The ghost girl was so scared that she was lying on the ground.

"Don't run!"

Looking at the terrified face of the 'ghost girl' in front of him, Lin Qixuan stopped. The 'ghost girl' gritted her teeth, formed seals with both hands, and released a wind blade to hit Lin Qixuan.

Lin Qixuan shook his head. This 'ghost girl' was clearly a wind-type ability user in the manipulator realm, not a ghost at all. A beam of golden laser light burst out from his fingers, easily dispersing the energy in the wind blade.

Looking at the 'ghost girl' who still wanted to escape, he came to her in a flash, bent his knees and kicked her in the stomach.

The ‘ghost girl’ held her stomach in pain and lost her ability to fight. Lin Qixuan, who was in the realm of control, had completely transformed. With the characteristics of light, people in the realm of manipulation had no power to fight back in his hands.

He held the ‘ghost girl’s’ collar and returned to Li Pengfei and his friends with a flash of golden light, and then threw the ‘ghost girl’ to the ground.

At this time, Pei Hanqing and Lan Mengyao also rushed here. Everyone looked at the ‘ghost girl’ in front of them curiously. Lan Mengyao was even more courageous and walked forward to lift up the ‘ghost girl’s’ face.

When the ‘ghost girl’ saw so many people in front of her, she immediately wiped off the scary makeup on her face and begged for mercy: “I’m sorry, everyone. I’m not a ghost. I just followed orders and pretended to be a ghost to scare people here!”

The ‘ghost girl’s’ voice was very rough, and it was obvious that she was not a woman. Li Pengfei pulled off her hood in a hurry. It was clearly a bald, foot-picking man pretending to be a ghost girl.

“Why are you pretending to be a ghost to scare people here?” Li Pengfei asked angrily. He almost scared him to death just now.

"It's Boss Du, it's Boss Du. He asked me to play ghost here so that more people can come here to play. I'm just following orders. Please let me go."

"Boss Du? He has such a big business and still plays such tricks." Jinghui was also a little angry. He was also scared just now. "People can scare people to death. What if someone with poor health is scared to death?"

The big man scratched his head and said, "Don't worry, I know what to do. I only choose young and strong guys. There will be no problem."

In fact, after receiving a report from someone, Qianlong's people came to investigate and found that it was just this big man who was playing ghost and no one was killed. In the face of Boss Du, they turned a blind eye and educated him.

And this is also an insurance that Ding Baokun added for himself. After the people from Qianlong came, they would not come again in a short time, and he could stay here with peace of mind.

After everyone scolded him, there was no other way but to let him go.

When the big man heard that the people in front of him let him go, he immediately stepped on the wind-walking technique and went away.

After he left for a long distance, he began to mutter in a low voice, "Didn't you check the almanac when you went out these two days? Why am I so unlucky? I always meet such a strong ability person. The woman yesterday was the same. I don't know what realm she is in. She also has the wind-walking technique but is much faster than me..."

After the big man left, Jinghui looked at Li Pengfei with sarcasm and said, "Some people seem to say that if they meet a ghost, they will be the first to stand in front. This time, I didn't meet a real ghost, but I met a coward."

"Cough... cough..." Li Pengfei felt a little embarrassed when he heard this, "Isn't this a chance for you to show off? I heard that the enlightened monks are protected by the Dharma, and the sneaky things can't get close to them easily."

"Bullshit Dharma protection, you have read too many fantasy novels." Jinghui rolled her eyes.

After being disturbed by this, everyone lost the desire to play script killing, and the group returned to the hotel to prepare to rest.

After everyone fell asleep, luxury cars kept stopping at the door of the hotel, and many well-dressed men and women walked out of them. These men and women entered the hotel familiarly.

Under the guidance of the hotel bodyguard, they came to a hidden elevator. After the bodyguard entered the password, the elevator took everyone to the basement of the hotel, and a beautiful woman in the hotel uniform was quietly hiding in the dark and observing all this...


In the next two days, Lin Qixuan and his group played all over the resort, watched all kinds of exotic flowers and plants in the botanical garden, rode the roller coaster and shouted loudly in the sky of the resort, snorkeled at the seaside to appreciate the strange underwater scenery, and tasted various local specialties.

Time unknowingly came to the night of the third day. Tomorrow they will go back to school, and everyone feels a little unsatisfied.

At night, Lin Qixuan lay on the bed in the hotel and fell asleep, even

After three days of playing, he relaxed his mind and began to snore faintly.

At this moment, Lin Qixuan, who was sleeping, suddenly felt that the light above his head suddenly dimmed. After entering the control state, he was more sensitive to light, and he reacted immediately even in his sleep.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Li Pengfei's head blocking his head, and a pair of eyes staring at him. He was shocked and shouted: "You are crazy, staring at me in the middle of the night!"

Seeing that Lin Qixuan woke up, Li Pengfei smiled and said: "Are you awake? Then get up quickly and take you to a good place!"

At this time, Lin Qixuan found that Jinghui and Pei Hanqing were also standing beside Li Pengfei. He asked curiously: "Where are you going in the middle of the night?"

Li Pengfei said with a strange look on his face: "Of course, we are going to a place where men should go!"

"What?" Lin Qixuan said with a puzzled look.

Li Pengfei continued to explain: "The 10th floor of this hotel is a high-end health club. The technicians inside are very beautiful. We will leave tomorrow. If we don't experience it, I always feel that this trip will be incomplete."

"Club?" Lin Qixuan's eyes lit up, but then he lay down again, "No, I'm not interested."

"Brother, don't worry, this is absolutely formal, pure natural green healthy and pollution-free." Li Pengfei said while holding Lin Qixuan's hand.

"Then I won't go either. Put away your ugly capitalist face, and you will exploit the working people."

"No, brother, if you don't go, you will let the technicians starve. We are creating labor income for them, increasing the city's GDP, and increasing the people's happiness index."

Li Pengfei pointed at Pei Hanqing and Jinghui and said, "Don't let them down at this time. You see, Hanqing and Jinghui understand this principle better than you."


Hearing this, Lin Qixuan looked at Pei Hanqing and Jinghui in disbelief. Pei Hanqing didn't feel anything. Friends, if you want to integrate into the group, you naturally have to be together.

Jinghui scratched her head and felt a little embarrassed. Under Li Pengfei's eloquence, Jinghui still wanted to experience the taste of massage.

Lin Qixuan said sadly, "I didn't expect that you two such serious people would also be corrupted by the capitalists' sugar-coated bullets. I misjudged you."

He turned over and continued to sleep with his back to everyone.

Seeing Lin Qixuan's stubborn attitude, Li Pengfei said angrily: "Okay, you are so arrogant, you are so great, I was going to say that I will treat you, in this case, I..."

Before he finished speaking, a golden light flashed by, and Lin Qixuan stood at the door in neat clothes.

"Oh, after playing for three days, I feel a little sore all over my body. I need to massage it. Let's go!"

Li Pengfei and the other two: "..."

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