The Rise of Konoha Uzumaki Kingdom

Chapter 211 - Definitely a good comrade

Chapter 211 – Definitely a good comrade

The country of vortex.

Uzumaki frowned and looked at the short message that Jiao Du had just passed by using Xinying.

In a ninja world where dogs and eagles are used as communication tools, if you believe in eagles, Uzumaki will still exist.

As for the messenger dog…

Ninja is currently available for purchase by Konoha’s Inuzuka clan, but they sell castrated versions, and they can only simply run errands to spread letters and find things…

And those special Ninja dogs…

Konoha has regulations and cannot be sold at will.

“Are you a mercenary?” Maelstrom murmured, putting down the text message in his hand, “Only for credit…”

It’s a bit troublesome!

What should I do if Yurenin Village doesn’t pay back the money? ?

After World War II, Hanzo would become weaker due to his old age and loss of willpower, and he would become a man of perfidy.

What should I do if Sansho Fish Hanzo directly fails to pay?

Therefore, Wuxi Xun still didn’t dare to agree to this account at will.


The war also doesn’t conform to Akatsuki’s philosophy! !

After all, Akatsuki is a peaceful organization. Once it becomes a mercenary…

The Five Great Ninja Villages will shoot directly, after all, no one wants to see a free mercenary group that has the eyes of reincarnation and the gods of the pseudo-nin world.

Therefore, maintaining neutrality is the magic weapon for Akatsuki to settle down!


The country of rain is a big steel-producing country! !

If you look at the sewer system after the Kingdom of Rain, you will know that all are metal structures full of punk style…

Therefore, if the Uzumaki Country can cooperate with the Rain Country for development, it is estimated that there will be no shortage of steel.

But after all, the country of rain is too poor. If there are not enough mining workers, the output is still too low. Moreover, there are three big Ninja villages around, and if it is not handled well, the country of Uzumaki may become the same as the country of rain. Become a difficult brother.


“What should I do?” Wuxi Xun sighed. He still coveted such a large steel production base.

Especially when the country of the vortex slowly enters modernization, the demand for steel will also greatly increase…

High-rise buildings, vehicles, laboratory equipment, sewer systems, etc. all require a lot of steel.

And there are unlimited gloves for external sales, all of which require steel.

So if there is a stable steel supply base, it is very necessary for Uzumaki country.

Uzumaki rubbed his forehead, his heart was full of entanglements…

A company’s beliefs cannot be changed at will. Akatsuki says that it is an organization that protects peace, so it can only be an organization that protects peace. If it is only for a little benefit, it will change its original belief…

How can there be strong candidates to apply? ?

So Akatsuki must never come forward…

“It seems that you have to find a third party to come forward!”(Read more @

Uzumaki sighed leisurely, and took out the spores in the system…

If foreign affairs are undecided, they will never find it.

He is definitely a good comrade, he will definitely help himself to make arrangements properly.


Due to the demise of the Uchiha clan, the guards have no family that wants to take over for the time being. Although the name of guarding Konoha Shinobu Village is pretty good, everyone in Konoha knows…

That’s a pit! !

Whoever answers, it may be the next Uchiha family.

So during this time, Konoha’s order…

It’s a bit messy! !

Shops are randomly arranged, and villagers randomly occupy pedestrian streets to set up stalls. This not only affects the appearance of the village, but also brings safety hazards to the villagers, so…

“Recently, Anbe has received a lot of complaints from villagers.” Sarutobi Richan took a breath and said, “It seems that the guards in the village must solve them as soon as possible!”


When the time comes, spies from other villages sneak in and it will be troublesome.

Especially this kind of wartime.

Always be vigilant at all times! !

“No family is willing to take over the work of the guards.” Turning to sleep, Koharu shook his head helplessly and said, “After all, the end of the Uchiha clan…”

It’s too miserable! !

“Oh!” Sarutobiji said, rubbing his forehead painfully, “What should I do?”

It’s no way to leave the guards empty like this! !

The image of the village is still very important. After all, Konoha is the leader of the five ninja villages anyway! !

If there is not a clean and tidy village environment, wouldn’t this be a shame to Hokage?

“Otherwise the Sarutobi clan will temporarily take the role of the guards?” Zhuan Xiaochun frowned for a moment and said, “This is the best way now.”

With the demise of the Senju Clan and Uchiha Clan, Konoha now only left the Hyuga Clan, Sarutobi Clan, and Shimura Clan with the ability to deter other families in the entire village, so that they would not dare to mess around at will.

Back then, the Uchiha clan relied on the prestige of the Konoha clan and facial paralysis…

Only then did other families live in the village honestly and dare not mess around.

Therefore, the guard must be a family with sufficient prestige and strength, so as to prevent the guard from becoming a running dog of the next family and thus fish and meat villagers.

But the Uchiha clan has already…

So it is estimated that apart from the Sarutobi clan of Hokage, other wealthy clan dare not take the pot at will! !

“The Sarutobi clan?” After hearing this, Sarutobi Rizen frowned and thought for a while. Finally, he sighed, shook his head, and said, “Sarutoi clan is not suitable.”

“In the Uchiha clan incident, I discovered a shortcoming in the village.”

Sarutobi Risaki stood up, put his right hand holding the smoke gun behind his back, and said melancholy, “Konoha does not belong to a two-family village, but…”

“Everyone’s village.”

“If only one family acts as the guard, it will easily cause conflicts between the family and the village.”

Just like the Uchiha clan, why did the teacher want the Uchiha clan to become the guard?

Although the power and status of the guards are great, the core of Konoha that is far away, plus what the guards do…

It’s all offending people! !

In the end, everyone in the village hates the Uchiha clan.

But only in this way will the Uchiha clan fail to win the hearts of the people and be disgusted by the villagers, thus…

No one will support them to become a shadow!

and so……

“The guards can no longer be controlled by one family alone.” Sarutobi Hitori took a breath and said helplessly, “Only when all the families act together can the conflict in the village be reduced.”

Mother Gan Lin! !

Want the Sarutobi clan to be the guard? ?

Didn’t this make him unsafe for the late festival?

“What you said makes sense.” Turning to sleep, Xiaochun frowned when he heard Sarutobi Hitizan’s words, thought for a moment, and finally nodded, and said, “Since this is the case, I will make arrangements.”

Konoha December 32.

In order to avoid the recurrence of the tragedy of the Uchiha clan, Konoha Hidemura has made some changes to the guard policy, abolishing the system of re-election of the guards by a single family, and replacing it with a method where all Konoha families are in charge.

This system not only eased the tension between the guards and the village, but also prevented the situation of a dominance of one family.

Praised by all the families in Konoha Shinobu.

In the same month…

The country of vortex.

“Grandpa Madara.” Holding a cup of hot tea in her hand, Mikoto Uchiha looked at Madara Uchiha who was lying on a rocking chair basking in the sun, and said, “Today is the graduation ceremony of the first graduate of Uzunokuni. ?”

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