The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 119: Parallel imports are really not good

Looking at the mysterious man who suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, the power exuding from his body was so powerful that he was overwhelmed, but he couldn't help being terrified.

"Who are you? Are you the reliance of the current mortal emperor? Or a strong man who came to this place for other reasons?"

Although there is some fear in the heart of the person in front of him, he does not lose the battle, no matter how much fear he has in his heart, he cannot show it, and loses his momentum.

Hearing this, the white-robed man opened his eyes slightly, narrowed his eyes slightly, tilted his head slightly, and squinted at the Ryan God, his every move was full of incomparable contempt.

After a short glance, he withdrew his gaze, looked down slowly, and looked at Zhong Yu who was using it below, looking at him with solemn eyes.

Is this the person? It's been a long time since I woke up again at a price I don't know. This kind of breath full of life, the incomparably powerful feeling of immortal energy flowing all over my body is really intoxicating.

After being intoxicated for a while, I suddenly thought sadly, unfortunately, I can't experience this feeling for a long time, and I still have to complete my contract task to help the person in front of me defeat his enemy.

Seeing the contempt of the white-robed man in front of him, as well as his every move, he never put himself in the eyes and ignored him. It's as if you are facing an ant, you don't care, you don't even feel it.

The God Ryan, who had always been extremely proud, was full of anger. Even if he was among the other three barbarian kingdoms, and the gods enshrined in each kingdom were much stronger than him, he did not dare to despise him like this.

And this unknown person in front of him was so arrogant. I just felt its breath, although it is stronger than myself, but it may not be much stronger.

As for triggering changes in the world, causing the entire world to turn upside down because of his appearance, if he is willing to give up some divine power, it is not impossible to create it. What capital does he have to be so rampant in front of him.

"Bastard, I'm asking you something, how dare you be so arrogant, what gave you such confidence!"

The enraged Ruien God was burned with anger, but the difference in strength between the two sides helped him cool down like cold water, so he had to ask the last question to try to ease the tension between the two sides.

Hearing the question from the unknown god beside him, the white-robed man finally raised his head slowly, staring at the Ryan god sharply, as if watching a prey.

His eyes kept wandering, as if he was sizing him up, how to do it to save the most effort, but he didn't have the confidence to worry that he couldn't catch and kill the prey in front of him.

Finally, when God Ryan faced this kind of eyes, as if looking at a weak, defenseless prey, he was almost unbearable and was about to explode.

The white-robed man finally opened his mouth, and this opening was earth-shattering, and there was no room for change.

"You are the person my summoner is going to deal with, and your strength is not very good! But you have just become a fairy, and even your mortal body has not completely faded away, and the power in your body is not concentrated enough, and even some people who are going through the tribulation Immortal cultivators can’t compare. I really don’t know how you achieved the existence of an immortal, presumably within the cultivation system you agreed to, your strength is also the lowest, and your combat power is the most unbearable!”

The white-robed man didn't say anything, but when he opened his mouth, he was extremely mean, and satirized the god Ryan in front of him very sharply.

Let the God Ryan, who has been bullied because of his weakest strength among many other gods, suddenly feel ashamed in his already very sensitive and extreme heart.

But I couldn't bear it any longer, and I was going to teach this guy in front of me a good lesson. Of course, I satirized the great Ryan god bastard. Even if he was a little stronger than me, he couldn't insult an existence of the same level as him like this.

"Divine Art: Light of Retribution!"

A sound of divine metaphor came down, and a white light suddenly appeared in the sky, full of holiness, light, justice and many other positive power breaths, but with a hint of judgment and punishment, it went straight to the white-robed man.

Seeing the light attacking him in front of him, the white-robed man turned his face in disdain, his eyes were mocking, and at the same time, he moved his right hand slightly and made a seal.

"Five Elements Immortal Technique: Golden Spirit Art!"

As soon as the handprint was pinched, a golden glow quickly condensed in the air in the blink of an eye, forming a small sword shape, and shot towards the white light after turning around.


All of a sudden, the little sword came into contact with the white light, and the two attacks collided for a moment or two. The more solid and sharp sword light directly cut through the white light, and it was combined with the air from the middle. Cut in half and dissipate directly.

After destroying his enemies, the sword glow didn't stop. On the contrary, it was more surging, and the sword energy overflowed all over his body. He stayed in the air for a while, as if he was accumulating enough strength. It took a long time, but it was only in the blink of an eye.

Just as Zhong Yu and the others were staring at the sky, blinked their eyes, and opened them again, they saw the sword light shooting directly at the God of Ruien at an even faster speed, like a comet sweeping the moon. And out of control.

When the sword light stopped in the air, God Rui En had already taken precautions. Seeing the sword light heading straight towards him, he immediately cast a magic spell to block it, but he kept dodging and shifting his direction.

"Divine Art: Radiant Shield!"

"Divine Art: Speed ​​Delay!"

"Divine Art: Space Reversal!"


In the blink of an eye, a series of dozens of magical spells were released from his hand by the god Rui En, blocking the direction of the sword glow.

However, Jianmang, who had already accumulated enough strength, went forward without any hesitation, pierced through several magic spells one after another, and rushed towards God Ryan without any hindrance.

Except for the smaller size and a slightly illusory body, there is really no damage at all, and the road is unimpeded, and all divine spells can't hinder its momentum a little bit.


No matter how Ryan God avoids and releases divine spells to block. The sword light finally shot at Ryan God, with a dull collision sound.

On the shoulder of God Rui En's body, there was a sword light that was still stabbing in, and drops of golden blood slowly flowed down along the body of the sword light.

And Ryan, who was seriously injured, didn't care about it at all, but his face sank like the bottom of a pot. His eyes were completely red, his whole face was distorted, and his whole body exuded a cold air.

"Damn bastard, you have completely angered the great Ryan God, if you don't drive you into the ruins, my godhead will not exist, the god fire will be extinguished, and the name of the god will disappear!"

Filled with anger and vengeance, God Ryan's sanity no longer existed, and he only wanted to eliminate this person who was so angry with him, so that he could breathe a sigh of relief.

Seeing the god's swearing in front of him, the corner of the white-robed man's mouth curled up, and he was even more mocking. Through the battle just now, he had completely understood the strength of the existence in front of him, who was at the same level as the immortal.

It turns out that it is just a belief in God. By accepting the belief of mortals, although it can grow rapidly, it is another shortcut to achieve longevity.

But since it is a shortcut, the natural foundation is not solid enough, and there are various disadvantages. The strength of the person in front of him, no matter how concentrated or flexible it is, is far inferior to the strength he has cultivated step by step. Even the combat experience is extremely clumsy.

Of course, the white-robed man dismissed this instant product, and his heart was full of contempt, even anger, thinking that he had tarnished his lofty immortal realm in his heart.

Murderous intent arises spontaneously!

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