However, the lieutenant general's wish was not fulfilled after all, and Qin Jun, who had been overwhelmed by fear and frightened his mind, still cared a lot.

Although the defense was barely organized, the seemingly relatively strong defensive front gave the slightly calm Qin army a negligible sense of security.

However, when those coalition forces rushed over, the fear that had completely ruled these Qin troops before surged into my heart again, and it permeated uncontrollably.

In the beginning, the lieutenant general could rely on the coercion of military law to make those Qin troops reluctantly obey.

However, after all, this was drinking poison to quench thirst. The Qin army was constrained by military law to gather some courage and began to fight those coalition forces.

However, the battle didn't last long, and soon the coalition forces continued to charge and kill without fear of death, and they were so frightened that they lost their minds and started to run away.

At the beginning, there were only two or three people, and it gradually expanded to a dozen, hundreds, or even hundreds of thousands of routs, and then the whole situation was unstoppable and spread to the entire army.

The supervisory team at the rear began to kill hundreds of people at once with decisive killing, which also severely deterred the terrified Qin army and made them continue to support them for a while.

But soon they discovered even more horrified that the lives taken away by those desperate coalition forces in the front line far exceeded the deterrence of those supervising teams.

It was just their fear of military law and a little integrity in their hearts that supported him on the front line for a moment or ten minutes.

But, just for a while, ordinary people drink a cup of tea. These Qin troops had already killed more than 2,000 of his troops, almost all of which were 1/10 of the defeated troops.

How can such a horrible death rate and death time not make these Qin soldiers feel intimidated? Although they may be killed by those supervising troops if they escape, if they continue to stay at the front line, I am afraid they will die now. There is no other way. exception.

Instead, he ran backwards, and he might escape with his life. With such one or two choices, how should he choose? Needless to say, those Qin troops have already made a choice with their actions.

Except for a few Qin troops who continued to stick to their beliefs and resisted on the front line, most of the remaining Qin troops fled on a large scale, leaving those stupid Qin troops who refused to flee at the front , Acting as the queen.

Such a large-scale rout, the supervising team naturally couldn't stop it, even if there were 10,000 of him serving as the supervising team, they were all the elite brought by the deputy general to defend the general Wang Jian, with extraordinary combat power, they couldn't stop it.

After all, these 10,000 people, in addition to being used to supervise the battle, must be gathered together as a mobile team, and they must also guard the safety of the deputy general. He was able to pull out and supervise the battle in the rear. In fact, he was the only one with more than 3,000 soldiers, not many.

However, those fleeing Qin troops were killed and wounded a lot by the crazy coalition forces after the killing just now. After some 30,000 people died, there were still more than 24,000 of his troops.

Such a huge number is distributed on the vast battlefield, how can a mere 3,000 people be able to completely monitor it? Except for those deserters who killed more than a thousand deserters, the rest of the supervising team all fled away.

Although the supervising team was extremely angry and wished to kill those deserters, they did not dare to pursue them.

Now, behind those deserters, there are about 40,000 coalition soldiers who are eyeing and chasing after the victory, waiting for the Qin army to mess up and kill for a while!

Therefore, the more than 3,000 superintendents, after killing some routs, continued to gather their formation, retreated slowly, and merged with the more than 7,000 people around the deputy general at the rear to form a tight defensive formation , waiting for the arrival of the coalition forces.

The lieutenant general didn't have to wait long, and the coalition forces sent out some people to hunt down those deserters. There were still more than 30,000 people who slowly gathered from all directions, and surrounded the more than 10,000 Qin troops tightly. It is impenetrable, and it seems that they want to wipe them out completely.


"The storm is about to come. Who would have thought that the last moment would be a great opportunity to win a battle? It seems that the victory is about to be won, but now the situation has reversed in just a short time. It is really unpredictable!"

In the center of the supervising team, the lieutenant general, who was tightly wrapped by tens of thousands of Qin troops and guarded against any threats, looked up to the sky and sighed, expressing his sigh at this time.

He can't be blamed for this, the situation has changed too fast, too fast for him to react, and neither can Wang Jian.

After all, who would have thought that the victory was still within easy reach the moment before, when the 100,000 Qin army tightly wrapped the more than 60,000 coalition forces, and they were about to unite and wipe them out to win the final victory of this war.

Those coalition forces in front who were constantly retreating and were about to be completely unable to hold on, collapsing and fleeing, suddenly went crazy, became unstoppable, fearless of life and death, it was really weird.

Even if the deputy general wanted to break his head, he still couldn't figure out what boosted the morale of these coalition forces. After all, this was not a few hundred or thousands of people, but a total of more than 60,000 coalition forces. He wanted to boost their morale , the difficulty is not ordinary.

It’s okay if there are hundreds or thousands of people, as long as some incentives are given, plus some coercion and temptation, to confuse people’s hearts, let their blood rush to their heads for a while, deceive their hearts, and become desperate to follow their boss desperately It's not a big deal, many talented generals can do this.

But this is not thousands or hundreds of people, but tens of thousands of people. With so many people, the complexity of their hearts is hard to fathom. It is even more difficult to get them to work together.

Although it is not impossible to do it, it will take him at least ten days? A few days to get ready!

How is it possible to do so all of a sudden? However, in just half an hour, such a huge transformation was completed, turning some cowards and bereaved dogs into brave warriors who dared to fight and kill.

The lieutenant general was puzzled, not only him, Wang Jian, who continued to watch the situation on the battlefield from a distance, was also puzzled.

But before the lieutenant general could think of a result, the shouts of killing around him moved his thoughts.

A total of 30,000 coalition forces finally surrounded the Qin army, and began their first round of probing attacks.

Due to the rush of the coalition forces, they had even retreated just before, so the weapons in many people's hands were somewhat broken, and they even simply grabbed them on the battlefield and used them as their own killing weapons.

So expect them to come up with some useful siege equipment and defense breaking tools, then don't think about it.

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