After getting Jia Xu's allegiance so smoothly, Xiang Ji was naturally in a good mood.

After Pei Yuanshao arranged for Jia Xu's family to leave, Xiang Ji was also ready to leave with Jia Xu.

"Lord, I don't know if you are going to wait for the world to change, or are you planning to speed up this process?"

was about to leave, Jia Xu, who had been behind Xiang Ji, suddenly asked.


What is this old poison doing, what are you asking?

Why don't these smart people tell you everything when they speak? Always make people guess, aren't they tired?

Actually, this is not clear about the item.

For the ancients.

The monarch chooses the minister, and the minister also chooses the monarch.

At the very least, people can decide whether to sell you for the rest of their lives through continuous trial contact.

After all, this is a choice that will affect future generations and the survival of the entire family, and there is no room for carelessness.

And Jia Xu's sudden questioning this time was a test of Xiang Ji.

Although Jia Xu has decided to be allegiance, there are many kinds of allegiance.

Perfunctory is one kind, you ask me one to answer, one kind to take the initiative to make suggestions, and another kind to put your liver and gall forward.

As an ancestor-level figure who protects his self, Jia Xu is now just between the first and second types of Xiang Ji.

"Mr. Wenhe, is there any difference between the two you said?"

Seeing Xiang Ji's confused expression, Jia Xu knew that what he said was too subtle, and he was not an outstanding lord for this kind of strategy, so it was estimated that it would be more difficult to communicate like this.

After self-examination, Jia Xu spoke again.

"What the meaning of the word is that if the lord is ready to wait for the world to change, then we will do nothing and return to Xiapi directly.

Criticizing Dong Zhuo's subordinates is not aligned, and Dong Zhuo is perverse, someone will get rid of him sooner or later.

As long as Dong Zhuo dies, then the Xiliang army will definitely split.

And now the Son of Heaven is young, and he does not have any prestige to command the divided Xiliang Army, so the prestige of the Han family will fall sharply again.

At that time, the lord can naturally take advantage of the situation. "

Okay? It's been a long time, just let me follow the trend of history

? But Diao Chan has become my woman, so who will play a serial scheme? Diao Butterfly? Who knows.

But Xiang Ji was not very interested in what Jia Xu said about waiting for life.

Since Lao Tzu and I have crossed over, then everything follows the direction of history, so what is the meaning?"

Mr. Wenhe, let's not mention the first article, let's talk about the second one.

Hearing Xiang Ji's words, Jia Xu's originally dim eyes suddenly lit up.

It seems that his lord is really not an ordinary person.

You must know that the first article that Jia Xu said, but the vast majority of people will readily agree after hearing it.

Isn't it beautiful that there is no risk and you can sit back and enjoy the results?

After some consideration, Jia Xu spoke again.

"As for this second article .

. Now Dong Zhuo has been defeated, the army is unstable, and the lord has the courage to be the best in the world.

Then, the lord can ambush Dong Zhuo on the way to Luoyang, and do that special thing to him.

As soon as Dong Zhuo dies, the Xiliang army will be in chaos.

And the princes of the Xuguan Alliance are not united, and they will definitely not pursue after Dong Zhuo withdraws from Luoyang.

In this way, the chaotic Xiliang army will inevitably have a struggle with the ministers loyal to the Han family.

As long as they fight, whether they win or lose, the prestige of the Han family will also plummet. "


It's an old poison, it's really ruthless.

Then Dong Zhuo was still your lord a few days ago? You turned your face and didn't recognize people a little fast, right?

Moreover, you are especially cruel to yourself.

I'm your lord, you don't even ask, you arrange for me to be an assassin

? If I hang up, Pei Yuanshao will cut down all your family?

However, I like this strategy.

"Wenhe, you said that this second article is still a little interesting.

But I think about it, if I slaughter the little emperor too, wouldn't the effect be better?"

"Bang dang!" Jia

Xu, who was still a high-ranking person, heard Xiang Ji's words, and he didn't stand firmly, and directly hit the chair on the side.

My lord, this...

He really dared to think about it!

After all, he was still an ancient, and even though Jia Xu had a strategy that shocked the world and cried ghosts and gods, his thinking still had limitations.

The assassination of the Son of Heaven is really unthinkable for him.

But now that he heard Xiang Ji put forward this plan, he suddenly began to think about it.

It seems that this effect is indeed much better than just killing a Dong Zhuo.

It's just that this operation is also much more difficult.

Seeing that Jia Xu did not object but thought about it, Xiang Ji knew that he accepted his suggestion.

Hmph, are you still showing off your IQ with

me here? Who is being more ruthless than me here

? Aren't you racking your brains for Lao Tzu's words?

It's just that Xiang Ji didn't notice that Zhao Yun, who was behind him, changed his face after hearing the conversation between the two.

Because of the change in plans, Xiang Ji and the others could only stay at Jia Xu's house temporarily.

After a day of struggle, Zhao Yun, who couldn't sleep on his side, came to Xiang Ji's door.

"Lord, are you resting?"

When Xiang Ji opened the door and saw Zhao Yun with a haggard face, he was stunned.

What's going on? Isn't it okay during the day? Why did you suddenly look like this? Who did you cook it

?" "Zilong, what's wrong with you?" Come, come in, what's the matter?"

Letting the haggard Zhao Yun into the house, Xiang Ji asked Lian Sheng.

This is the most important general under Lao Tzu, don't make some moths because of some messy things.

You must know that to assassinate Dong Zhuo and the Son of Heaven, Xiang Ji is still counting on Zhao Yun to contribute.

"Lord, what you said to Mr. Wenhe during the day, but seriously? You, really want to kill the Son of Heaven?"

Hearing Zhao Yun's question, Xiang Ji immediately understood.

It turned out that this guy was also frightened by Lao Tzu's intention to kill the Son of Heaven.

But this is troublesome, these ancients seem to have a kind of loyal thinking, don't be special because of Lao Tzu I want to kill the Son of Heaven again, he can't turn around.

After thinking about it, the item organized the language.

"Zilong, let me ask you, who am I? Who are my ancestors

? If there is chaos today, I don't need to say more

about the destruction of the Han family, right? So, why not

kill the Son of Heaven? If you want to fight for the world, then this Son of Heaven, sooner or later, don't you have to kill it

? Sooner or later, is there a difference? Zilong, sooner or later

I will one day build a country and become the emperor, so is the current Son of Heaven still the Son of Heaven?"

Hearing Xiang Ji's words, Zhao Yun was stunned.

left Zhao Yun with a dashing back, and Xiang Ji reflexively left.

At this point, let him want to go on his own.

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