The Rise of Konoha Uzumaki Kingdom

Chapter 252 - Should come or come back

Chapter 252 – Should come or come back

Once the war begins, it does not end when it wants to end.

For example, Yunyin Ren Village and Yanyin Ren Village

At that time, it was obvious that you wanted to go to war, but now you are telling me about the hometown of Konoha who cooperated in copying Konoha?

There is something in Ohnoki’s heart that I don’t know if it should be said or not. Iwagin Shinobu Village is one of the five great Shinobu villages anyway. There is a smelly and hard will of the stone. Can you Raikage be able to come and go? ?


Good for you, uncle!

If it hadn’t been for your sudden kick in, their Yanyin Shinobu Village would have won the war long ago, and now you actually told me that Konoha has a legendary cutting tool, can’t Konoha continue to develop like this?

I’m afraid this is not teasing him.

What if Konoha got the legendary Shinobi?

The kaleidoscope is gone, and Mu Dun is gone, what is left of Konoha?

The strongest three generations of Naruto?

This is not a joke, right?

And their Yanyin Ninja Village has the strongest blood and dust escape!

Don’t counsel anyone at all.

Not to mention whether the Ninja sword is real or not, even if it is true, it has not been recognized, it is just an ordinary Ninja sword.

and so

A bad temper meets a bad temper

The feud between Yanyin Rencun and Yunyin Rencun is coming.

There is no possibility of reconciliation

Konoha at the end of 35 years.


“Ahem, I’m still old after all.” Uzumaki Mito sighed as he looked at the red-haired boy in front of him, and said, “Sorry, let you come to see my old lady.”

“Grandma Mito, you” Uzumaki Xun saw the older Uzumaki Mito and opened his mouth, but didn’t know what to say.

Today, he sensed that the secret kunai that was taken away by Mito had been activated last time, so he ran over, but he didn’t expect it.

Seeing Uzumaki Mito who has trouble even sitting up.

Sigh inwardly.

The legendary female ninja who used to cross the Ninja World and defended her family for the gods of the Ninja World, after all, could not survive the invasion of the years.

Even if it’s Boss Madara, even though he has taken health supplements and the cells between the columns, it’s not time to hang up yet, but

He has already begun to move inconvenience, and it takes a while to take two steps, basically relying on Mikoto to push.

No matter how strong you were in your lifetime, you will eventually die.

Didn’t you see that except for Kaguya Ji and Hei Jue, the rest are basically dead?

Even the six immortals are the only ones left with Chakra guarding the Ninja World silently.


When I thought that there was a pure land of bliss, nothing could call the dead out through the rebirth of the filthy land, chat, drink tea, Uzumaki Xun’s heart was not so sad anymore.

The world is crooked! !

“Cough cough.” Uzumaki Mito covered his mouth and coughed twice to stop Uzumaki Xun from speaking, and said, “I have done what I promised you.”(Read more @

“I will take away the sealing technique of the whirlpool clan. Apart from the 9th rank, I have not taught anyone else.”

“Of course, I will keep the Yin Seal.” Uzumaki Mito looked at Uzumaki Xun, “This is Konoha’s ninjutsu.”

“Yes.” Uzumaki nodded, and said, “This was created by you, Grandma Mito, and Uzumaki will not bother you.”

Anyway, the country of Yin Sealed Vortex also has it, it doesn’t matter.

“Now” Uzumaki Mito stared at Uzumaki Xun’s eyes seriously, and said, “I want you to promise me a request.”


When Uzumaki Xun heard Uzumaki Mito’s words, he was silent, and asked faintly, “What’s the request?”

After all, he is now the governor of the Uzumaki Kingdom. When the request is still unclear, he should not agree to it randomly. Otherwise, what should be done if losses are caused by the time?

“Don’t worry, kid.” Uzumaki Mito shook his head and said with a sigh, “This is the last little request of my old woman.”

“It won’t make you embarrassed.” Uzumaki Mito said with a pleading gaze, “Even if the old lady begs you.”

“I” Uzumaki opened his mouth and said helplessly, “Granny Mito, please tell me.”

In any case, at the time of the Uzumaki Kingdom War, Grandma Mito also helped, as well as the tail beast seal technique behind, and the seal technique of the Uzumaki clan now, she

After all, it has contributed a lot to the stability of the current Uzumaki Kingdom!

“Help me take care of the ninth product.” Uzumaki Mito said with a hint of regret, “I am the old lady who is sorry for her!”

“If Jiupin is in danger by then”

“I hope you can make a move.”

“Hope to make Jiupin”

“Happily for a lifetime!”


When Uzumaki heard Mito’s words, he was silent for a while, and finally nodded and said, “I’ll pay attention.”

To be honest, he didn’t want to have much to do with Konoha. When Grandma Mito left, it can be said that Konoha and Uzunokuni finally broke the contact.

That’s great! !

after all

Once Konoha wants to talk to you about life, the future, feelings, and the will of fire, it basically means that it’s time for you to give Konoha your life.

Throughout the history of Konoha’s development, it is all based on pitting allies! !

Just now

Think of it as helping the lonely old man.

When I got older, my husband died, my son died, my daughter-in-law died, and my grandson died. The Senju clan all died except Tsunade.

It is estimated that Grandma Mito has been lonely alone in addition to the Jiupin accompany and help over the past few years!

After all, when the 9th rank becomes a human pillar,

She is the property of the village, the weapon in the village! !


I believe that if there is a Wife Guardian madman at the 9th Stage, you should be very happy. After all, Boss Madara has become a special-grade teacher in the Uzumaki Kingdom. It is estimated that Daito will be born. If he will go through the red education in Uzumaki Kingdom by then According to his original innocence, he should be able to become an outstanding successor to the Crimson Doctrine.

Therefore, as long as you don’t mess up, the three generations will retire honestly, and if you don’t wander around in Pratunam, if you honestly act as a puppet, you should be able to live happily.

“Then” Mito heard Uzumaki’s words, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, nodded, and said, “Thank you.”

In this case

She can go with peace of mind.

Between columns

I am sorry.

I may never be able to look at Konoha for you anymore.

“Tsunade, what are you thinking about?” Jiraiya crossed his face happily and looked at Tsunade with a dull face, and asked, “Now the situation is very good with the help of my toad immortal. I believe it will be soon End the war.”

“Go away, don’t bother my old lady.” Tsunade directly pushed away Jiraiya’s nasty face, and said angrily, “Otherwise, don’t blame my fist.”

Why do you always get angry when you see the smiley face of this hippie?

It’s really annoying!

“Okay, you’re busy.” Jilai had no choice but to walk to the side of Oshemaru who was looking at the battle map and sit down, and said, “Everyone is busy!”

“You!” Oshe Maru licked his lips and said helplessly, “Now it’s a war, you just have nothing to do by yourself.”

“Shuimen has returned to the village.” Jilai said helplessly, “There is nothing here.”

I want to find a place where I can have a drink and be surrounded by young ladies, so I can’t comfort my soul.

and so

“When will the war be over!” Jilai also sighed and said with a confused look, “Why war?”

Everyone was so dull and gloomy for a while, so

If even he became like everyone else, wouldn’t it become boring here?

Although Oshemaru and Tsunade didn’t say anything, they seemed to have recovered from the sacrifice of the rope tree, but Jiraji also knew

This is just superficial.

They are still sad inside, especially in this kind of war atmosphere, facing the sacrifices of so many people every day, how can it be that simple to get out of sadness.

Therefore, as the strongest, most handsome, and richest person in the team, he can’t be like them!

at least

During these sad days, he also brings a little happiness to others.

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