Yizhou, Hanzhong.

Just when Guan Yu was killed, Liu Bei also made an order for a general attack.

There is no way, if you don't always attack, Liu Bei's account can still handle those few generals Xichuan, but in the face of these wolf-like Cao and Xiahou juniors, General Xichuan really can't take advantage.

You must know that Liu Bei does not dare to delay the current situation.

Who knows if Zhao Yun, Tai Shici, and other generals of the Chu State can't help but go to the battlefield in person

? If this is not good, attracting these two people and even Xiang Ji, who can resist

it? Is Liu Bei himself? Or Zhuge Liang

? At present, Liu Bei is the only one with the highest force, and Liu Bei also asked him to protect himself, how could he be sent out?

"Rush! Kill the Chu army and support the Han family

!" "Kill, for Your Majesty!"

"The Han is invincible!"

Under Liu Bei's order, the Han army launched a charge.

"Order! The whole army will attack!"

Seeing Liu Bei adding a b-face and using a general attack to interrupt the fighting generals, Xiang Ji could only choose to face the battle.


! Knock! Knock!

Immediately, the low sound of war drums came from colleagues in the rear of the Chu army.

"Canglong cavalry, charge!" With

a swing of the gentian spear, Zhao Yun took the lead, led the Canglong cavalry as an arrow, and rushed towards the oncoming Han army.

After the Canglong cavalry, a large number of Chu troops stepped on the drum beat and firmly faced the Han army with neat steps.

Everyone knows that

this is the last battle! This is the battle that will determine the ownership of

the world! As long as the Han army is defeated in this battle, then the world will be unified from the unified.

Everyone can no longer live this war, no longer have to worry about suddenly rushing into the enemy army in the middle of the night, no longer have to worry about having no land to grow and no food to eat.

Similarly, in the face of the invincible Chu army, the Han army armor did not have the slightest hint of timidity.

This is only because they know that they are not alone, and behind them, there are still 150,000 Qiang cavalry ready to charge at any time.

Between the mountains and forests on both sides of the Chu army, there were also 200,000 Southern Barbarian troops in ambush.

In this battle, as long as the Han army blocked the first wave of the Chu army's offensive, the Chu army would be defeated!

The two imposing armies would soon be in one place.

The gentian spear in the hand of Zhao Yun, who was charging ahead, flipped over, and the armor of the Han army was constantly picked up by it and stabbed down.

Behind him, the charging Dragoon warriors had also reached the battlefield.

With the help of the momentum of the war horse, the Canglong cavalry warriors did not stop, stood upright with the cavalry spear in their hands, and went straight into the Han army's position.

Looking down from the air, you will find that the 10,000-strong Canglong cavalry has Zhao Yun as an arrow, as if it is an extremely sharp sword, straight stabbing the Han army's position out of a huge gap.

"Disperse! Don't resist the cavalry head-on!" "

Disperse quickly!" "The dragon cavalry is rushing over!"

"Shoot the arrows! Where are the archers? Shoot

the arrows, release the arrows!" "Who is so shouting that you can release the arrows? Are you all surrounded by your own brothers, murder?"

Under the charge of the dragon cavalry, the Han army suddenly fell into chaos.

Countless armor is wailing, countless armor is turning and fleeing, countless armor is dying under the hooves of horses and riding spears.

Being in the rear, seeing all this in front of him, the corners of Liu Bei's mouth twitched slightly.

Nima, why don't I have such a strong cavalry?

Similarly, Zhuge Liang, who was standing beside Liu Bei, was also sweating profusely.

Everyone knows that if it weren't for the help of reinforcements and relying only on the Han army, I am afraid that it would be the complete destruction of the Han Dynasty today.

This comparison of combat power is too disparity.

However, the frontal battle has begun, and Zhuge Liang has nowhere to show even if he has a thousand clever plans.

After all, the war is really a head-to-head duel between the two armies.

The so-called stratagem is nothing more than the icing on the cake.

In the face of absolute power, stratagem is nothing more than a joke.

Soon, the infantry of the Chu army also came to the front of the battlefield.

On one side is the Chu army, which has been battle-hardened and has been tempered into a heroic division in the world.

On the one hand, it is because it knows that there are reinforcements to help, so the morale of the Han army is also bursting.

In the center of the battlefield, it was like a huge meat grinder, with soldiers of the two armies constantly falling, and follow-up armor constantly filling the gaps left by their companions.

In this huge battle of hundreds of thousands of people, the power of individuals was infinitely reduced, and everyone just kept waving their blades in an attempt to knock down the enemy in front of them.

Because, everyone knows that in this battle formation of hundreds of thousands of people, only by defeating the enemy can they survive.

As the saying goes, the brave wins.

In the face of the attack of the Chu army, the resistance of the Han army gradually began to be overwhelmed.

After all, Chu Jun relied on real skills.

The Han army

is just waiting for reinforcements that have not yet appeared.

When the reinforcements did not arrive, the Chu army continued to charge, and after watching the comrades next to him fall one by one, the morale of the Han army gradually declined, and the courage began to gradually decrease.

Looking down from the air, you will find that the two frontal collision torrents began to appear that the Chu army advanced and the Han army retreated.

"Prime Minister, hurry up and let the Southern Barbarians join the battle, we can't stop it!" Being

in the rear, Liu Bei naturally saw everything that was happening in front of him.

Seeing that his armor was pressed and beaten by the Chu army, and it was only a round of short-handed combat before there was a decline, Liu Bei was suddenly shocked.

Although, Liu Bei knew in his heart that his Han army was the bait and the cannon fodder to lure the Chu army.

However, this is Liu Bei's last family background, even if he is used as bait and cannon fodder, he can't be regarded as the end

, and he can't be a loser, right? Those aliens are all jackals

! If they don't have enough strength, who knows if they will have other crooked thoughts?"

"Your Majesty! Wait, now only a small number of Chu troops are involved in the frontal battle. Of

course Liu Bei's thoughts are clear to Zhuge Liang.

However, the hand-to-hand encounter has just begun, and there are still many soldiers and armor of the two armies who have not participated in the battle formation.

If the Southern Barbarian ambush was launched at this time, the Chu army could completely make an effective response.

If this allowed the Chu army to block the Nanban ambush, Zhuge Liang really didn't know if he could beat the Chu army by relying on these foreigners.

It was only because, through the battle he witnessed, Zhuge Liang found out.

It turns out that there will be such a big difference in combat effectiveness

between the same armor and the same army! In just this moment's battle, I am afraid that the number of soldiers in the Han army will be no less than 20,000.

On the other hand, looking at the Chu army, Zhuge Liang didn't even feel that they had attrition.

Of course, this is not possible, the Chu army is also a human being, not a heavenly soldier, and it is impossible to have any body protection skills and invulnerability.

It's just that under the huge base, the thousands of Chu troops that have fallen are really like a drop in the ocean, and they seem so insignificant.

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