Dressed like a witch again, Himiko left Yamadai with two thousand of the most powerful samurai of the Wa Kingdom.

After all, the temptation to form an alliance with Xiang Yu and even conquer him was too great for Himiko to refuse.

"Overlord, that queen of the widows has come out!" Xia

Houlan, who had been arranged by Xiang Ji to wait and see, came back.

Receiving the news that Himiko had left the city, Xiang Ji was very excited.

Come on, come on, don't leave when you're gone

!" ordered all the departments to get ready, none of the people who left the city were allowed to run back!"

After a long time, Himihu, dressed in full costume, finally appeared in front of the Chu army camp.

"Hahaha! Welcome Queen Himiko.

As the host, Xiang Ji personally came to the camp to welcome him.

Of course, the purpose was to trick the merchant into the camp.

After all, this is the only way to ensure that no one will get away.

Although these Japanese people are sorry for their combat effectiveness, due to their short stature, once they are allowed to escape and hide in the dense forest, they really can't find them.

"Respected overlord, this queen only represents my great Amaterasu God to bring glory to the world, may the friendship between our two countries always exist, and the glory will last forever!"

is worthy of being an actor, this pretending to be holy is indeed eye-catching.

Looking at the holy Himiko in front of him, Xiang Ji sneered in his heart.

Finally, as the troops marched, all the Japanese entered the Chu army camp.

"Overlord, please be respectful!"

Himi's face flushed slightly, and he snorted at Xiang Ji with a slight annoyance.

Just because, Xiang Ji's gaze is looking at a prey, as if he wants to see through it completely from top to bottom.

Although he has experienced this kind of battle, at the same time, Himiko is secretly happy with the performance of the "Overlord of Western Chu".

But don't forget that at this moment, Himiko is performing a noble and immaculate saint.

As a saint, how could she tolerate a mortal who was so presumptuous and watched at herself.

"Teacher Cang! I really didn't expect to see you here.

Lonely King, I appreciate the action art blockbusters you have starred in. Ignoring

Himiko's coquettish scolding, Xiang Ji suddenly burst out with a sentence.

All the people around him didn't understand why he heard this.

But only, only humiliation.

When he heard Xiang Ji's words, his face suddenly changed greatly.

Sure enough! It's really this woman!

Seeing Himiko, whose face changed drastically, Xiang Ji had already been confirmed in his heart.

You must know that only "Teacher Cang" himself can understand this sentence.

"Who are you!Who are you!"

His identity was revealed, and Himiko could no longer care about pretending to be a saint, and his face was only filled with endless horror.

"Who is the Lone King? You'll find out soon.

But now...

Kill! No one will be left!

" With a stretch of his long arms, Xiang Ji directly resisted the panicked "Teacher Cang" to his shoulder.

Ignoring the struggle and resistance of the woman on his shoulder, Xiang Ji gave instructions to the Canglong Rider, who had been lined up for a long time.

"Oh my God! Overlord, what are you going to do? Aren't we friends? Aren't we allies?

Lay down Her Royal Highness! You are blaspheming!"

Nanshengme, who was Himiko's deputy, was stunned.

What was happening in front of him was completely beyond his imagination.

But no matter how he shouted, Xiang Ji ignored it.

Of course, it is not that no one has responded to it.

"Little man, eat Lao Tzu with a shot!"

Because the call was too happy, it was difficult to raise rice to attract Xia Houlan's attention.

This, what else is polite, send it directly with one shot.

Ignoring the killing in the camp, Xiang Ji, who was full of doubts, resisted "Teacher Cang" all the way back to his big tent.

"Say, should I call you Mr. Cang, or should I call you

Himiko?" Looking at the playful Xiang Ji, Himiko seemed to see the demon smiling at him.

"Who the hell are you, why, why do you know me!?


a big mouth struck.

"Lao Tzu, I'm asking you now, you just give me an honest reply, if you have any extra questions, next time you won't just slap the face!"

Although Lao Tzu is very interested in why you are here, he is also very interested in your body.

But that doesn't mean you can be on an equal footing with me.

This is the bottom line of the item.

In his eyes, this humble meiko is good, or "Teacher Cang", but she is just a slave girl, but she is just a tool for venting.

Faced with the murderous Xiangji, Himiko chose to give in.

After some narration, Xiang Ji finally figured out all the reasons.

It turned out that Himiko was also puzzled by why he had come here.

Thinking about it, it was obviously in the process of filming an "artistic action blockbuster", and it was just a moment when he closed his eyes, and suddenly came to this place, and this Himiko can figure out that there is a ghost.

It's not very entangled in this item, as long as it's not artificially controlled.

You know, if you let him return to modern times, he won't go back.

Just kidding, Emperor Lao Tzu is comfortable as a thief, what are you going to do when you go back? Collect protection money? And then be chased and cut down by people all over the street?

As for the rest, I basically can't ask too much.

This humble memiko, no matter how to say it, knows only a little about history, and all kinds of skills are basically the same as Xiang Ji, and he can't provide him with any powerful help.

After all, this is just an actor, and he understands this book.

And after some narration of the sea ship she instructed the Japanese to transform, Xiang Ji also let go of interest.

Just kidding, it's not as good as Lao Tzu's building boat now, and it can be regarded as good luck to float all the way to Yizhou.


must know that in this era, the Wa Kingdom did not have its own language at all, and its language of communication still depended on Xu Fu of the Qin Dynasty, which was naturally Chinese.

"Teacher Cang", who has been here for several years, just doesn't want to learn, doesn't he want to do his best in mathematics?

All his questions have been answered, and Xiang Ji is ready to carry out the second premeditated activity.

"Himiko, I will call you Himiko in the future, after all, you have come to this era.

So, what do you need to do next, you don't need to say more about Lone King, right?"

Seeing the situation in front of her, the experienced Himiko naturally knew what this was asking her to do.

In this regard, Himi did not resist at all, but was faintly excited.

As long as you can serve this terrible man well, at least your own life can be guaranteed, isn't it?

Moreover, Himiko, who has been here for several years, is really fed up with these Japanese birds...

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