he heard the words in his mouth, Xu You only felt that his eyes were dark, and he almost passed out directly.

Damn! How could it be? Could it be that it was discovered!?

Looking at the situation in front of him, Xu You probably already knew that he was afraid that he had sent people to contact the King of Chu too often, and he was really caught by this Yuan Shang.

"Feng Ji! Hugh has to slander Xu Mou, I want to see the king!" was

besieged by Hebei soldiers, as a literati, Xu You naturally could not stage a drama of seizing the city.

Now, I can only see Yuan Shang first and then talk about anything else.

Even if, even if he really found out, so what?

In Xu You's mind, Hebei has now come to an end.

If he had his own existence to act as a bridge between Yuan Shang and Xiang Ji, then even Yuan Shang would be reluctant to kill himself, right?

Xu You thought very well, but he ignored Feng Ji's existence.

How could Xu You know that his exposure and Yuan Shang's suspicion of him were all because of Feng Ji's single-handed operation?

Yes, it was Feng Ji.

If you want to say that you don't envy Xu Yu's status, it must be false.

However, Xu Yu was too favored before, and he was in power, and Feng Ji could only hide himself silently in the dark.

But now, he also came up with a clever plan, and he also gained Yuan Shang's trust, and Feng Ji's heart naturally became alive.

Don't say that Xu You is really secretly connected to Chu State, even if Xu You is innocent, Feng Ji plans to splash him with dirty water.

Now, people have obtained stolen goods, and Feng Ji is really full of spring breeze.

Hmph, Xu You, you're an idiot

! Even if you really surrender to the Chu State in the end, it will be me, as the head of the civil officials of the Qi State, Feng Ji! In order to get the attention of the King of Chu

! As for you Xu You, Hmph, it's better to go all the way! Yes, Feng Ji doesn't

plan to let this Xu You go to see Yuan Shang at all.

What Xu You could think of, how could Feng Ji not think of it?

If Xu You saw Yuan Shang and finally saved his life, then even after arriving in Chu State, he would be the one who suffered.

Feng Ji Na would never believe that Xu You would think of the relationship with the palace as a minister and open up to himself.

Since he has already done it to Xu You, it is naturally a move to kill him, so that Feng Ji Fang can feel at ease.

"Xu You, the king, don't think about going to see you, you traitor, let's go on the road obediently!"

Seeing such a situation, Xu Yu was shocked.

How dare Feng Ji

, but helplessly, he is just a scribe, and in the face of the wolf-like Hebei soldiers, Xu You has no ability to resist at all.

With endless unwillingness, Xu You left this prosperous world that fascinated him.

Seeing that Xu You had turned into a corpse, Feng Ji Fang completely let go of a hanging heart.

Now, I, Feng Ji, have finally become the head of the civil officials of the Qi State

!"The Great King! Xu You has found out that his deeds have failed, and he has committed suicide in fear of crime!" With

the expectation of the future, with the excitement of the change in his identity and status, Feng Ji came to Yuan Shang.

Compared with Feng Ji's excitement, Yuan Shang was sad.

The pillars of the four courts have all withered, and the strategist group is only left with this bottom-ranked Fengji, Hebei... Is there a future?

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