Since Yan Chixia couldn't be the opponent of the old demon of Montenegro, why was it able to defeat the old demon of Montenegro? There must be something strange in this.

According to Zhong Yu's speculation, the Black Mountain old demon at that time may have just sent a clone to come, and his body is probably still in the nether world.

After all, even though the Heishan Old Demon is very powerful in the Underworld at this time, occupying 1/3 of the territory, and is still expanding to attack the Nether Division led by Emperor Fengdu, looking like it is in full swing.

But no matter what, Emperor Fengdu still commands the remaining 2/3 of the Yin Division, and also occupies the title of righteousness, and the power he can mobilize far exceeds that of the Black Mountain Demon King.

Even though it is at a disadvantage now, it does not mean that the defeat is certain, and the ownership of the Yin Division's sovereignty is still difficult to determine.

As for the Black Mountain Demon King having reached the eighth level of strength, it is not worth how many years the Great Emperor Fengdu has commanded the Yin Division, his strength has already reached the eighth level, and in the eighth level are all veteran immortal gods, their strength is unfathomable.

If the two really fight, it is not certain who will win and who will lose. Maybe the old demon of Montenegro will have a bigger chance of losing.

Under such circumstances, how could the Montenegrin old demon abandon his overall situation in the underworld, and run to this world alone to shake his prestige.

Aren't you afraid that Emperor Fengdu would take the opportunity to overthrow his lair directly, sweeping away all the power he had worked so hard to accumulate in the underworld, and just turn his ambition into smoke?

With these concerns, as long as the Black Mountain old demon still values ​​his foundation in the underworld, he will definitely not appear in the real world in his real body, and all he can send are some clones or subordinates.

And to send a clone, if you want to cross the boundary between Yin and Yang, and send a clone over, it will definitely consume a lot of resources.

With the Black Mountain old demon now preparing his army for war, he is ready to continue fighting with Feng. The Emperor Du looked like he was fighting, and he was definitely reluctant to invest a lot of resources in sending a powerful avatar to the world.

And the strength of the avatar is definitely not as strong as the main body, it would be good to have 1/10, or even 1% of it.

Under such circumstances and restrictions, the avatar that the Black Mountain Old Demon can send out is estimated to be at the seventh level at most, and it is even very likely that it is only the peak of the sixth level, which is not very powerful.

The Black Mountain old demon of this strength just corresponds to the truth of why Yan Chixia was able to defeat him in the original book.

After all, it is impossible for a Tier 6 soldier to cross a large class and defeat Tier 8, but it is possible to defeat a Tier 6 or Tier 7 clone of Tier 8. The possibility of Yan Chixia as the main supporting role is still very high .

Now that he has confirmed that the old black mountain demon is not a big threat to him, how can Zhong Yu tolerate his nails being nailed to his own territory, secretly plotting some kind of conspiracy, and is ready to be ruthless.

It is not Zhong Yu's character to swallow his anger.

In order to wipe out the tree demon grandma, a pawn of the Black Mountain demon king, Zhong Yu directly led an army of 100,000 to Guobei County at the speed of an emergency march, and surrounded the tree demon grandma outside the forest dozens of miles around Lanruo Temple. .


Guobei County, as the only small town in the surrounding area, and not far from Lanruo Temple, was naturally regarded by Zhong Yu as his temporary foothold.

Tens of thousands of personal guards stationed in the county seat, carefully screened the small town several times, and wiped out all the dangers and potential hidden dangers before Zhong Yu entered it.

These tens of thousands of personal guards are not ordinary troops, but the most elite army of 10,000 fourth-rank mystic masters under Zhong Yu's command, led by him as his own personal guards.

Every soldier in this legion, as I said before, has a strong strength of one against ten in the same rank, which can be said to be strong.

Under the purging of these troops, the original local ruffians, soldiers and evil officials in the city were either pulled into the army to serve as cannon fodder for the next attack on Lanruo Temple, or they were directly killed on the spot for resisting the army.

After the root causes of the troubles in these cities disappeared, the entire Guobei County City ushered in a very peaceful day. There was no more noisy fighting in the whole city, and the fighting and fighting that could be seen at any time in the past disappeared, replaced by a well-organized order.

After the army took over Guobei County, Zhong Yu naturally began to inquire about all the news about Lanruo Temple, but inadvertently heard the news that a scholar stayed at Lanruo Temple two days ago and came back alive.

Coincidentally, as if fate had made it happen on purpose, three days before Zhong Yu's army arrived in Guobei County, a white-clothed scholar rushed to the city.

The scholar was in a mess, with a bookshelf on his back, and his clothes were covered with dust and mud, but his face was quite handsome, especially with a pair of bright and gentle eyes, which made him look a bit refined .

The scholar had just entered the city, and he was looking for someone to inquire about the location of the Jibaozhai Inn in the city. During the period, he met a fortune-telling stall owner, and some funny things happened. After asking the direction, he went directly to the location of the Jibaozhai Inn. .

Ning Caichen was asking the boss of Jibaozhai for the account, but found that his account book had been soaked. After being discovered, the boss refused to accept the account, so he could only admit that it was bad luck.

But the debt was not recovered, and the travel expenses back and the reward for this trip were naturally gone.

In desperation, Ning Caichen, who was penniless, inquired about a coffin shop owner, and learned that Lanruo Temple was deserted and could be used for people to live in.

Overjoyed, Ning Caichen didn't notice the change of expression on the faces of those around when they heard Lanruo Temple, and rushed towards Lan Luosi in a foolish way, trying to get there before dark.

However, Ning Caicheng's life in Lanruo Temple was not pleasant. He met a strange bearded man and a swordsman who came to fight with the bearded man and saved his life. The most important thing is that he met a very beautiful beauty, and that beauty seemed to be interested in him, which made Ning Caichen feel a little turbulent.

However, Ning Caichen, who is a gentleman, justly rejected the beautiful woman's offer to throw herself into his arms, and even covered the beautiful woman to escape from the bearded man who seemed to be a villain in his eyes. Since then, the two have formed a bond. The fate of solution.

On the second day after Zhong Yu came to the county seat, that is, the third day after Ning Caichen came to Guobei County, a rapid drumming sounded in front of the county government gate.

"Bold, who are you, how dare you beat the drums without authorization." Four extremely heroic soldiers in blue-red armor in front of the county government asked, drawing out the swords around their waists and pointing at the scholar who was beating the drums. .

"My lord, this villain is Ning Caichen from Qingpu County, Jinhua Prefecture. He lived in Lanruo Temple before, and found the murderer Liu Yidao, and he is still chasing and killing a woman. I am here to report the crime." The scholar said. That is, Ning Caichen said to the four guards anxiously.

The four guards looked at each other for a while, and they all found that the expressions on their faces were a little exciting.

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