The Rise of Konoha Uzumaki Kingdom

Chapter 217 - politician

Chapter 217 – politician……

The country of rain.

Complete its work in one battle.

“The rope tree, you and Shuimen have listened to me.” Jilaiya looked at the two little ghosts in front of him with a serious face, and said seriously, “The battlefield changes rapidly, and if you are not paying attention, you may lose your life, so On the battlefield, except for their trusted partners, everyone else is untrustworthy.”

Although this kind of remark is a bit bad for these little ghosts, since they have all come to the battlefield, we must let them understand how terrible things are for ninjas on the battlefield. Every year in the ninja world, compassion There are countless ninjas who have lost their lives because of compassion.

and so……

These must be clearly stated, or else there will be an accident at that time, and I will regret it too much.

“I see, Brother Jilaiya.” Rope tree waved his hand impatiently, and said, “My father told me about it, and he also said it in the Ninja Academy, so don’t worry about it, and…”

“I have been on the battlefield for so long, why didn’t I see my father and uncles?”

Where did the people of the Thousand Hands Clan go?

“Ahem!” Jilaiya coughed twice, turned his head and looked at the Dashewan who was looking at the sky next to him. He could only bite the bullet and said, “Your sister will also be here in a few days, and I will take you to Qian when the time comes. There.”

I felt helpless, what would I say to Tsunade?

Touched his chest.

Do you want to put more steel plates on your body before that time?

I don’t know if the steel plate can resist Tsunade’s strange power~

“Sister is coming?” When Shengshu heard Ji Lai’s words, his face suddenly showed a hesitant expression. I don’t know if I want to talk to Big Brother Ji Lai Ye, sister she already…

Have a boyfriend! !

And the unrequited love of Brother Jilaiya seemed useless.

My sister won’t like him.

“Don’t worry, Brother Jilaiya.” Shengshu sighed and said old-fashioned, “I support you.”

“Huh?” Ji Lai blinked his eyes inexplicably, what did he say?

“Oh, it’s nothing.” Shengshu saw the faint look in the faint eyes of Mr. Oshemaru, and said with a erratic expression, “I just think that the older brother Jilaiya treats me very well, and he will bring me cough books and me. Go see Keke…, Keke! It’s nothing.”

“I did not say anything.”

I’m talking nonsense. Didn’t you see that teacher Dashemaru’s eyes were not right?

Even the eyes of Watergate…

Did he also know something?

“Cough cough.” Jilaiya coughed twice, slapped the rope tree on the shoulder and said, “It seems that you have read all the books I gave you about ninjutsu, which is very good.”

“Don’t run around today, follow me and Da She Wan, when there is danger, we will also protect you.”

“Humph.” Rope Tree said with a grimace, “I’m very strong.”

Now that he came to the battlefield, let the name of his grandson, the god of the ninja world, sounded.

It’s time for the name Rope Tree to spread throughout the Ninja World.

And Oshe Maru…

“Ninjas are never afraid of war.” Oshemaru licked his lips and said, “You don’t need to listen to this idiot, go!”

“Hiding behind others, you can never become a strong one.”

and so……(Read more @

“I will let some Yuren as your opponents.” O Shemaru smiled at Mizumon and Rope Tree, squinting dangerously, “If you are not careful, you will…”


If you want to become a strong one, you must have the right equipment, relying on the protection of others, you can’t become a strong one, so those words of Zi Lai Ye shouldn’t be said in the open.


What should I do if I have no psychological pressure?

Stress is also a factor in the growth of a ninja, even if you want to protect it, don’t say it! !

Just come secretly from behind~

“Yes!” Water Gate shuddered with the rope tree and nodded in response, “We won’t be afraid.”

Konoha January 33.

In this new year, something that shocked everyone in the Ninja World again…

The last male of the Thousand Hands Clan, the grandson of the god of Ninja World, the rope tree was sacrificed in the battlefield of the Rain Country.

Konoha was shocked at once, and he criticized Yanyin Rencun for not keeping promises and secretly attacked allies during the war.

Konoha, Hokage-sama declared war on Yanyin Village in grief, suddenly…

The short-lived alliance broke down immediately.


Sarutobi Hizen patted the table with an angry look, and shouted loudly, “The big noses of Yanyin Village and Onoki, what a damn!”

You should know that the rope tree is the god of the Shinobi world in the future of Konoha! !


“Immediately declare war on Yanyin Shinobu Village.” Sarutobi said with a cold face, “They must give Konoha an explanation.”

“I’ll arrange it.” Zhuan Xiaochun said with an angry face, “This simply doesn’t put Konoha in his eyes.”

Know that the rope trees are their Konoha…

The hope of the whole village! !

Sarutobi Hizen took a breath of smoke to calm himself down, but still said with a cold face, “Mito-sama and Tsunade…”

“Do they know?”


Turning to bed, Xiaochun was silent for a while, sighed and said, “Tsunade is full of shortfalls, and she probably knows it now.”

“The words of Mito-sama…”

“I haven’t told her yet.”

“Oh!” Sarutobi Hiji put down the pipe in a melancholy voice, and said helplessly, “Master Mito is already old, if you know it, Master Mito’s body may be…”

Can’t hold it anymore.


“In any case, Yushu is also Mito-sama’s grandson.” Zhuanqin Xiaochun hesitated and said, “We have no right to hide it from her.”

“A few days later!” Sarutobi Rizen thought for a while, and said with a sigh, “I will tell her in a few days later.”

In any case, there can be no accidents in Kyuubi, so you must be prepared!

I don’t know these days…

How is that girl?

Uzumaki Xun looked at the Ninja Daily News in his hand, and sighed leisurely. In the end, the rope tree was still…

I got my lunch at a young age.

Although this is also the fate of the rope tree, if there is no oneself behind the scenes, the fate of the rope tree may not die, but for the country of the vortex…

This ninja world must be confused.

Otherwise, if everyone’s eyes are on the Uzumaki Kingdom, the Uzumaki Kingdom’s ending may be the same as the Rain Kingdom.

Perhaps his own power has been able to blast the Ninja World, but he didn’t want people outside to think that the power of Uzumaki Kingdom was only dependent on him, and he did not want the people of Uzumaki Kingdom to rely too much on him.

After all, if the Uzumaki Kingdom wants to truly rise, it is indispensable to declare its power to the ninja world, so…

The next war is indispensable.

But winning by yourself is not the same as letting the entire Uzumaki country work together to win.

He doesn’t want to be the second Senjujuan…

So he must be a politician who makes others feel sick.

“Actually I really want to be a good person, but…”

I have to do this now.

Uzumaki put down the newspaper and shook his head helplessly. Now, don’t think so much. There is still a meal in Uzumaki that has not been completed, and…

“The country of rain is about to start a melee again, what is Jiaodu staying there for?”

I haven’t come back for so many days.

Is there a lot of business in the Land of Rain?

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