The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 392 The Harvest of the County Government

"Who? Dare to trespass on the county government office, what crime should it be!"

Seeing Zhong Yu walking towards them in front of them, the four arresters yelled and asked sharply.

Although the entire county is now in panic, and even the basic order cannot be maintained, the four police officers are all in line no matter whether it is out of their own duties, the loyalty of the county magistrate, or their vigilance against strangers. Qi pulled out the sharp blade in his hand, and looked at Zhong Yu with unkind eyes.

Even if it weren't for Zhong Yu's gorgeous clothes, and his every move with the temperament of a superior, these few arrests would have been shot and killed long ago, so why would they ask more questions.

At this time, extraordinary methods should be used. Any suspicious person is potentially suspected of being an enemy, and he is not guilty of killing him.

Facing the four police officers with tense expressions, wary eyes, and weapons clenched in their hands, Zhong Yu ignored their questioning and continued walking without stopping.

"Damn it, what a bold thief, you dare to ignore us, and even dare to trespass in the county office, you should be killed."

Seeing that the four of them were being ignored, one of the leading arresters pulled out his sharp blade, holding a sharp knife in his hand, and said through gritted teeth.

But before he swiped the sharp knife in his hand, Zhong Yu just glanced at them, and these people felt that their bodies were stiff and their consciousness was blurred, as if they could no longer control their bodies.

The eyes of the four fell into darkness.

Just like that, several defenses at the head were untied, and Zhong Yu walked towards the county government office.

After crossing several corridors along the road and passing through several houses, he came to the residence of the county magistrate he had observed before.

At this time, the county magistrate was sitting alone in his study, and kept writing one word after another on the clean white rice paper. Can't stay still.

As the majesty of a county, although his status is not ranked in the entire Ming Dynasty, he has also entered the class of official lords.

In the eyes of those lowly and ignorant untouchables, he is still a great person who is in charge of their life and death, and must not be offended. He is more respected than God.

In fact, this is also the case. Since the county magistrate had a ten-year cold window, he was in his thirties after several times of imperial examinations and Sun Shan's failure.

After that, he became an official in various places, and served as adjutants of the ninth and eighth ranks for several times. Finally, he was promoted when he was nearly 50 years old. He was appointed as the county magistrate of Hecheng today.

But who would have thought that before he could get enough oil and water in this place, he would show his prestige a few times. In his second year in office, he encountered such an invasion by demon soldiers.

How could this not make him feel angry, hopeless and terrified, and now, he no longer wants to care about everything, he just wants to live.


The door of the study was opened, causing the county magistrate to frown.

"What's going on? Didn't I tell you, my lord, that no one should disturb you, Ah Fu, are you impatient? I want to try the family law."

There was a long silence, and no one answered him at all.

The county magistrate instinctively felt something was wrong. Usually, his guard, Ah Fu, would kneel down in fear and fear when he heard his tone, kowtowed repeatedly, begging for mercy, and then slowly explained the reason.

It's just that no one answered now, as if the door was blown open by the wind, and no one had come here at all.

But the county magistrate knew that was not the case.

Not to mention outside the door, he put a fourth-level guard, A Fukang who was loyal to him.

Just after the door opened, he didn't feel any atmosphere, so he could conclude that the door was pushed open.

The county magistrate raised his head, finally moved his gaze away from the paper, and looked towards the door.

Just this time, his pupils shrank.

"Who are you? What is your purpose? How did you get here? Where is my guard, Ah Fu?"

A series of questions popped out of his mouth, but still no one answered, and Zhong Yu was not interested in answering the ant's words.

Glancing at him, the county magistrate turned into ashes just like his former subordinates.

Walking to the place where the county magistrate had just stood, Zhong Yu glanced at the several words written on the table.

The pen is powerful, with twists and turns, and there is a bit of artistic conception in it. It is indeed a good handwriting.

This county magistrate is famous for his calligraphy. When he was able to go to high school, he was also blessed with this good calligraphy.

Shaking his head, Zhong Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and the pile of good characters in front of him turned into flying ashes, and he rushed to Huangquan with the county magistrate.

In the troubled times, to be immersed in these winds, flowers, snows and moons, to recite poems and do what is right, it is no wonder that the Ming Dynasty is now besieged on all sides.

Afterwards, Zhong Yu looked at the only thing left on the table.

It was a square box, square and upright, about six inches from left to right, and there seemed to be something hidden in it.

As soon as his mind moved, the flip box opened automatically, revealing a copper seal with a turtle button inside, with four characters written on the bottom of the print, 'Hecheng County Government'.

This is the seal of the county magistrate of Hecheng County. It is a symbol of a county's power and a hub of luck. It gathers all the people in a county, which is quite miraculous.

It has the effect of warding off evil spirits and driving away evil spirits, and it is an important weapon of humanity.

And this big seal was also the target of Zhong Yu's trip to the county government.

How could a mere county magistrate know that he would spend so much time, Zhong Yu, who has six cultivation bases, as long as the target is within the scope of his spiritual consciousness, he can kill him in a single thought, so why would he run to the county government office and stand in front of the county magistrate? put him to death in front of him.

The real purpose is that this side has condensed the great seal of most of the city and county's luck, which is an incredible treasure.

Among them, what attracted Zhong Yu the most was not the humanitarian belief condensed on it, but the luck worth about 500,000, which was his wealth.

"As expected of a symbol of a county's power, the luck gained by killing that county magistrate is more than ten times greater. This trip is extraordinary."

Zhong Yu was full of admiration, and a trace of joy finally appeared on his face.

Just with the county government and his party, he has gained about 700,000 yuan of luck, which can be described as quite a lot.

"However, now is the time to get down to business."

Afterwards, Zhong Yu's expression turned serious, and he released him from the county government office in the study, and came to the square at the gate of the government office.

At this time, the county government square was already crowded with people, crowded head to head, and the edge could not be seen at a glance.

Around the square stood solemnly dressed soldiers in blue-red armor, plain white wind robes, bright silver spears in their hands, and bloody waists and hips.

There were a lot of these soldiers. Looking down from the whole county, the whole county was covered with these soldiers. Counting the number, there were as many as 5,000.

There were endless noises in the square, cries, discussions, and joy, everywhere. Many people showed fear, or saw hope, and kept scanning the seemingly powerful soldiers around them.

When the entire empire gave up on them, this group of seemingly powerful and large-scale troops undoubtedly became their hope.

After all, compared to those ferocious monsters who drink blood and eat human beings, these soldiers who look like human beings and have good military discipline are more reliable.

At least they don't eat people.

Following the appearance of a purple figure from the solemn yamen gate in front of him, all the blue and red armored soldiers knelt down to greet him, everyone in the square fell silent and stared closely at the figure at the gate.

They knew that the master of this army, the real mastermind, had appeared.

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