"Made, Ganning boy, you are the best at slipping!"

Looking at the Jingzhou sailors who fled into the dense forest and disappeared, Zhou Tai could only complain angrily about his back.

Damn, Lao Tzu also said that he had finished his battle and directly tied up Gan Ning.

As a result, I could only watch his flowing back leave.

"Take away all these warships of the Jingzhou Navy Army!

Made, Lao Tzu let you sailors have no more warships to use, and all of them will become landlubbers! "

It is impossible to pursue, after all, the Jingzhou sailors were broken into pieces and fled into the dense forest, and Zhou Tai's tens of thousands of people had no way to pursue.

In desperation, Zhou Tai could only choose to capture all the warships of the Jingzhou Navy Division and take them away.

This is also considered a trophy, isn't it?

Just when Zhou Tai was feasting, Ma Chao's army far away in Hebei had also arrived in Bingzhou.

And the state, Xihe County.

"Report! General Ding Feng and General Gao Lan, scouts in front of them to report urgently, to find that the forward troops of the Han army and the Huns are now less than 100 miles away from my Xihe County! "

What!? So fast?

Shocked to hear that the scout was coming, Ding Feng and Gao Lan, who had already arrived in the border town, were taken aback.

Damn, why did it come so quickly?

You must know that the crossbow convoy in Gongdu has just entered the border of Hebei, and it will take at least ten days to reach the front line.

The ballista was a sharp weapon for the Hebei army to defend the Han army and the Hun cavalry.

Without the assistance of the crossbow convoy, I am afraid that it would be really difficult to resist the attack of the Han army and the nearly 300,000 iron cavalry of the Huns by relying only on the more than 100,000 soldiers and armor in Hebei.

Every time he thought that the Huns had sent a full 200,000 cavalry, Ding Feng and Gao Ran were overwhelmed.

Ma De, this damn Liu Bei, still considers himself a descendant of the Han family, and he doesn't have the demeanor of his ancestor at all.

Whether it is Gaozu Liu Bang, Emperor Wu Liu Che, or even Liu Xiu, the Guangwu land who established the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Which one is not an uncompromising existence that fights with foreign races and never compromises?

How did you come to you and become a foreigner?

People, can you be a little more shameless?

But unfortunately, the overlord of his own family didn't say anything, and the two of them, who were generals under his command, could only be relatively silent.

"Cheng Yuan, a certain family thinks that we must send troops out of the city to intercept the vanguard of the Han army.

Otherwise, if they are allowed to enter so easily, I am afraid that the army of the second division of you and me will really not be able to defend them. "

After all, the danger of the state is in the Taihang Mountain.

The problem is that the Taihang Mountains are cut off by the land of Jizhou and Yanzhou.

For Saiwai, it can only rely on the defense of the Great Wall.

But the problem is that the defense line of the Great Wall is too long, relying on these more than 100,000 troops, if the attention of the Han army is delayed, when he divides his troops to attack, he will really have no way to defend it.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Gao Yan made a decision.

The Han army was in the forefront, and it was necessary to send troops to intercept them, and even to repel them.

Only in this way will the Han army focus its attention here, and the purpose of intercepting the Han army by the two of them can be accomplished.

Otherwise, really let their army enter.

The Han army is okay, and they are also here to occupy territory.

But those Huns? Then it is really pure plunder, to invade.

If you really want to let them enter the country, I am afraid that the state will soon face a situation where lives will be ruined and ten rooms will be empty.

In this case, Xiang Ji is unacceptable, and Hebei General Gao Ran is also unacceptable.

"Two generals! The last general, Zhang He, please fight! In this battle, Zhang He is willing to set up a military order, and he will definitely repel the forward of the Han army, so that they can know that we Chu people are not to be bullied!

Before Ding Feng could reply, Zhang He, who was standing at the bottom, couldn't sit still.

You must know that this Gao Lan used to be at the same level as himself under Yuan Shao, and even inferior to his own existence.

This Ding Feng is even more of a junior.

But now? The two became generals of the Hebei Army, but they were only a deputy general.

This made the arrogant Zhang He unacceptable.

Previously, for the sake of his life and future, Zhang He had to be patient.

Now that the opportunity for meritorious service has appeared, Zhang He must volunteer to fight for that merit and glory.

Zhang He knew in his heart that the current battle between Chu and Han was afraid that it would be the last big battle before reunification.

If you don't fight hard in this battle, you won't really have any chance to show him in the future.

Therefore, Zhang He can be regarded as a broken boat, for his future glory and the wealth of future generations, he also plans to hang his head around his waist and fight for it.

"Good! Junyi is willing to go, and a certain family is not allowed!

In this way, you brought all our 30,000 cavalry, and a certain family transferred Gao Gan and Zhang Nan to your command, and this battle was incomparable to intercept the Han army outside the fortress.

As long as we can wait for the Gongdu army to work together, it will be the time for us to launch a full-scale counterattack! "

Zhang He's strength is naturally clear.

In the previous Hebei War, if it weren't for Zhang He's underestimation of the enemy and his inherent impression in his heart, it would be unknown if the two of them were really going head-to-head.

Now, since Zhang He dared to make a military order, he naturally had already reported his determination to die, and Gao Ran was naturally extremely relieved.

As the main general, you can't attack easily.

As for Ding Feng? This product's defensive ability is good, but if it is really about personal strength, it is far away from Zhang He, and Gao Ran naturally will not propose to let him go out to deliver food to others.

With the permission of Gao Lan, Zhang He was overjoyed in the past.

Gao Ran, this kid, is still righteous enough, and he hasn't forgotten the righteousness of his former colleagues!

And just when Zhang He led the army to go out, Boss Cao, who was far away in White Wolf Mountain, also took action.

"Xiahou, Cao Ren, and you led 30,000 cavalry from the river meandering into the Xiongnu chassis.

Then, don't pay attention to anything else, go directly to the Hun king's tent!

Remember, you must capture the Hun Shan Yu for Cao.

Cao, I want to see who gave him the bear-hearted leopard gall, and he dared to invade my territory of Great Chu! "

Yes, after receiving Gao Ran's letter for help, Boss Cao had plans to send troops.

Previously, because the soldiers and armor under his command were all outside the Saiwai to recruit Xianbei people, Boss Cao could only endure it.

Now, the victorious generals Xiahou and Cao Ren have returned, and Boss Cao naturally can't sit still.

Made, arrogant Huns, Cao Mou, I have been busy dealing with Xianbei people recently, and I didn't have time to pay attention to you, so you jumped up?

It's really shameless to give you face.

This time, Cao Mou and I are going to smash Huanglong, directly dig out your Xiongnu royal court, and arrest your big single Yu.

Cao, I want to see, in this outside the desert north, who dares to move that knife and a soldier with me!

Yes, since he came to Saiwai, Cao Cao has completely found his life goal.

In the course of this year, Eastern Xianbei was almost crippled by Boss Ducao.

Now, it's the turn of the Huns who are jumping happily!

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