As Mrs. Cai ran all the way, Liu Zong was still in a state of confusion.

Why do you want to run at night? I am the emperor! The queen mother said that someone was rebelling, and they were storming

the palace? God! How could this be!

Aren't there so many ministers? Aren't there so many janissaries? Who dares to storm the palace?

"Mother, I can't run! Let's rest."

Isn't this palace good? Where does anyone dare to storm the palace? Didn't you let people deceive you?"

Looking at Liu Zong with a suspicious look on his face, Mrs. Cai felt all kinds of emotions in her heart.

This child, when he grows up, understands to question, and understands that he is not at the mercy of others but has his own ideas.

But the question is, do you have this time to question now?"

Zong'er, hold on, you can leave the palace not far ahead. Time

was pressing, and Mrs. Cai couldn't explain Liu Zong in detail.

As for why they didn't let others run away with Liu Zong on their backs,

it was just because only Mrs. Cai and Liu Zong were the only ones who were fleeing now.

Yes, it's the two of them.

If you bring many palace maids to the Yellow Gate, wouldn't you be telling Your Majesty the rebels that they are here?

As the daughter of a big family, Mrs. Cai is not so lacking in heart.

In the current situation, only the escape of himself and Liu Zong is the safest choice.

As for

why Cai Mao, the patriarch of the Cai family, is not here? Just kidding, why didn't Cai Mao leave first to organize the thugs raised by the family to meet the rescue? Otherwise, if there were rebels on the way from the palace to the Cai Mansion, who would resist them?

"Queen Mother! If I don't leave, I can't move a single step!

This palace is obviously safe, why does the Queen Mother suddenly want me to leave?"

Seeing that Mrs. Cai didn't explain to herself at all, but just tried to let herself leave the palace quickly, the doubts in the heart of the little emperor Liu Zong became more and more deep.

Even, Liu Zong even suspected his biological mother, Mrs. Cai.


Looking at Liu Zong with a questioning look on his face, Mrs. Cai's heart was like a knife.

When did this child become like this

? I, my biological mother, can I still harm you?

"Kill! Chong!" "

Qing Jun's side! The Cai clan plotted against

the Cai clan and killed the Cai clan!" Before Mrs. Cai could explain to the little emperor Liu Zong, the slogan of the rebels was the first to come.

Listening to the constant noise not far away, shouting slogans to kill herself, Mrs. Cai was shocked.

Oh my God! Why did you attack so quickly?

"Queen Mother!?"

Similarly, Liu Zong, who was making trouble, also heard the slogan of the chaotic army.

But this not only did not answer his doubts, but made his doubts even worse than before

? What are those people shouting

? Qing Jun's side? Cai's rebellion?

Although Liu Zong does not learn and has no skills, it does not mean that he can't even understand such simple words.

In an instant, Mrs. Cai's past discipline over him all came to mind.

The court has to hang the curtains, and it is not allowed to play with a palace maid, and it is even more important for me to learn the way of those bullshit monarchs who have headaches.

Liu Zong, who was deeply rebellious and rebellious, had already complained a lot about Mrs. Cai, and now he heard that those rebellious soldiers actually killed his mother instead of himself.

This made Liu Zong confirm his suspicions.

It seems that this is not a rebellion of the ministers mentioned by the queen mother at all, but that the Cai clan is going to rebel

! They want to take me out of the palace? What do they want to do?

Moreover, there is no one in this entourage, so there must be some unsightly plans!

Since ancient times, the royal family has no family affection.

Now Liu Zong confirmed what he was thinking, and his love for Mrs. Cai's children faded instantly, and he only thought about Mrs. Cai's many disciplines on him in the past, but he forgot who brought him up with one hand and pushed himself to the throne with the other.

"Queen Mother! Thinking of the grace of many years of nurturing, I will not stop the queen mother from escaping.

But, don't appear in front of my eyes!"

When Liu Zong's words came out, Mrs. Cai, who was already frightened, felt like she was being slammed directly in the chest by a heavy hammer.

Looking at Liu Zong, who had a cold face and was extremely cold, Mrs. Cai couldn't believe it at all.


could he? How could he think so? How could he say such wolf-hearted words?

His heart seemed to be cut off by ten thousand people, and Mrs. Cai almost fell into madness.

However, the current situation does not have time for her to educate her son and let her explain everything to the little emperor with a cold face in front of her.

"Shoot the arrows! The one in front is the traitor Cai!" Following

the guidance of the palace maid, the rebel army pursued all the way to the direction where Mrs. Cai fled.

When he saw the beauty in palace clothes, the leader immediately recognized that this was Liu Biao's little wife, Mrs. Cai!

As for Liu Zong, because of the darkness of the night, there was still a distance away from the chaotic army, so he really didn't see His Majesty the Emperor of Jingzhou, who was hidden by Mrs. Cai's figure

Because the order he got was to kill some Cai clansmen, then this one in the palace was naturally the target to be killed.

Although, it was a pity for the leader to shoot the incomparably bewitching beauty, but an order is an order!

Big deal, when she dies, go touch a few handfuls and have a good time.


With the leader's order, several sharp arrows flew out from the chaotic army, aiming directly at Mrs. Cai, who was pulling with Liu Zong.


Why? Why is this screaming a male voice?

Looking at a young man who fell beside Mrs. Cai, the leading rebels broke out in a cold sweat.

This Nima!?Did you shoot the wrong person? Who was shot? Could it be

Your Majesty? Isn't it just Mrs. Cai? When was Your Majesty there?

Similarly, Mrs. Cai, who was beside Liu Zong, was also stunned.

Who would have thought that when he was pulling with Liu Zong, the chaotic army had already arrived, and even released the arrow directly without saying a word?

Coincidentally, because he wanted to break free from Mrs. Cai, the little emperor Liu Zongzheng used a brute force to turn his body around, and he became the shield of his mother and the target of the chaotic army.


Looking at Liu Zong, who was pierced by random arrows, Mrs. Cai's heart was dripping blood.

No matter how disobedient you are, no matter how much you doubt yourself.

However, that is also the son who was brought up by himself, and it is the emperor who has done everything he and his family has to promote this supreme position

! "Run! Leave him alone!"

Coincidentally, Cai Mao, who organized reinforcements, returned at this time, and he naturally witnessed everything not far away.

But now that Liu Zong is dead, he can't be dead, so sad remembrance can't be carried out at this juncture.

Without saying a word, he directly picked up his sluggish little sister Mrs. Cai, and Cai Mao ran towards the back door occupied by his own armor.

As for the rebel army behind him, they

are still in the shock of killing the monarch with their own hands...

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