The Rise of Konoha Uzumaki Kingdom

Chapter 274 - I can only sell it for money Chakra

Chapter 274 – I can only sell it for money… Chakra

A man with red hair, a red beard covering his chin, and a forehead from Yanyin Shinobu Village on his head, a man in his thirties…

Looking at the sea in front of you.

“The opposite is the country of vortex, right.” Old Zi murmured, “How did those reputations come out?”

He is quite curious!

You know, except for ordinary civilians, all ninjas on the battlefield know…

Konoha was miserable by the Uzumaki Kingdom in the early stage, and in the end, for the stability of the village, he could only push out the Uchiha clan.

However, I don’t know why, the whole Ninja world still has the benevolence and righteousness of the Uzumaki Kingdom.

It has not disappeared until now.


The Anbu investigation found nothing.

It seems that these rumors have appeared for no reason.

Therefore, Lao Zi was quite curious about all of this, he wanted to know which way this Uzumaki Kingdom was used to make the entire Ninja World spread its good name.

Soon after the end of the war, he fell out with the three generations of Tuying, and now he is wandering in the Ninja Realm alone.

“Let’s take a look.” Lao Zi sighed inwardly and said, “I hope that the three generations of Tuying will not regret it.”

and also……

“Four tails.” Lao Zi lowered his head as if looking at the seal underneath, and muttered, “I should also practice seriously.”

In this ninjutsu experience, learn to control the four tails and cooperate ninjutsu.

So at least in the future…

Can also help Shinobu Village.

“Really hypocritical.” Suddenly, Lao Zi heard a disdainful voice, “You humans are truly hypocritical!”


I was immersed again.

Lao Zi shook his head without saying anything, looking at the obscure island opposite.

How should we go there?

Just when Lao Zi was meditating that he should step on the water or swim over…

A ship is approaching the border of the country of fire from the country of vortex.

Lao Zi frowned, and walked towards the direction of the ship, first to see if it came from the country of the vortex.

“Are you really Konoha Sannin?” Nagato looked at Jiraiya with contempt, and said, “Although I haven’t seen Konoha Sannin, I heard from people from outside that Konoha Sannin is each of them. Talent, good-sounding, powerful, and you…”

“Paper is a poor ghost!”

Hearing Nagato’s words, Jiraiya’s face was stagnant, and he angrily said to Nagato, “It’s not you…”

“You will be fined for everything. If this goes on, Immortal Toad can’t hold it!”

“Oh.” Nagato nodded clearly, and said, “It turns out to be a blind person.”


What a nasty kid!

He has to be careful this year.

after all……

If something goes wrong, he will really go to jail, and he will no longer be able to collect information on the Uzumaki Kingdom.

and so……

“Do you know where you can get money?” Jiraiya also touched his chin, looked at Nagato and said, “Of course it’s the legal one.”


It’s easy to happen, and Jiraji seriously doubts in his heart that Uchiha Fudake is staring at him from behind?

Just wait for him to retaliate severely after his accident.

after all……

He is the old man’s apprentice anyway!(Read more @

“Legal?” Nagato pondered for a moment and said, “If you want to make money in Uzumaki, there are many ways.”

“Moving bricks, cutting trees, burning glass.”

“Tailor, fish, be a teacher.”

“These jobs can be paid.” Nagato glanced at Jiraiya and said, “Although you can’t see how strong you are, you should be a ninja. If you are a ninja, you can still get a subsidy.”

“Is that much?” After hearing Nagato’s words, Jiraiya touched his chin and murmured, “Shouldn’t the ninja do the task?”

How can you still do this kind of work?

“This is a new era of crimsonism.” Nagato looked at Jiraiya with contempt, and said, “What can civilians do, why can’t ninjas do it?”

“You have to change your old thinking!” Nagato shook his head and sighed, “Otherwise, it’s easy to get into trouble here.”


This kid…

Jiraiya looked at Nagato speechlessly. Are the Uzumaki people so confident?

However, Ji Lai also felt that since he wanted to collect information here, he really had to be familiar with the laws of the Uzumaki Kingdom, or else problems would always be the answer!

His toad immortal also wants a face, if he gets caught in prison again.

As Konoha Sannin, the toad immortal, the dream of thousands of girls in the Ninja world, will definitely disappoint those fans who love him.

and so……

“Is there any money coming faster?” Jilai also rubbed his hands, and said embarrassedly, “This immortal doesn’t have so much time to work.”

“You…” Hearing Jiraiya’s words, Nagato sighed in disappointment. “The teacher taught us not to go too far and cheat.”

“Only being down-to-earth, seeking truth from facts, advocating fundamentals, and being pragmatic…”

“There will be a future.”

Now Nagato is more skeptical…

Is this long-haired hedgehog head really Konoha Sannin?

No matter how you look like a liar a little bit more!

“Of course…” Nagato thought for a while, but decided to say, “If you want to be legal, there are also ways to get money quickly.”

Jiraiya, who was about to be disappointed, suddenly widened his eyes when he heard Nagato’s words, and said excitedly, “Where?”

Is there such a way? ?

“That’s…” Nagato glanced at Jiraiya, then narrowed his eyes and said, “Sell…”


Let this liar make money first!

Otherwise, wouldn’t he be able to pay the five thousand silver taels that he helped him just now?

That’s what he has praised for pocket money for years!

If it weren’t for this liar to say that he is a toad immortal, Konoha Sannin, beat the Ninja demigod, kicked Konoha Hokage, and now I have difficulties, I need his help, and help him 5000 silver taels. After going out, teach myself one. Peerless Ninjutsu…

Nagato will never borrow him.

It just seems…

I guess I met a liar!

On the ship…

“Hello passengers, welcome to this flight. This voyage is about to depart. The whole journey will take 3 hours. I wish you all a pleasant journey.”

Lao Zi looked at a big box next to him curiously, the voice just came from there.

“It’s really interesting!” Lao Zi touched his chin and murmured, “It seems that the country of the vortex will be very interesting this time.”

When he boarded the boat, he did not put away the forehead.

It is now a time of peace.

Unless you are making trouble in another country or Shinobu Village, otherwise no one will come to arrest you.

of course……

His personal identity must be hidden.

I glanced at a few ninjas who were also wearing foreheads next to him. There were ninjas from other ninja villages, as well as rebellious ninjas.

It seems that they are also going to the country of vortex.

A place on a ship is not expensive, and ordinary ones are only one thousand silver taels. When the bread box is a bit expensive, there are tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of them.

As a traveler, Lao Zi felt that he didn’t need to waste so much money.

“This old man.” Lao Zi looked at the three people sitting next to him and asked, “Are you citizens of the Uzumaki Kingdom?”

When he got on the ship, he noticed that although there are ninjas on the ship, most of them are ordinary civilians. It’s just that in this era, unless you have money to hire ninjas to protect them, most people will not go around.

What are these ordinary civilians doing?

“We?” A man in his 30s was surprised when he saw the Lord Ninja next to him chatting with him. Then, he shook his head and said carefully, “We are not, Lord Ninja.”

“We are just a poor village next to the country of fire. This time we went to the country of Uzumaki by a relative in the country of Uzumaki.”

“I heard there are jobs and wages.”

“As long as you work hard and eat hard, then it is not a problem to eat and wear warmth.”

“You can even eat meat a day!”

When the middle-aged man said this, he swallowed and touched his child next to him. Although they did not die in the war for no reason, but…

Hunger and cold still did not leave them.

Whether it is a time of peace or war.

and so……

If the Uzumaki Kingdom really did what the relatives said, how great it would be!

“That’s right.” After hearing the middle-aged man’s words, Lao Zi frowned and muttered in his heart, “This country of vortex…”

“What do you want to do?”

“To recruit so many civilians, is it really just for them to work?”

D? ?

This can’t bear it!

Why do ninjas want to war?

Isn’t it for more land, resources, and food?

Is Uzumaki Country already so rich?

Old Zi was full of doubts.


Let’s see what has become of this poor country?

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