Xu Sheng was embarrassed.

Looking at Mrs. Cai, who was still angry, the current situation was urgent, but Xu Sheng was still extremely embarrassed.

This, who would have thought that Mrs. Cai would be so... So shameless?

You know, there are thousands of soldiers besieging them, so she just shouted out her relationship with the overlord?

Well, Xu Sheng also knows that this is the smartest thing to do, otherwise he will be directly put to the ground like Cai He, and it will be really majestic.

After simple negotiations, Xu Sheng finally figured everything out.

It turned out that the Cai family was also a victim, and even the Cai family's biggest dependence, the little emperor Liu Zong, was directly hung in the palace.

In this regard, Xu Sheng can't blame the Cai family, after all, all this is caused by his greed for merit with General Yu Ban.

It's just a pity for General Yu Ban!

Xu Sheng knew that Yu Ban, who went to provoke the Xichuan army, was afraid that he would not have a chance to withdraw according to the current situation.

"General! Please bring all the people of my Cai family when the general retreats, and say that Mrs. Ben will see the overlord, and she should be grateful!

Mrs. Cai on the side saw that Xu Sheng already knew everything, and immediately asked him to take herself and others to retreat together.

After Xu Sheng's complaint, the people of the Cai family also knew that the current situation was that the Jingzhou army was already about to encircle the Chu army.

And the exit of the Cai family's secret passage happened to be here, if he didn't retreat with the Chu army, he would be even dead.

Mrs. Cai's words pulled Xu Sheng back from Xin.

Looking at the people of the Cai family who looked longing, Xu Sheng suddenly saw hope in his heart again.

In the current situation, although it is no longer realistic for the whole army to retreat, it is still possible for a small number of troops to break through.

But Xu Sheng didn't dare!

The generals were forbidden, and tens of thousands of soldiers were folded, which made Yangzhou's troops fall into an empty state, and they could no longer interfere with Liu Bei's plot to capture Jingzhou.

This is a great sin.

Xu Sheng was really scared, afraid that after seeing the overlord, he would be pulled out and cut down in anger.

Can you say that you betrayed the overlord and surrendered to Liu Bei or the Jingzhou army?

Xu Sheng didn't think about this.

The ancients paid attention to loyalty and righteousness, and the so-called scholar died for his confidant.

Although Xu Sheng is a general, what was he when he surrendered from Wu to Chu? It sounds good, and it is not much higher than the grade of the big head soldiers.

His current status was all pulled up by the overlord.

For this, how could Xu Sheng not be grateful?

Xu Sheng is not forbidden, he does not have his heart higher than the sky, and he has not had any dirty relationship with Na Jia Xu, so he only has a grateful and loyal heart to the Chu State and the overlord Xiang Ji.

It was impossible to surrender, and Xu Sheng was unwilling to go back obediently to die, which completely stumped him.

Now, the appearance of Mrs. Cai has brought hope to Xu Sheng.

Anyway, this one is also the one who rolled the sheets with the overlord!

Anyway, this is also the former queen mother of Jingzhou, and she is also a bit of an image in any way, isn't it?

Come to think of it, as long as this person is taken out of Jingzhou safely, it will offset some of his own sins, right?

With a decision in his heart, Xu Sheng did not hesitate.

"The whole army listens to the order, gathers and reorganizes, and we break through!

Mrs. Cai, you Cai family members will follow our army to break through, Xu Sheng will try his best to protect Mrs. Cai. "

The rest of the Cai family? Xu Sheng didn't care.

What if they were all dead?

As long as this Mrs. Cai can be taken away from Jingzhou safely, Xu Sheng will be considered to have fulfilled the expectations in his heart.

"Thank you General Gao Yi, this kindness will never be forgotten by my Cai family!"

Seeing that Xu Sheng agreed to take himself and others to break through, the Cai family led by Mrs. Cai was immediately overjoyed.

In this regard, Cai Mao couldn't help but rejoice.

Fortunately, fortunately, Lao Tzu, I immediately returned to the palace and took my little sister away, otherwise I am afraid that our Cai family has now become a dead soul under the Chu saber.



Under the leadership of Xu Shengshen, the Chu army did not wait, and immediately launched a charge against the Jingzhou army from the rear who were still storming the camp.

Similarly, except for Mrs. Cai, who was firmly protected in the Chinese army, the rest of the people of the Cai family also took out their weapons and waved their blades at these former colleagues and Jingzhou soldiers who used to look up to them.

After all, you know your own situation.

If there is no Mrs. Cai, then everyone in the Cai family is nothing in Xu Sheng's eyes, if they don't work hard to assist the Chu army at this time, then even if they are really in danger, Xu Sheng will definitely not delay them for even a second longer.

"Damn! Stop them, don't let them break through!

Su Fei, who was in charge of storming the east gate of the Chu army camp, was shocked when he saw that the Chu army had chosen to break through from his defense area.

You must know that his main general, General Gan Ning, gave a death order, and as a former army, he must drag the Chu army and wait for the Jingzhou army to completely encircle it.

Now, how long has it been since the Chu army has already reflected?

Damn it! What about the Nishikawa army? Didn't they attack the Chu army?

Obviously, because they were separated by more than ten miles, Chen didn't know that the current Xichuan army was still busy clearing out the 30,000 Chu troops that were pursuing Yu Ban.

And this just gave the Chu army hope for a first-line breakthrough.

Otherwise, according to the plan of the Xichuan army, they should have attacked the Chu army's camp first to divert its attention, and then the Jingzhou army launched a fatal blow to it from the rear flank of the Chu army.

This can be regarded as Yu Ban's final contribution to the Chu army.

At the very least, his goal was achieved, and he really restrained the attention of the Xichuan army.

However, Chen has the heart to stop the enemy, but his own strength is limited.

Although the armor led by him is not less than that of the Chu army, it is inferior in terms of combat effectiveness.

You must know that Jiang Xiajun was slaughtered by Xiang Ji once before.

Most of today's Jiangxia Army is just a new army, and its combat strength can naturally be imagined.

In the face of the Chu army bent on breaking through, it is really not enough for these Jiangxia new troops to carry it head-on.

"Jiangxia Su Fei is here!"

Seeing that the armor under his command could not stop the Chu army, Su Fei, who was in a hurry, had to personally shoot his horse to fight.

never thought that his appearance made Xu Sheng suddenly overjoyed.

You must know that although the combat strength of the Jingzhou army is not as good as that of the Chu army, it will still delay the time for its breakthrough.

I don't know how many Jingzhou troops came to encircle and suppress the Chu army, how dare Xu Sheng delay with this Jingzhou army for too long?

Now seeing that his main general would fight in person, Xu Sheng didn't say a word, picked up the big knife in his hand, and rushed towards Su Fei, who was still calling the battle.

"Eat me!"

A loud shout came, and Xu Shengdao, who had been killed in the oblique stab, had already come to Su Fei with the sound.

"Xu Sheng!?"

This was the last sentence Su Fei said in the world.

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