"You mean, Yuan Shang's kid is going to surrender to the lonely king?"

Just after returning to Yecheng, Xiang Ji met Yuan Shang's envoy, Feng Ji.

Regarding Yuan Shang's surrender, Xiang Ji is not very strange.

After all, in the current situation, if Yuan Shang still chooses to resist stubbornly, he can only lead the entire Hebei Army to extinction.

Even if he doesn't care about the life of Hebei Bingjia, he always cares about his own life, right?

"Yes! Honorable King of Chu, your subordinate Feng Ji, only on behalf of my lord Yuan Shang, presents to you the letter of surrender of my Qi country. In

the face of Xiang Ji, Feng Ji showed full respect.

This is the most powerful prince and king in the world, and he is the monarch after Feng Ji, how dare Feng Ji be disrespectful?"

However, what about Xu You? Why didn't he come?"

Xiang Ji still had some good feelings for Xu You, who had already sacrificed his life for the Chu State.

Although he was originally intended to take advantage of him, and then coaxed him into greedy for ink and took it down.

However, it is precisely because of this Xu Yu that Xiang Ji can predict the movements of the Wuheng people in advance, and can deal with the Wuheng cavalry going south so calmly.

Otherwise, if it was really attacked by the Wuheng people, it was really unknown how much of the army of the Chu State could be saved.

When asked about this, Xiang Ji didn't feel anything, but when Feng Ji heard it, it was like a thunderbolt on the ground.

Fortunately, I started in advance and got rid of that Xu You, otherwise if I arrived in the Chu State, I am afraid that that guy would never give me good fruits to eat!"

"His Royal Highness the King of Chu, Xu Yu him... Because your previous contact with His Royal Highness the King of Chu was discovered by my lord Yuan Shang... I have committed suicide in fear of sin. Since

he said this to Yuan Shang before, Feng Ji naturally could only continue to say this to Xiang Ji, otherwise if something went wrong, I am afraid that he would be punished.

Dead? it! Just die?

Lao Tzu also said that he was going to inspect this product.

Hearing that Xu Yu had already hung up, Xiang Ji really didn't expect it.

But an insatiable person, if he dies, he will die, and Xiang Ji doesn't care too much.

The only pity is that the Hebei materials that were engulfed by this goods don't know where to look for them.

Accepting Yuan Shang's surrender, Xiang Ji can be regarded as officially occupying the entire territory of Hebei and becoming a veritable northern overlord.

After more than half a month in Yecheng, Xiang Ji ushered in Yuan Shang, who surrendered, and Ding Feng, who had been guarding the party.

Yes, Ding Feng finally received the news from the Chu State, and finally knew that his overlord had completely occupied the entire territory of Hebei and became the overlord of the north.

However, this is not what excites Ding Feng the most.

When he came to Yecheng and saw the familiar figure in white, he burst into tears of excitement.

"General Zhao!"

Seeing that Zhao Yun was safe and sound, Ding Feng was really excited.

You must know that because of the barrier of information, Ding Fengke always thought that Zhao Yun had died because he blocked the march of Lu Bu's army.

Looking at the tearful young player in front of him, Xiang Ji's eyes were full of appreciation.

This guy is a long-lived general, and he is the mainstay of the late Wu Kingdom.

Now, at such a young age, he led the army alone to defend the Shangdang, and even stubbornly defended the Shangdang for several months without being captured by Lu Bu, which is enough to prove Ding Feng's ability.

After Ding Feng and Zhao Yun finished reminiscing, Xiang Ji announced his decision to him.

"Ding Feng, the Lone King appointed you as the Taishou of the Shangdang, the commander-in-chief and the state defense, do you dare to take the order?"

Yes, for Ding Feng's loyalty and ability, Xiang Ji has completely trusted.

And the land of the state must be guarded against.

It borders Xianbei in the north and the Xiongnu in the west, which can be described as an important border town.

What's more, with Lu Bu's thousand-mile attack, Xiang Ji didn't dare to ignore the defense of Bingzhou.

Who knows if Lu Bu's head will cramp again and suddenly come over to attack Lao Tzu's merger?

You know, after conquering the north, Xiang Jike is going to turn his attention to the south.

Then Liu Bei has occupied Lao Tzu's jade seal for so long, and it is time to liquidate it.

As for the peace agreement that was signed before,

just kidding, it's just a contract.

He is pedantic and cares about these empty reputations, but I don't care about Lao Tzu.

When the time comes, Lao Tzu will tear up this paper contract, and who dares to be a BB with Lao Tzu and me?

History, but it is all written by the victors.

In Xiang Ji's view, those so-called reputations are nothing more than the charity of the strong to the weak.

Before, it was Lao Tzu that I didn't have the time to answer you Liu Biao, so I asked you to jump for a few more days.

But now, Lao Tzu has already captured Hebei, and I can completely free up my hands and feet to find trouble with this old guy.

As for Lu Bu in Chang'an,

after this defeat, I am afraid that he will not be able to jump up in a short time.

What's more, that Lu Bu has a dangerous Tongguan, and Xiang Ji has no great interest in attacking Lu Bu.

Of course, none of this is the most important thing.

You must know that in Xiang Ji's heart, what he attaches the most importance to is the Xiaoqiang-like Liu Bei and Liu Da Ear Thief.

This goods, but I took Zhuge Liang to Xichuan for a long time, who knows what the situation is now?

Xiang Ji doesn't want to finally get Liu Bei to occupy Xichuan and Jingzhou, and then unite with Lu Bu to play a situation where the Three Kingdoms are dominant.

It's just that what Xiang Ji doesn't know is that the situation he least wants to see is happening right now.

In the land of Xichuan, because of Liu Yan's death, his son Liu Zhang did not have enough prestige at all.

Now, Liu Zhang has long been overtaken by Liu Bei, and the land of Xichuan has also been completely in Liu Bei's hands.

And unlike history, Liu Bei captured Xichuan entirely through the method of peaceful evolution.

This also makes its war potential much greater than that of the historical stage of the same period.

As for why Liu Bei didn't directly abolish Liu Zhang and claim himself emperor?

Liu Bei has relied on his good reputation all the way, and even when he occupied Qingzhou, he poured dirty water on the unlucky Kong Rong under the banner of justice.

Now that Xichuan has been fully involved, Liu Bei naturally can't ruin his reputation just because he is in a hurry to become emperor.

Therefore, what Liu Bei is asking for now is that Liu Zhang takes the initiative to abdicate.

"Brother Ji Yuxian, if today's situation is like this, you can't continue to think about it.

For the sake of the Xichuan soldiers, for the sake of the people of Xichuan, and for the sake of my Han family, you should abdicate. "

Yes, at this moment, Liu Bei almost let go of all the reasons, and he is constantly persuading Liu Zhang to abdicate every day.

After all, the temptation of the emperor is really greater than everything for Liu Bei, who has been in ruin for half his life.

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