The sudden roar of the beast startled everyone, and they saw another group of hideous monsters coming from afar.

But compared with the previous monsters, their eyes were somewhat dull and lacked some spirituality.

Duan saw these dull-eyed monsters, and his eyes showed disbelief, and he sighed in his heart that it seemed that what was coming would eventually come.

He called out the name of 'Ding Baokun' angrily, and then the whole person turned into a ball of purple poisonous mist and floated towards the direction of the Monster Paradise.

He didn't care about Gong Lanyue and Lin Qixuan at this time, and in a hurry he even left his precious men here.

When Gong Lanyue heard Duan suddenly call out Ding Baokun's name, a trace of doubt flashed in her beautiful eyes, and a trace of expectation emerged in her heart. Could it be that Ding Baokun is here too? It's really a piece of cake to find someone who has been looking for him for a long time.

Looking at Duan who turned into poisonous mist and went away, she looked at Lin Qixuan and others anxiously and said, "Be careful, I'll chase Duan. It will be bad if he runs away."

Lin Qixuan nodded and said, "Don't worry, there will be no problem here. Master, you should be careful too, don't capsize in the gutter. If I had known that there would be changes, I shouldn't have turned against Duan just now. If you were gone, I'm afraid he would come back to kill us."

Gong Lanyue heard the teasing in Lin Qixuan's words, and she rolled her eyes, but she also knew that what Lin Qixuan said was indeed the truth. If she died, Lin Qixuan and others would definitely not escape Duan's poisonous hands, so she had to be more careful.

She nodded to Lin Qixuan and the others, and cast the Wind Walk Technique to quickly chase in the direction of Duan.

Watching Gong Lanyue leave, Lin Qixuan and the others also watched the monsters that appeared again with a vigilant look. Li Pengfei scratched his head and said, "No way, how many monsters are there in Duan's Monster Paradise? How come another batch appeared after we killed one batch? There weren't so many when we visited a few days ago."

Pei Hanqing said seriously, "Who knows, but our priority is to clean up these monsters first."

Lin Qixuan said, "Hanqing is right, let's kill these monsters first, and try to catch up with Gong Lanyue as soon as possible to see what happened in the Monster Paradise."

He was the first to turn into a stream of light and rushed forward, with an eight-point light wheel in his hand, and soon collided with the monster in front.

The Eight-Point Light Wheel successfully cut open the body of a demon beast. Lin Qixuan was about to go forward to pick up the crystal core it dropped, but after the demon beast was cut open, the inside of its body was empty, and the internal organs and blood inside were nowhere to be found.

Just as Lin Qixuan was puzzled, the demon beast suddenly turned into a ball of energy and disappeared into the air, leaving him nothing...

"Fuck, this..."

Such a weird scene shocked Lin Qixuan, and he didn't understand why the demon beast became like this.

He turned his light pupil to look at other demon beasts, and this sight shocked him even more. He saw several demon beasts that he had just killed, including the Red Flame Bull, the Spirit Rock Lizard, and the One-Horned Iron Rhino.

'Didn't I kill these demon beasts just now? Am I hallucinating? Is this resurrection again? '

Lin Qixuan was a little confused, and couldn't figure out what was going on. Did he encounter the undead to take his life?

Yang Wanning behind him also saw the lightning leopard that she had killed before, and a big puzzlement appeared on her beautiful face, but before she had time to think, the army of monsters had already approached, and everyone was fighting with the monsters again in an instant.

"Ah! Save me!"

Duan's men lost Duan's protection at this time, and suddenly lost their backbone. After fighting again and again, the energy in their bodies has gradually dried up. One of the earth-type ability users has exhausted his energy, and his magic has not been formed for a while. He was immediately pressed to the ground by a monster and torn into pieces by the monster in a blink of an eye.

Duan's other men saw their companions die tragically, and they were also scared, but they couldn't retreat now. Duan has always implemented strict military management on them. If they become deserters here, Duan will definitely not let them go when he comes back.

They bit the bullet and formed a battle formation, and fought these monsters again.

Lin Qixuan, who was charging ahead, killed several monsters in a row. He found that these monsters were actually fearless and unafraid of death. Although they were still very fierce, they had lost their spirituality.

He only knew how to attack and didn't know how to dodge.

His eight-point light wheel cut back and forth in the monster group recklessly, but these monsters turned a deaf ear to it and had no fear in their eyes. Although Lin Qixuan was very happy to kill, he could no longer get crystal cores to replenish, and he was very depressed for a while.

Fortunately, Lin Qixuan still had a few crystal cores that he hadn't used before, so he didn't have to worry about running out of energy in the short term.

He looked at his friends behind him and said, "If anyone runs out of energy, tell me, I will use the light of recovery to help you add blue!"

Everyone was obviously stunned after hearing Lin Qixuan's words. Since his debut, Lin Qixuan has rarely used healing and auxiliary spells. Only then did they remember that Lin Qixuan's main profession seemed to be a healer, but it was difficult to associate him with a healer after he killed so many people in front.

After the few people behind came to their senses, except Jinghui, they all shook their heads. Their energy was enough for the time being.

Jinghui had a lot of fun just now, and most of her energy turned into guns and ammunition, and turned into firepower. At this time, the energy in her body was indeed running out.

Lin Qixuan immediately formed a hand seal and released a green recovery light to Jinghui. Bathed in the green light, Jinghui felt like a shriveled sponge soaked in water, and her body was filled up all of a sudden.

"Thanks, Xuanzi, I feel like I'm okay again!"

After the energy was replenished, Jinghui returned to his prime again. He was ready to fight again. These monsters would not dodge, which made his heavy machine gun even more popular.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

A volley of bullets poured out of the gun barrel crazily, and the barrel was so hot that it couldn't be helped. After multiple bullets hit the monsters, these monsters were like balloons that were punctured, and they exploded and turned into energy and disappeared into the air.

Lan Mengyao's mental impact also showed a huge effect at this time. Under her mental impact, these monsters that lacked wisdom kept getting stuck in their steps and stood there in a daze.

Yang Wanning passed Lan Mengyao, and her figure was graceful, like a dark night dancer, and she plunged into a pile of monsters.

The black light of the Tang sword in her hand was everywhere, and she shuttled back and forth in the shadows of these monsters, constantly killing these slow monsters.

Pei Hanqing was not to be outdone. The staff in his hand turned into a black ice spear, and together with Yang Wanning, he wiped out the monsters in the back.

Seeing his companions so brave, Li Pengfei also became bolder. His handprints flew, and rows of earth spikes emerged from the ground, instantly supporting the bodies of several monsters and stringing them into a row.

Seeing this, Lin Qixuan threw out an eight-point light wheel, which just cut off the heads of all the monsters in this row. The bodies of these monsters also turned into energy and disappeared.

"Good job, Pengfei!"

Li Pengfei smiled happily when he heard Lin Qixuan's praise, and worked even harder...

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