The Rise of Konoha Uzumaki Kingdom

Chapter 225 - I have got

Chapter 225 – I have got……

The country of vortex.

“This is interesting!” Uzumaki murmured while looking at today’s Ninja Newspaper, with a smile on his lips, “At that time, one will be made for the five major countries, and one will be made for a few special small countries. Do you know what will happen?”

It is estimated that those who study the history of Ninja world are confused! !

Didn’t it mean that there were no ninjas in the ninja world before, and it was the world of samurai?

What’s the matter with this stele? And what’s the matter with this Shinobi?

At that time, either find a way to prove that these ninja swords are fake, or

Overthrow the recorded history!

Re-repair the previous history, but I should be able to do the previous one if I think about it. On the one hand, it’s because the absolute fraud technology can’t even be seen by the kaleidoscope, let alone the average person, on the other hand, it’s

Now, few people in the Ninja World knew exactly what happened to that period of history a thousand years ago.

It’s weird

Ninja world stirs shit sticks, has lived for thousands of years, constantly tampering with history in the dark!

Change this history beyond recognition!

And after a while, Akatsuki was able to take advantage of this wave of wind and withdraw from the low-profile version of the scientific ninja. After arduous research, they finally cracked the technology of the legendary ninja and developed a high imitation version.

“It’s absolutely true” Uzumaki shook his head helplessly, and sighed, “Are you so afraid of me?”

He didn’t do anything! !

It just made him run a few times. It’s really awkward! !

To know

His ultimate goal is to release Kaguya Ji! ! !


Maelstrom Xun is a conscientious and moral person.

I absolutely can’t bear to see the tragedy of the Ninja version of smashing the mountain to save my mother, and

The old mother of Kaguya Ji has been imprisoned for many years. In order to save his mother, Kurojue, the filial son of the ninja world, hesitated to be an enemy of the entire ninja world. It is sad to think about it! !

He has nine years of compulsory education, three years of high school, and four years of undergraduate studies. He grew up in an environment of reddishism, and he has been influenced by chemistry. How could he watch this kind of tragedy happen?

and so

“Believe me.” Uzumaki murmured, narrowing his eyes, “I’m a good person!!”

Jiao Du looked at the two scientific ninja swords in his hand, and immediately left saliva.

Only a few days have passed?

Has it become a national treasure that has been passed down for thousands of years?

Now, I am ashamed of the murderous and over-production business in those days! !

Fortunately, I ran up and down hard, no one has made a lot of money, so I just made a plan, and the value of this Shinobi has increased by thousands, tens of thousands of times! !

This money

It’s incredible! !

“It seems that it cannot be handed over to the same black market at the same time, it must be sold separately!” Jiao Du squinted, looked at the Shinobi sword in his hand, and muttered, “The two knives must be made old. That’s fine!!!”


Who would believe it!

He is a principled person, even if it is a lie

Also deceive the perfect! !

As for the sword spirit

You don’t have the ability to wake it up to blame! !

“Or else sell the Ice Dunn Ninja Sword to the Nation of Fire, and the Huo Dun Ninja Sword to the Nation of Water?” A smile appeared on the corner of Jiao Du’s mouth. “By the way, take advantage of a few days to publicize. By then, the five great Ninja countries will compete, and they will definitely be able to Sell ​​it for a big price!!”


“You” Mito-sama looked at the Sarutobi Hizen in front of him, and finally he sighed and said, “I know all about it, you go out first!”(Read more @

“Trouble you.” Sarutobi Hizen said respectfully, “Master Mito.”

Then, turn around and leave! !

He believed that Mito-sama loved the village, and she would definitely make the right choice for Shinobu.

Because Konoha

Can’t live without Kyuubi! !

“Oh!” Mito looked at Sarutobi Hizen’s back. When Tsunade came back, she knew what had happened to the Senju clan, and she muttered with tears in her eyes, “Rope Tree”.

I’m sorry, grandma! !

Why make you a ninja?

When you were so young


I am so sorry!

“Between the column me” Uzumaki Mito looked at the front with confused eyes, tears in his eyes kept falling, and muttered, “What should I do?”

She knew that what Sarutobi Hizen said was correct.

He did everything for Konoha, but

Why is there a sad feeling in my heart.

“I” Uzumaki Mito opened his mouth. Finally, he sighed and shouted in an old voice, “Bring that girl here!!”


Suddenly an Anbu appeared and responded respectfully.

Uzumaki Country


Labor camps.

“I really can’t stand it anymore.” A short-haired mister threw down his pen angrily and yelled, “Copying, copying all day long, and now my mind is full of prosperity, democracy, freedom, equality, and justice. , Rule of law”

“I am going crazy.”

“Let’s run away!” Wu Ren stood up, looked at the other companions around, and shouted, “It has been so long. It seems that the village has abandoned us. We can only rely on ourselves now.

“If you stay here again, you will definitely be crazy.”

“The Uzumaki Kingdom is really vicious, I actually want to use this method to drive us crazy.”


“Our chakra is sealed and can’t escape at all.” Another Wu reluctantly raised his hand and said, “When the Shizang master asked us to slip, we couldn’t slip away, let alone now. .”

“No, there is a chance!!” Short-haired Wuren shook his head and said, “We have a chance.”

“What can you do?” Loquat Juzo and the watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost looked at each other and asked, “If there is a little accident, we prisoners will have the lives of all.”

Funeral with you! !


If there is a way, who is willing to stay here to copy books! !

“There is a way, the battalion commander of the labor camp!” Short-haired Wuren said, squinting, “The shame of that ninja, the village of Shinobu who betrayed him can still live so beautifully here.”

“It’s really unfair!”

“But” there was a sneer on Short-haired Mistura’s face, “He is still a prisoner, and his Chakra has been sealed.”

“You mean,” Loquat Shizang said, frowning, “cooperate with that labor camp commander?”

This way

Kind of idiot! !

Although Chakra was sealed, they are living so well now, with a wife and a daughter, a house and a job, so how can they cooperate with them?


“No!” Short-haired Wuren shook his head and said with a sneer, “I mean when his wife came with his daughter, they directly held their family and let us leave.”

Make you a traitor live so well?

Ha ha! !

What do you do now?

“This” Loquat Juzo hesitated and said, “If the Uzumaki Kingdom kills all the hostages by then, will we not let us leave?”

“No, the country of Uzumaki won’t.” Short-haired Wuren shook his head and said mockingly, “This is a country that pretends to be a peaceful and democratic country!!!”

“Once there is chaos, their reputation is ruined.”

Hearing the explanation of the short-haired Wunin, all the Wunin in the audience suddenly lit up and nodded. This person makes sense! !

It seems that after so many days of study, everyone has become acquainted. They all go to school together, all taught by the same teacher. Why are they so good?

“In that case” Loquat Juzo narrowed his eyes when he heard it, just when he was about to make a decision.

“I’m a little bit impatient, go to the toilet first.” The watermelon mountain puffer ghost stood up and said, “You guys talk first.”

“What’s wrong with Watermelon-sama?” All the Wunin stared at each other, looked at the watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost, and asked each other, “Can’t you bear it in such an emergency?”

Loquat Juzo

“This watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost” Loquat Juzo squinted his eyes and stared at the watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost who had left, then turned his head to look at the Wujinmen, and said, “Don’t worry about the watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost, he should be back later. Now, let’s complete the plan first.”

“To know”

“We can’t accidentally happen at all!!”


The seven Ninja swords in Wuyin Village are about to be replaced.

The watermelon puffer ghost walked out of the rest dormitory of the labor camp, glanced behind him with disdain, and muttered, “What a bunch of idiots.”

Some eat and some live here. There is no need to run around and chop people. Why do you want to leave?

In addition to class

He thinks the watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost is pretty good!

If this time he

“I don’t know if I can live” the watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost narrowed his eyes and muttered, “How about a happy life like the camp leader of a labor camp?”

and so

“Emperor cough, cough!! Lord Urojun, I want to report secretly, and I want to report secretly again.” At the patrol in front of Urina yelled, “Someone wants.”

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