The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 378: Arrangement Completed

Under the city wall, waves of Tier 3 legion battle formations swept towards the city wall like a tide.

On the city wall, countless ashigaru who were temporarily pulled over, followed by a supervisory team composed of several samurai, not far away, about ten meters away, there were several third-level guards, and within a hundred meters, there was a fourth-level monitor , forming a tight anti-lock.

However, although all these defenses are considerable, they are an insurmountable obstacle in all parts of the world.

But facing the enemy who was attacking them below, they seemed so insignificant.

An army composed of Tier 3 surged in, and for every fifty Tier 3 there was a Tier 4 as the captain, and each team had a Tier 5 as a general.

This kind of strength configuration can be called luxurious wherever it is placed, and no one among all the existing big names can show it.

Such an army of 500 people led by the fifth rank is the enemy of this strong city in front of the world.

Because of the inferior number of people, the cannon fodder composed of ordinary people on the city wall, even the ordinary warriors who are only second-level, are quite relaxed in mentality.

"After all, we have a full 5,000 people here! There is a ten-fold difference in the number of people, no matter what, we shouldn't lose."

This is the thinking of most of them, and it is also the thinking of these people with insufficient strength.

They didn't see the distinguished third-rank generals above their heads at all. Even the more honorable, fourth-tier commanders with a small city as their fiefdom, all of them have dignified faces.

Even in places that were not noticed by others, their faces turned pale, and drops of sweat dripped down their foreheads, showing that their hearts were not as peaceful as they appeared on the surface.

Although 500 people were few, the soldiers below were all magnificent, exuding an aura that belonged only to the strong, which made people daunting.

When these powerful people gather together, obey the strict discipline of those who obey orders and prohibitions, and become a whole, the power formed is enough to move mountains and fill seas, destroying anything that stands in front of them.

A person's strength is weak, and when he has not reached the limit of a life and has not been sublimated, he is weak.

But if everyone gathers together, even if everyone's strength is still weak, the influence I can cause is enough to make the gods feel awed.

The 500 people were connected together, their auras were intertwined with each other, and their strengths were connected through the formation passed down by Zhong Yu, finally forming a strength comparable to that of a demigod.

A monstrous cloud of blood appeared on the bodies of these 500 people, and finally slowly condensed into a blood sword. The sword was light and gliding in the air, looking quite elegant.

Many people have never seen such a wonder in the world, and have never even heard of its magnificence. But the defenders on the city wall didn't appreciate it, instead they became distracted.

The enemy's hero, our enemy.

As long as it is the means used by the enemy on the battlefield, no matter how beautiful, magnificent, or strange he is, it cannot conceal the fact that he is very likely to take his life.

Although this bewitching blood sword is beautiful, and the sword posture flying in the air is unheard of, everyone can feel the cold murderous intent from it to the bottom of their hearts, making everyone tremble and feel the breath of death enveloping the whole body .

"Oh my god, what is that? Amaterasu Omi!..."

On the top of the city, a ragged Ashgaru with a weathered face, holding a sharpened bamboo pole tightly in his hand, knelt on the ground, praying to his faith with fear on his face.


A bloody light appeared, and then three feet of blood splashed on the top of the city, reflecting a beautiful scene.

The pious face that couldn't hide the fear followed the broken head and rolled around the top of the city for a few times, before stopping when it touched the corner of the wall.

"Listen, everyone. Now that there is no way out at all, anyone who dares to fear the enemy and not fight, disturbs our army's morale, disrupts military discipline, will be killed without mercy! This is the end."

A majestic man in a black samurai uniform held a sharp blade that was still dripping blood in the sun, and said to all the cannon fodder behind him who showed fear.

It's just that he has finished speaking, and he is looking at these ignorant ashigaru with a dignified face, ready to enjoy their envious and fearful eyes.

After waiting for a long time, he didn't get the expected response at all. All he saw was that the people in front of him were stunned, their eyes full of fear, but it didn't seem like they appeared because of his prestige just now.

On the contrary, it was because of something more terrifying that they couldn't even move, and their thinking was frozen.

"what happened?"

The black-clothed samurai thought this way, full of doubts, and couldn't help but follow the eyes of these ashigaru, turned around and looked into the mid-air behind him, and couldn't help being stunned.

In the distance, the blood-colored long sword that was hovering and dancing in mid-air was now like a wandering dragon, extremely fast, charging towards him with incomparable power.

And under his feet, there are some slightly worn city walls that have been in disrepair for a long time.

The bloody sword shadow in the pupil became more and more clear, and as time went by, it became bigger and bigger. After a period of time, I don't know how long it took, it had completely caught his eyes.

It was at this moment that a loud bang sounded in my ears. As for him, his vision went dark, and he also lost all consciousness.

Not long after the black-clothed warrior lost consciousness, a 10-meter-high, four-meter-thick wall was built entirely of clay, with some bricks and stones added in the center. After a while, he fell down.

Immediately afterwards, a wide passage more than ten meters wide came into view, directly appearing in the eyes of the 500 dojo soldiers who had rushed more than ten meters away from the city wall.

Afterwards, these soldiers did not stop at all, and directly crossed the city wall under the surprised eyes of countless defenders, and rushed towards a remote corner of the city.

At this moment, there are still 15 minutes before the two-hour countdown.

In other places, this kind of thing happened endlessly, and the resistance of all the defenders was broken by the same method. No matter how the defenders responded, they could not stop the determination of the dojo troops to reach the node.

Even if there are some cities that are very difficult to crack, and there are sufficient defenses, it is difficult to capture them with the army that goes to receive the nodes.

However, Zhong Yu, who was always monitoring the progress of the entire war in the rear and was ready to support him at any time, intervened and directly broke through with incomparable power.

The prestige of a demigod is no joke, let alone a strong one among demigods.

From then on, before the final time came, a huge formation covering the land of the Eight Kingdoms was completed.

It's all down to the last moment.

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