A little cold came first, and then the gun came out like a dragon.

Although, Zhang He's marksmanship is completely incomparable with Zhao Yun.

However, against this Li Huan, it can still be crushed in a chic manner.

The two had only been fighting for a few rounds, and Li Huan was already sweating on his forehead.

Damn, damn it!

This Chu general is so powerful! How can this be the strength of a vanguard general? I'm afraid that the general of the Chinese army Nima is nothing more than that, right?

Because he had not come to Hebei with Lu Bu before, Li Jian knew nothing about Zhang He.

I thought that he was just a vanguard general, and with his strength in the Western Regions, how could he abuse him casually.

I never thought that this collision would hit the iron plate headlong.

However, the two of them have become entangled, and they are surrounded by soldiers of the Chu and Han armies who are constantly fighting, and for a while, no one can support Li Huan.

Damn! This Chu General's marksmanship is too exquisite, if he continues like this, I am afraid that Lao Tzu will be defeated in ten rounds

! "Chu General! Give Lao Tzu and I will die!" Knowing

that he couldn't go on like this for a long time, Li Jian gritted his teeth and no longer paid attention to Zhang He's attack on him.

The big axe in his hand picked up, and he slashed down at Zhang Hemian.

Obviously, this is an intention to exchange lives for lives, and to exchange injuries for injuries.

Anyway, the weapon used by Zhang He is a spear, as long as it is not hit at once, then it cannot be fatal.

But what did Li Huan use? It was a big axe!

As long as he could hit it with one blow, he would lose half of his life if he didn't die.

"A nobody, dare to be a hero!?"

Seeing Li Huan's desperate efforts, Zhang He was not shocked at all.

Just kidding, if a certain family can't even take down such a nameless person, then what face does it have to stand on this land of Hebei?

In the face of Li Huan's oncoming big axe, Zhang He did not panic at all, twisted his waist, and at the moment of dodging the big axe, his right hand took advantage of the situation, directly ferryed the spear that was stabbed forward, and swept away at Li Huan's waist.


A miserable scream came, and Li Jian was swept off his horse by Zhang He without accident.


A shot stabbed out, killing Li Huan who fell off his horse, Zhang He did not stop, and continued to charge at the place where the handsome flag was located.

In this battle, the two armies were equal in strength, although the Chu army had the advantage of the surprise attack.

But if there are no special circumstances, it is not easy to defeat the Han army's forwards.

After all, this Han army is not like the previous Xiliang army.

Now that Liu Bei, the emperor of Shu Han, has ascended the throne, the morale of his domestic army is stable, and it is only a temporary defeat, and it cannot be defeated.

Therefore, Zhang He knew in his heart that if he wanted to win a big victory in this battle, he must cut off the handsome banner of the Han army, and only in this way could the Han army vanguard completely fall into a state of loss of command and discouragement.

"Zhang He is here, the one who stands in my way will die!" With

the momentum of killing Li Huan, Zhang He rushed forward with a horse, and all the people who resisted were picked off the horse by the steel spear in his hand.

Finally, after a round of killing, the handsome banner of the Han army was close at hand.

"Give Lao Tzu and I'll die!" Knowing

that his strength could not quickly cut off the Shuai Qi Da Xu, Zhang He naturally would not learn from his own overlord to directly work on the stout Da Xu.

But the problem is, you also need manpower to carry it, right? Otherwise, if you let the soldiers in the melee know the location of Daxu?

This will give Zhang He a chance.

A certain family will not beat your Da Xu, as long as the person carrying the flag is killed, will it not be able to let the Da Xuan fall to the ground

? "Stop him! Quickly, stop him!" How

did Zhang He's target Han army not know? The little colonel carrying the flag saw Zhang He killing, and hurriedly shouted loudly to the surrounding protective armor.

However, there is no general to guard the left side of Daxu, and these ordinary Han army armor are really not looked at by Zhang He.

"Death to a certain family!" waved

the spear in his hand, and in a few breaths, Zhang He, who looked crazy, killed the Han army blocking the way.

"The chief general of the Han army is dead, and the Great Command has been broken! The

soldiers of the Chu State are rushing with a certain family!" Zhang

He shouted frantically when the man carrying the flag of the Han army was killed.

Now, the Han army has been killed by himself, and Shuai Qi Daxu has fallen into the chaos of the army, and if he does not launch a general attack at this time, when will he wait?


!" "General Zhang's divine power is beyond the world!" "

Meritorious service, right now!"

Under Zhang He's brave attack, the morale of the Chu army was high, and they shouted loudly waving the sword in their hands at the Han army's forward.

On the other hand, the forward of the Han army, after folding Li Jian one after another and losing the handsome banner, its morale has fallen to the bottom.

You must know that the Han army was raided by the Chu army unprepared.

If it weren't for its well-trained and well-armoured soldiers, I'm afraid it would have been a big mess under that round of impact.

Now, under the repeated blows, the Han army forward finally collapsed.

In the face of the morale of the Chu army, the Han army could only resist with all its might, and even many Han troops who were wandering around the periphery turned their horses' heads after seeing that the situation was not good, and rushed away for their lives on the way they came.

The so-called Han army vanguard is nothing more than the Xiliang cavalry.

You must know that the Chu army broke the main force of the Xiliang Iron Cavalry led by Lu Bu in Hebei before, and this shadow has not completely subsided in the hearts of the Xiliang soldiers.

Now seeing that the battle situation is not good, the morale of the Chu army is like a rainbow, what else is there to say, it is important to save your life.

Finally, with the flight of a large number of Han troops, the scales of this battle completely fell to the Chu army.

"General Zhang, our army has won a great victory in the second battle! A total of more than 10,000 Han army forwards were killed and 3,000 were captured, and our army only lost less than 2,000 soldiers!" After

a rush and killing, there was no Han army who dared to hold a weapon in the desert north outside the pass.

After the results were counted, the deputy general Gao Gan reported to Zhang He excitedly.

With the same number of troops, how can people not like to win such a big victory?

Gao Gan knew that the merits of this battle were all won by Zhang He alone.

If it were not for Zhang He's courage to kill the enemy and capture the flag, even if it would not be possible to easily defeat the Han army, it would not be possible to achieve such a great victory.

"Very good! Zhang Nan, you led two thousand soldiers to escort the captives to Xihe County, and informed the two generals of this by the way.


Since the Han army has been repulsed, there is naturally no need to stay outside the pass.

Now, if the Han army's forward is broken, its morale will inevitably be greatly damaged, and the momentum of the offensive will inevitably be eased.


for why the prisoners were escorted to Xihe County?

Just kidding, now Zhang He's troops are all cavalry, and they don't carry much logistical baggage, and they still support these prisoners? What's more, only by bringing them back can he prove that he has

made a difference in this battle

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