The hotel was in a mess, with people everywhere in the corridor, fleeing madly.

Both the smart and the timid have returned to their rooms. They draw the curtains, close the windows of the room, hide under the bed and shiver, praying that someone will come to end this disaster.

Lin Qixuan and his companions went against the crowd to the entrance of the hotel. They could see many tourists running towards the hotel in the distance, and chasing them were naturally a group of bloodthirsty monsters.

These monsters have been imprisoned for too long, and they are looked at and watched by these tourists as beasts every day, which makes these proud monsters full of endless anger.

They have had enough of being imprisoned like this, and they also know that even if they escape, they can't escape from the human city. It's better to make a big fuss here and eat more hateful humans, so that they can die well.

In the distance, a group of monsters formed a circle by themselves. In the circle, a middle-aged man with a dozen bodyguards can be seen struggling to resist these monsters.

While he was attacking, he did not forget to shout to the tourists: "Fellow compatriots, hurry up and run to the back. These monsters were released by a group of evil ability users. I am sorry for Duan's poor management. I will fight to the death here. If everyone can escape this disaster, I will definitely compensate you!"

Some tourists who were running back heard Duan's words and looked back with gratitude. Fortunately, Boss Du took action in time, otherwise none of them would have escaped.

Some people were angry and couldn't understand what Boss Du was doing. He couldn't take care of a good monster park, causing them to encounter such a crisis.

And more people didn't care what he said at all. The most urgent thing now was to save their lives first, and other things could be discussed later.

Seeing that Duan was still putting on a show in such a dangerous situation, Gong Lanyue's eyebrows showed contempt and disgust, and Huang Ying on Lin Qixuan's back gritted her teeth and said, "Shameless villain!"

Lin Qixuan felt the attitude of the two women and comforted them, saying, "Now is not the time to settle accounts with him. It's good that he can stand up and not run away. Moreover, he is in the late stage of the extraordinary realm and can help us block most of the pressure with these subordinates."

It can be seen that Duan's side is still very methodical. They formed several battle formations with Duan as the center, and his ability users were on the periphery. Most of them were in the manipulation realm, and a few reached the control realm.

In the battle formation, a fire-type ability user in the manipulation realm released a ball of fire and hit a second-level blood-fanged porcupine. The fireball hit its back and knocked the monster back a few steps.

The high temperature flames on the fireball made it howl in pain, but it puffed up its bristles and rolled on the ground, quickly extinguishing the flames. It had thick skin and flesh, so such a fireball spell did not cause any substantial damage to it.

But this aroused its hatred, and it rushed straight to the ability user who released the fireball with two bloody fangs. But the ability user was not panicked at all, because he knew that his companions would help him stop this monster.

Sure enough, before the blood-toothed porcupine rushed out far, a wall of earth had already stood in front of it. The blood-toothed porcupine suddenly hit the earth wall, and the two fangs were inserted into the earth wall so fiercely that it could not be pulled out for a while, and its four hooves were anxiously digging on the ground.

At this time, a fire control realm ability user in Duan's team seized this opportunity, he formed a seal with both hands, pulled his hands outward to condense a flame javelin, and then he held the flame javelin and threw it at the second-level blood-toothed wild boar.

Compared with the ability users in the manipulation realm, the ability users in the control realm have obviously reached a higher level in terms of their control over their own abilities. They can use less energy to release stronger spells, and can also use the energy in their bodies more flexibly.

Some outstanding people have reached a high level through hard training and can even change the energy form presented by the spell at will. This requires not only strong mental strength and control, but also tests the imagination and creativity of the caster, and chooses the effect they want according to local conditions.

The flame javelin released by this fire ability user in the control realm changed the energy form of the spell based on the fireball spell. By stretching and compressing the fire element, this javelin easily inserted into the back of the blood-toothed porcupine.

, the flames of the tarsal bones burned his flesh and nerves, and it was in so much pain that it pulled out its fangs stuck in the earth wall.

The blood-fanged porcupine looked at the master who had hurt it, and its eyes turned red, and a layer of blood began to linger on its two fangs.

Just as it was about to retaliate, the master looked at the stupid pig and smiled contemptuously. He snapped his fingers, and the flame javelin exploded directly in its body, blowing its back into a bloody mess, and even sent out bursts of meaty fragrance.

Despite such a heavy blow, the blood-fanged porcupine did not fall down, which made Lin Qixuan in the distance sigh that the vitality of the monster was not ordinary.

The fire master in the master did not take action against the blood-fanged porcupine again, because he believed that his teammates could get rid of this half-dead stupid pig, and his sights had already shifted to other monsters.

At this time, a person with the ability of water control realm stood up in the team, but he did not release the magic, but took out a heavy assault rifle, and fired a burst of bullets at the wound of the blood-fanged porcupine, which made the blood-fanged porcupine bloody and flesh fly everywhere, and soon lost its life.

These subordinates of Boss Du each have their own duties, some are responsible for attracting monsters, some are responsible for defense, and some are responsible for attacking, and combined with hot weapons, the energy consumption is reduced to the minimum.

They cooperated quite well, which also shows that Duan usually worked hard on them and used all the military's tricks on them.

Duan himself was responsible for releasing poison gas to weaken the monsters, while weakening and seizing the opportunity to attack and protect his men.

There were many monsters around, but many monsters felt dizzy and their state declined under Duan's purple poison gas.

They knew that they could not wait any longer, otherwise they would be knocked down by Duan's poison gas. A wind demon wolf raised its head and howled, and a gust of wind rolled around.

These strong winds carried the purple poison gas of Boss Du and swept it into the sky. The surrounding monsters all gave it a look of approval when they saw this situation. The wind system has a strong suppressive power over the poison system.

The wolf eyes of this Swift Wind Demon Wolf looked at Duan with a sneer. It raised its limbs, and the green airflow around it turned. It broke through the battle formation of Duan's bodyguards and came to Duan.

Duan's bodyguards were shocked. They had never seen their boss take action. Although Duan had made many contributions in the army before, most of them were with the cooperation of his comrades. Now his right leg was gone, and it was unknown how much of his combat power was left.

Duan looked at the Swift Wind Demon Wolf that broke through, and his face was calm. After all, he was a master of the extraordinary realm. If he was killed by a second-level monster, he would not be able to survive...

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