Jingzhou, Xiangyang, the palace hall.

"Ladies and gentlemen, now that traitor Liu Qi has borrowed the soldiers of Xichuan, and now he has besieged my Xiangyang.

How can this be good? What are the clever plans of the Qing family to retreat from the enemy?" Liu

Zong, who was sitting at the top, was still a minor, and he was naturally confused in the face of this sudden situation.

Who would have thought that Liu Qi could still turn over with a salted fish?

You must know that after Liu Biao hung up, no one paid attention to Liu Qi at all.

"Your Majesty! Now the traitor Liu Qi has led an army of 150,000 Xichuan, and Guan Yu, the righteous brother of the puppet emperor Liu Bei, is the general.

His Majesty thought that our army should hold Xiangyang tightly, and then send envoys to various places to summon the garrisons of Taishou from all over the country to come to the rescue of King Qin!"

Before Liu Qi fled all the way to Shangyong, no one cared, who knew that this goods would be able to contact Liu Bei?

Now, it's too late to respond.

can only be as Zhang Yun said, trapped and waiting for help.

"Okay! Just as Zhang Qing's family said, I will guard Xiangyang with all my ministers and wait for reinforcements!" Liu

Zong, who was very young, had no idea, and since Zhang Yun said that he was stubborn and waiting for help, he naturally had to listen to his opinion.

Of course, relying only on a court meeting and a young son of heaven will definitely not determine the direction and future of Jingzhou.

"Big brother, do you think what Zhang Yun said above the court is realistic? Relying on the 30,000 soldiers in our city, can we really stop Guan Yu's 150,000 army?"

After the next court, in the back court of the palace, Mrs. Cai, who looked eager, asked her brother Cai Mao.

In order to establish the prestige of the new emperor Liu Zong, it is inconvenient for Mrs. Cai to play the curtain and listen to the government.

However, it is inconvenient for the court to interject, which does not mean that the court cannot consult with his brother.

"What, sister, do you have any good ideas that you can't achieve?"

Regarding Guan Yu's siege of the city, Cai Mao was also full of anxiety.

Who would have thought that on this day, it would be said that change would change

? How long has Liu Biao been dead? Xiangyang has not yet stabilized internally, and the power struggle between various forces has not yet come to a conclusion, and the 150,000 troops of Xichuan suddenly appeared?

Cai Mao also knows her sister very well, but as far as she is a woman with some good looks, she is still good at hooking up with men, what other good way can she come up with for this political issue? Cai Mao

is deeply skeptical about this.

never thought that this Mrs. Cai really had a way.

"Big brother, sister, I really have a way to save me Jingzhou!" !!

didn't report any hope, but when she suddenly heard Mrs. Cai say this, she looked at her determined expression, and Cai Mao seemed to see hope.

You must know that the roots of the Cai family are in Xiangyang, and the power of the Cai family also comes from his nephew Liu Zong.

As long as this Liu Zong is still the lord of Jingzhou and the emperor of the Han family, then the Cai family is naturally the most powerful family in Jingzhou.

But if Liu Zong loses power, then the Cai family will be finished.

For Cai Mao, who is accustomed to enjoying glory and wealth, this is completely unacceptable.

It's just that now it's because the Xichuan army came too suddenly, Cai Mao is so flustered and helpless.

"Big brother, have you forgotten the Chu State, and the Xiang nationality of the King of Chu? But don't forget, their Chu State is an ally with us! Now that we are in trouble, if we want to ask for help, we should get help, right?"

Cai Mao, who was still full of hope, suddenly fell down again when she heard Mrs. Cai's words.

Chu State, Chu King Xiang Ji, how could Cai Mao not know.

But the problem is that what was signed at the beginning was just an armistice agreement, and it was not an offensive and defensive alliance at all.

Now that you are in trouble in Jingzhou, why should people help you?

Cai Mao didn't believe that the king of Chu would be so anxious and righteous.

I'm afraid that if the state of Chu learns about Jingzhou, it is not impossible to tear up the armistice agreement, and it is not impossible to directly unite with Xichuan to carve up Jingzhou, so why not go to someone else for help?

"Big brother! Little sister, I can be sure, then the king of Chu will definitely come to our aid!"

Seeing the distrust on Cai Mao's face, Mrs. Cai was anxious.

Nima, did the old lady sleep in vain?

You know, that book slept with herself in this palace back then.

Although it was the King of Chu who took the initiative to deceive him, it didn't matter.

In Mrs. Cai's mind, she is more or less the lover of that nationality.

Now that the lover is in trouble, no matter what, the Chu State will also

send troops to intervene, right? Even if he makes a little noise and makes it look like he wants to send troops, it can also cause a lot of intimidation to Xichuan, right?

It's just that when Mrs. Cai told Cai Mao about this, what she got in exchange was only Cai Mao's shameful smile.

"Little sister, this matter should not be mentioned again.

A night of fish and water, how could the King of Chu send troops because of this?"

Regarding the fact that his little sister slept with the King of Chu, Cai Mao really did not expect it.

But even so, it was just a one-night joy with the king of Chu, how could people send troops to aid Jingzhou because of this?

"What if you're adding this?" Hearing

Cai Mao's words, and then looking at his smiling face, Mrs. Cai was annoyed.

Damn! How do you know that the King of Chu will not send troops?

You must know that the King of Chu is very satisfied with Mrs. Ben's body! Mrs

. Cai is still very confident in her performance that night.

However, she also understood what Cai Mao meant, and it was indeed a bit unreasonable to let the King of Chu send troops just because of this.

So, with the addition of this thing, presumably the King of Chu will definitely send troops, right

? Others don't know what the King of Chu was doing in the palace that night, how could Mrs. Cai not know? Although the King of Chu

did not mention it at that time, after Xiang Ji left, Mrs. Cai thought about it carefully, and naturally knew the purpose of Xiang Ji's late night outing.

After all, in this palace, I am afraid that this is the only thing that can arouse the interest of the King of Chu and let him be the gentleman on the beam, right

?" "Little sister, are you crazy?"

Looking at the jade seal that Mrs. Cai took out, Cai Mao was really stunned.


Big brother! The little sister is sure that when the king of Chu Xiang Ji sees this thing, with the little sister and his affection, he will definitely send troops!"

Now, since he can rely on him to get the assistance of the Chu army, Mrs. Cai naturally wants to make use of it.

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