"Damn, hurry! Quickly close the gate, don't let the Chu army take advantage of the situation to enter the pass!"

This time, he was really frightened by Xiang Ji.

No matter what he thought, he never imagined that Xiang Ji would become so much stronger.

Now, he found that he had lost the courage to fight against that nationality.

It's a change of status, it's the growth of age, and it's also a fear of Xiangji's terrifying strength.

Previously, on top of the battle array, Zhang Fei witnessed that the invincible Hu Che'er was killed by Xiang Ji in two rounds, and the courage in his heart had been completely lost.

Now, Zhang Fei no longer wants to compete with that book in the wilderness.

Now, Huguan is the only barrier and the only comfort in Zhang Fei's heart.

As long as Huguan is still there, then no matter how strong that he is, he will not be able to enter the territory of my Han Dynasty.

As for the tens of thousands of Han troops outside the Guan, who had not had time to flee into the Guannei?

Zhang Fei couldn't care about that much.

Just kidding, if the Chu army took advantage of the situation to enter the customs because of letting you enter the customs, then who would bear the guilt of losing Tongguan?

Tens of thousands of soldiers and armor are just tens of thousands of soldiers, and now Liu Bei is rich and rich, and he can completely abandon it.

It's just that Zhang Fei ignored that when he ordered to abandon the armor that was still outside the pass, the morale of the Han army was falling wildly at a speed visible to the naked eye.


because of the defeat in the war, tens of thousands of siblings have been abandoned.

So, will one day in the future, he will also be the one who was outcast?

This kind of thinking is spreading wildly within the Han army.

It's just that Zhang Fei doesn't know at all.

Now, the only thing Zhang Fei, who fled after being defeated, wants to do is to get drunk on his bed.

Only in this way can I forget the fear that this book has brought to me.

Only in this way can he defeat Xiang Ji.

Of course, this can only happen in Zhang Fei's sleep.

"Overlord! Our army won a great victory in this battle! A total of more than 30,000 enemy troops were annihilated, more than 60,000 people were captured, and the rest of the Han army fled into Tongguan with that Zhang Fei. After

receiving the report from his subordinates, Xiang Jizi laughed loudly.

That Zhang Fei, known as a brave general, doesn't want to have a day of fear.

If he didn't run away in advance, then the Chu army would definitely not win so easily.

After all, the number of this Han army is not much less than that of the Chu army.

Even if its armor combat power is not as elite as the Chu army, it will also bring big trouble to the Chu army after the number of people forms a certain scale.

As the old saying goes, one general is incompetent and the three armies are exhausted.

This Zhang Fei is a particularly incompetent bandit.

Abuse and abuse vegetables, bullying and bullying that is not as good as him, that is really brave and difficult.

When he really met an opponent, he was the first to coax him.

It's worthy of painting a picture of a lady at home every day, and he has lost his own manliness.

"Order the whole army to be reorganized immediately, and we will go to Tongguan!

As for the prisoners, let Cao Ang command the 20,000 rear army and escort all the prisoners to Luoyang, and then make plans. "

After all, it's 60,000 people, and it's impossible for Xiang Ji to kill them all anyway.

This is not a foreign race, but his own Chinese compatriots.

As for Cao Ang

, Boss Cao doesn't play with Xiang Ji, it doesn't mean that his sons and nephews don't play with Xiang Ji.

Anyway, in this era, if you want to get ahead, then you have to serve the imperial court.

Boss Cao is close to his sixtieth year, and he can pursue his dreams, which does not mean that his children and nephews are willing to agree to him to go to Nasai to eat and drink together.

Therefore, there are many second-generation descendants of the Cao family and the Xiahou family in the current Xiang army.

For these peers, Xiang Ji doesn't feel good.

No matter what Boss Cao says, he can be regarded as a good godson, and the ability of his children and grandchildren is still good.

Among them, this Cao Ang is especially the most.

This also made Xiang Ji sigh, if Cao Ang hadn't died prematurely because Boss Cao couldn't control his crotch in history.

The Three Kingdoms may not last for so many years, and China's national strength may not be so badly depleted.

However, now, because of his arrival, the Three Kingdoms era can be completely ended sixty or seventy years ahead of him.

In this way, there will be no transitional loss of China's national strength.

Hmph, as long as you dare to come, don't think about leaving alive!

You know, the end of the Three Kingdoms in history has reached 280 A.D.

And now, the era in which Xiang Ji lives is only about 210 A.D.

For example, today, there are only two Shu and Han left.

For this Liu Bei, Xiang Ji didn't plan to play a confrontation with him for decades.

In this all-out war, Xiang Ji will completely separate the victory and defeat with him, and he will completely end this troubled era!

"Overlord, Tongguan is ahead!" Zhao

Yun's report drew Xiang Ji's attention back again.

It is also true that the place where he fought with Zhang Fei before was not far from Tongguan.

"Very good! Command the whole army, set up camp, and rest on the spot.

Those two giant ballista trucks, let the rear army pull them over, and it was time for the Han army to see what the real siege was.

Hmph! A Tongguan wants to block the army of the Lone King? Then Liu Bei thinks too much!" It

is because of these two giant ballista cars that Xiang Ji does not care at all about the first danger in the world caused by Liu Bei.

No matter how much you say, it's just a pile of dirt and gravel and boulders.

Lao Tzu's giant ballista that needs to be hugged by several people bombards it, I don't believe that you are playing with resistance!

And just when the Chu army of Xiang Ji set up camp and was about to set up the giant ballista car, the Han army in Tongguan also reported the news to Zhang Fei, who was looking for Zhou Gong in the inner house.

"General! Oh no, General, the Chu army has already besieged the pass!" Looking

at the panicked adjutant general, Zhang Fei suddenly became angry.

"Your special mother is not good, I am so good! I have never been so good!" Obviously

, after the defeat during the day, Zhang Fei completely lost his courage, and he was able to buy drunk to numb himself.

But when he kicked his lieutenant general Fan Jiang into the air, he remembered, what did this thing just say

? That item has already arrived under Tongguan

? Damn, he has just fought a big battle, isn't he going to stop? This is going to be a tough problem?

"Come on, go and find out, has the Chu army already tackled the key problems?"

Although he has great confidence in Tongguan, because of the fear that Xiang Ji brought to Zhang Fei, his heart is still not as confident as before.

It's just that the drunk Zhang Fei didn't notice the hateful look in the eyes of Fan Jiang, the deputy general who was kicked by him.

I believe that if Zhang Fei could know that it was this thing who cut off his head while he was asleep in history, he would never be treated like this.

It's a pity that Zhang Fei is not a member of the Xiang Dynasty and does not know everything that happened in history.

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