"Honorable His Royal Highness the Overlord of Chu, the subordinate Lu Xun only expressed his respect to the Overlord on behalf of our lord, and at the same time congratulated the Overlord on the capture of Hebei. When

Lu Xun came to Pengcheng, he knew that the development of this Chu State was far beyond his imagination.

You must know that when Sun Quan fled, this Chu State was facing the threat of Liu Bei in Qingzhou and Cao Cao in Yanzhou at the same time.

Now, Liu Bei is gone, Cao Cao has become the old man of the King of Chu, not to mention, the territory has all become Chu's, and Yuan Shao, Hebei, who has millions of soldiers, has been annexed by Chu.

This is why Lu Xun is not shocked and nervous.

If the state of Chu is still as strong as before, then Lu Xun can also follow Sun Quan's request to reconcile with the state of Chu, and even form an alliance against overseas.

But now, I'm afraid that it is already a blessing to be able to become a vassal land of the Chu State.

Even, Lu Xun had already regretted coming to the Chu State, thus exposing Sun Quan's escape overseas.

But what's the matter, you're already here, it's so easy to leave again?"

"Say, you came all the way from overseas in Yizhou, what is the so-called matter? I don't believe that Sun Quan is so well-informed. "

Yes, Xiang Ji won't believe that this product is here to congratulate himself.

Just kidding, Lao Tzu and I have just captured Hebei, so you have sent someone to congratulate

you? Is it realistic? I'm afraid that Liu Biao may not be able to know the accurate information at this time, but you will know? When Lao Tzu I am a fool?

But Xiang Ji never thought of it, he just said it casually, and Lu Xun who was next to him was even more surprised.

This, this, why did

the king of Chu know about Yizhou!?Why did the king of Chu know about Yizhou!? Yes, no matter how Ren Lu Xun thought about it, he would never have imagined that Xiang Ji, the king of Chu, would know about the existence of Yizhou.

You must know that it is an independent island hanging out of the sea! Could

it be that the tentacles of this Chu State have stretched so far? The existence of Yizhou has already been discovered

? Then his lord Sun Quan is afraid that he has already been exposed, right?

Thinking of this, the cold sweat on Lu Xun's forehead flowed wildly uncontrollably.

"Overlord! Lu Xun is here to ask the overlord to surrender on behalf of my lord Sun Quan.

My lord Sun Quan is willing to serve the Chu State as the suzerainty and pay tribute from generation to generation!" Seeing

the expression of the next head Lu Xun, Xiang Ji sneered again.

Nima, don't tell you the truth, do

you? Please surrender? I'm afraid that the mission you received when you set off is definitely not this, right?

You know, the closest distance between Nawanwan and the mainland is hundreds of miles away.

This is the sea, but it has to be sailed by boat.

It is far more difficult than an inland march.

This Lu Xun traveled thousands of miles to Pengcheng, and Xiang Ji absolutely did not believe that this goods were to surrender on behalf of Sun Quan.

That Sun Quan is a good overseas king, Baba's come and ask for surrender? Who believes?

"Hmph! Since the envoy refuses to speak directly, let's send it off!"

Xiang Ji didn't bother to play a guessing game with Lu Xun.

If there is something, he will say happily, and Lao Tzu will decide how to deal with it depending on the situation.

Ma De, I don't know what kind of strength I have? Playing this game with Lao Tzu and me?

Seeing Xiang Ji's face turn cold, Lu Xun knew that he had to explain the truth, otherwise he was afraid that it would be the army of the Chu State Sailors who would greet his lord Gongsun Quan.

You must know that Lu Xun originally planned to first ask for surrender to the Chu State on behalf of his lord Sun Quan, and then deceived the Chu State into sending troops to help.

As for Sun Quan knowing that he had already surrendered on behalf

of the people, I believe that when Sun Quan knew the strength of the Chu State, he would never refuse.

At this moment in Yizhou, there are only more than 10,000 soldiers under Sun Quan's command, how can he be able to defeat the behemoth of Chu State?"

"Overlord! Lu Xun came here this time to ask for help from your country. Hearing

Lu Xun's words, Xiang Ji basically believed it, and this time it should be almost the truth.

It's just that isn't Sun Quan overseas? What is there to ask for help in Yizhou? Don't tell Lao Tzu, he can't even beat a savage.

If that's the case, Xiang Ji really doesn't bother to pay attention to Sun Quan.

Seeing Xiang Ji's puzzled expression, how could Lu Xun not understand, if he didn't explain it clearly, his lord would be despised by King Chu to death.


I don't know, have you ever heard of the Wa people? "

What are !!

playing with?" This Nima is not the legendary Yamato nation? How could I not have heard of it?

Xiang Ji was stunned, really stunned.

No matter what he thought, he didn't expect that Sun Quan's request for help was related to the Yamato nation.

This Nima is thousands of miles apart, and it is still above the sea.

How can it be so good, it has something to do with

the Yamato nation? In this era, the Yamato nation is afraid that it is still playing in the mud on this island, right?

Seeing Xiang Ji's surprised expression, Lu Xun was also surprised.

What else did he

not know? You must know that Lu Xun did not believe it at all before, and did not believe that this King of Chu, who was still fighting for hegemony, could know about overseas affairs.

But now, looking at the expression of the King of Chu, it is obvious that he not only knows that Sun Quan is in Yizhou, but even knows about the

Japanese people!"Say, what is Sun Quan asking for? What happened to the Japanese people? Could it be that they attacked Sun Quan?"

Xiang Ji didn't think about it, he really just said it.

The Japanese did attack Sun Quan's Yizhou.

A few years ago, when Sun Quan had just fled to Yizhou, everything was fine.

There are just some indigenous savages on Yizhou Island, and they are no match at all in the face of the formed Soochow army.

Therefore, Sun Quan also developed wildly without scruples, capturing the natives to be used as slaves for labor.

When the state capital was built and the people stabilized again, they never thought that a fleet from the north appeared on the island of Yizhou.

Faced with the sudden appearance of the fleet, Sun Quan approached it in a cautious spirit, and slowly learned that it turned out to be a Japanese people thousands of miles away from his north.

And they are also an island nation.

But when Sun Quan planned to establish diplomatic relations with him, these Japanese people immediately turned their faces after learning about Sun Quan's reality.

Faced with several times the number of Japanese people, Sun Quan could only lead his subordinates to retreat to the Yizhou Governor's Office in embarrassment.

In desperation, Sun Quan could only send Lu Xun to take advantage of the unpreparedness of those Japanese people to lead a sea ship stolen by his attendants in Luermen to return to the mainland for help.

In Sun Quan's mind, no matter what, at least he and Xiang Ji can be regarded as a civil war, in the face of these foreigners, Xiang Ji will not not help, right?

When Xiang Ji learned that it was the Japanese who attacked Yizhou, he immediately quit.

Just kidding, then Sun Quan is occupied, I don't care about Lao Tzu, after all, they are all descendants of Huaxia, and they can naturally try to take it back when they have time in the future.

But how dare you even hit the attention of Yizhou?

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