"Guan Yu! look at the arrow!" Guan Yu

, who was still riding his horse and running, was waiting for Huang Zhong, who was finally here.

But it wasn't his people who came, but his arrows.

Because of the stumble in front of the horse, Huang Zhong, who couldn't catch up, had no choice but to release the arrow.

You must know that Huang Zhong's archery technique, in the world, even Tai Shici has to bow down.

For the glory of being a general, Huang Zhong did not choose to release the dark arrow silently, but opened his mouth to remind Guan Yu.

But it's okay not to remind it, as soon as it is reminded, Guan Yu, who was waiting to use the drag knife meter, almost spurted out a mouthful of old blood.


heart was full of helplessness, but Huang Zhong's feather arrow had already attacked, and Guan Yu could only try his best to dodge sideways.

With this avoidance, Guan Yu did let go of the vital points around his body, but the right arm that had been shot by Tai Shi Ci one after another was like a magnet, firmly attracting the attacking feather arrows to the old wounds.

This time, it is really painful.

You must know that Guan Yu's right arm was shot by Tai Shi Ci one after another, and there was already a secret wound between his arms.

Usually it doesn't look like much, but now that this old wound has been shot by an arrow again, it really makes it hurt and explode in an instant.

The pain struck, and Guan Yu couldn't even grasp the Qinglong Knife.

"Bang dang. The

Qinglong knife fell to the ground, and Guan Yu could only run away in embarrassment.

This time, it was not a fraud, but a real defeat.

In this regard, Guan Yu's heart was full of remorse.

Okay, why do you have to play this exciting thing?

If you really continue to fight against Huang Zhong, even if you can't solve the opponent in a short time, if you drag it out, you still have a greater advantage!

No matter what, Guan Yu is ten years younger than Huang Zhong, and he is not a level of existence in terms of physical strength and endurance.

But now, it's too late to say anything, the sharp pain in his right arm, the loss of the Qinglong Knife, Guan Yu has no time to pay attention to the battle formation on the front line, and he just wants to quickly return to his own formation to recuperate.

Guan Yu's defeat suddenly caused a huge shock to the entire fighting front line.

You know, others don't know that you Guan Yu was playing fraud at the beginning, and you were playing that kind of dagging knife.

In the eyes of others, it was Guan Yu who was defeated by Huang Zhong, and he fled in embarrassment, and in the end, he was even shot in the right arm by an arrow, causing even the Qinglong Sword to be lost on the front line.

This can really be described as a defeat to grandma's house.


A scream came, and Liu Pan, who had been encouraging and supporting him before, was so uneasy after seeing Guan Yu's defeat that he was slashed off by his opponent Tan Xiong under a careless decision.

Guan Yu's defeat and escape was like a fuse.

Liu Pan, who was the first to be affected by it, was the first to die.

Immediately, Quan Cong, who was supported by Tan Xiong, also killed his opponent Bao Long, leaving only one Chen Ying who was not defeated by the second general of the Chu army at all, and in the end he could only choose to learn from his own boss and run away from the horse frantically.

After Chen Ying was defeated and fled, the Han army was even more overwhelmed.

With the support of Tan Xiong and Quan Cong, the pressure on Wen He Yi was greatly reduced.

"Haha! Wei Yan, your commander Guan Yu has been killed and retreated by our old general Huang, why don't you quickly dismount and surrender?"

Hearing Wen Ping's words, Wei Yan's heart was dripping blood when he looked at Tan Xiong and Quan Cong, who had already arrived.

Nima! Do you want to be so unlucky

? How can this be a very good situation, and if it is said to

change, it will change? You must know that this is Wei Yan's first fighting general since joining the Shuhan Group!

No matter what he thinks, he will never think of it.

For the first time, I actually gave Wen Hire.

It doesn't matter, if the exporter is yourself, then you can bear with it.

But the problem is that he is the one who suffers

! This is going to die! The

situation is already unfavorable to his side, Guan Yu is defeated and fled, Bao Long is killed, and Chen Ying is defeated and fled.

Wei Yan didn't talk nonsense, and while the generals of the Chu army had not yet surrounded him, he forced He Yi, who was sorry for his combat strength, to retreat with one sword.

Immediately, Wei Yan took advantage of the situation to frantically slap the war horse under his crotch and flee.

Just kidding, wouldn't Lao Tzu be surrounded if he didn't run?

Wei Yan knew in his heart that if he was captured by the Chu army here, at best, the other party would send you a surrender.

At worst, what if I kill you to sacrifice the flag?

However, Wei Yan has the strength to fight his way out of the encirclement, but Guan Ping does not.

As the Han generals died or fled one after another, only Guan Ping was left in the field.

Now, Guan Ping is embarrassed.

Pan Zhang's strength is not weak, and Guan Ping has been fighting with him for more than 50 rounds and has not been able to tell the winner.

Now, with the assistance of the title of the book, Chu Jiang, Guan Ping's lower city has only a tragic way.


An careless, panicked Guan Ping was knocked off the horse by Quan Cong with the hilt of his knife.

"Someone! Tie him up!" This

is the son of Guan Yu, the commander of the Jingzhou army of the Shu Han Dynasty, and everyone knows that catching him is tantamount to a great achievement!


Guan Yu, who had already withdrawn to the rear formation, was shocked when he saw Guan Ping captured.

However, the generals of the Chu army have already been tied up and rushed to Jiangxia City, even if they are sent to rescue now, they are also unable to catch up.

"Order, the whole army retreats ten miles back and camps on the spot!" A

big defeat not only made the morale of the Jingzhou army completely lost, but also folded the two generals Yu Ban and Bao Long, and his son was captured by the Chu army, Guan Yu could only reluctantly order the whole army to retreat temporarily.

With the current situation, if Tou Tie ordered an attack, he could only send the head to the Chu army.

"Youjun have worked hard!" Unlike

Guan Yu, who was depressed, Lu Meng, who was in Jiangxia's general command, was very excited.

This battle not only completely broke the spirit of the Han army, but also killed the rebel general.

Not only that, but even that Guan Yu was defeated by Huang Zhong in a heads-up, causing his Qinglong Sword to fall into the hands of the Chu army, and what made Lu Meng most excited was that he captured Guan Yu's son Guan Ping!

You know, the only thing Lu Meng had to worry about before was that he was worried that Guan Yu would choose to take a detour after seeing that he couldn't do anything.

If that was the case, Lü Meng really didn't have the courage to lead his army out of the city to fight a decisive battle with the Jingzhou army.

After all, there is too much difference between the two armies in terms of strength.

Although the morale of the Jingzhou army is low now, if it really falls into a state of field warfare, I am afraid that it will still be the Chu army that will lose.

But defending the city is different.

The defenders of the city already have an advantage, which can greatly make up for the disadvantage of your lack of troops.

Now, Guan Yu's son Guan Ping has been captured, as long as he is stimulating that Guan Yu, judging from Lu Meng's understanding of him, this thing will inevitably choose to attack Jiangxia to the death.

As for how to stimulate Guan Yu?"

"Come on, cut off that Guan Ping for me, and hang the head directly on the city wall!" "

Yes, this is Lu Meng's plan.

Anyone who sees his son's body in a different place, and the head is hanging on the city wall like a public display, I'm afraid he will also lose his mind, right?

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