The dark arrow was so fast that it came to the front of the wind hunting bird in the blink of an eye, like a black lightning.

The wind hunting bird reacted quickly. It opened its beak and spit out a ball of green wind. After the wind ball collided with the dark arrow, the wind ball automatically exploded to form a hurricane.

But the wind hunting bird underestimated the power of the dark arrow. The dark arrow remained stable in the hurricane. The dark element attached to the arrow eroded a small hole in the hurricane. The dark arrow passed through it and came to the front of the wind hunting bird.

The wind hunting bird did not expect this result. It tried to dodge in a hurry, but the dark arrow had already pierced its wings.

The gray wing was invaded by the dark element, and the whole wing gradually turned black, like a drop of ink dripping into the water, spreading from the middle.

If this continues, the whole body will be corroded by the dark element. Seeing this, the other wind hunting bird immediately fanned out a wind blade to cut off its half wing.

The wind hunting bird that lost a wing did not have any pain in its eyes, but its eyes were fixed on Yang Wanning, the human woman who hurt it.

And its fallen wing had turned into energy and dissipated when it fell, and the wound was hazy, making it difficult to see what was inside.

Seeing the condition of the wind-hunting bird, Jinghui finally had time to observe and think carefully. After watching for a while, he scratched his head and said, "Strange, why do I feel that their condition is similar to the items made by my copying ability, all of which are made of energy, so they don't have much intelligence."

"Now that you put it that way, it seems quite similar. Could it be that something copied these monsters and now materialized them again?" Jinghui's words made Lin Qixuan's eyes light up and gave him inspiration instantly.

"Then what's the matter with this wind-hunting bird? If its body was copied, it should be as unintelligent as the previous monsters, but this one obviously has thinking and consciousness." Li Pengfei raised his doubts, and the two different situations made everyone silent at once.

Lan Mengyao frowned. As a psychic, she thought for a long time and made a bold guess, "Do you think it might be that the thing that copied it temporarily took over the body of the wind hunting bird, so its current state is different from a dead object."

Lan Mengyao's guess made everyone's mind flash, as if they had suddenly realized something. Lin Qixuan nodded and said, "This makes sense. There are some items or monsters in the Monster Paradise that can copy things, so Duan immediately went to the Monster Paradise after discovering that some monsters were copied. And this copied wind hunting bird is that thing that is causing trouble."

"Amitabha, I didn't expect that there are things in this world that have abilities similar to mine. I thought I was the special one." Jinghui said with his hands clasped together. His expression was a little lost, but he also felt that he was not alone.

Seeing Jinghui like this, Li Pengfei poured a basin of cold water on him, "Don't talk about whether you are special or not. Compared with this person, your half-baked copying ability is just a gilded lily?"

"You... Humph, wait and see, I will be very powerful in the future!"

Jinghui was angry at Li Pengfei's words, but he also knew that what Li Pengfei said was true. His realm was too low, and there were many restrictions in copying. Compared with the ability of this unknown existence, he was indeed far behind.

Lin Qixuan and others' guesses were indeed not far from the facts. Not long ago...


Looking at the extra key, Ding Baokun and the other four were a little confused.

Ding Baokun picked up the key, looked at it for a while, and suddenly laughed: "It seems that Duan's Monster Paradise is not simple. I think there seems to be other things hidden here."

Ding Baokun knew that Duan was not a boring person, and the extra key here must have other uses.

Qian Kang looked at Ding Baokun and said, "Brother Kun, what should we do now?"

"Now, you and Jia Tao take the key and quickly release the monsters, so that these beasts can move quickly. They have been locked up for so long, I think they must have endless anger in their hearts and want to find someone to vent.

Also, you should be gentle, these monsters will not go easy on you just because you release them."

"Don't worry, Brother Kun, they are all second-level monsters,

Even if they are numerous and we can't beat them, we can still escape. " Qian Kang said confidently. As a veteran master of the realm, he is still very confident in his strength.

"Well, just be careful anyway." At this point, Ding Baokun laughed sinisterly, "Shu Ya and I will go to find the secret left by Boss Du. I guess it must be very unusual."

The four people have clear division of labor. Qian Kang and Jia Tao took the key to release the monsters, while Ding Baokun took Chen Shuya's hand and wandered around the garden.

After the chains were untied, these monsters screamed excitedly. The long-term imprisonment made them suffer. They couldn't wait to go out and make a fuss.

Some monsters stared at Qian Kang and Jia Tao, their eyes rolling around. Seeing them like this, Qian Kang laughed and scolded: "Brother Kun is right. Hey, we are here to save you. You can't repay kindness with enmity. There must be a bottom line for being a human or a beast! "

These monsters didn't understand what Qian Kang was saying at all. Even if they did, they would probably mock him. A wretched rapist talking about the bottom line with a group of monsters, wouldn't that make the monsters laugh out loud!

A monster looked at Qian Kang, drooling with greed. It was rare to see food that came to its door. In order to repay their rescue, it could only eat them reluctantly.

It opened its mouth and was about to attack immediately. Jia Tao immediately took a defensive posture.

Qian Kang was so angry at the monster that he laughed and cursed, "MD, beasts are beasts, they are all ungrateful. They will attack their saviors just because they say so. But I'm not a soft persimmon that you can't squeeze. Since you want to ask for trouble, come and try it! "

Just when the two sides were about to clash, an invisible spiritual wave passed through the space and the hearts of these monsters.

They seemed to have received some instructions, looked at Qian Kang and Jia Tao unwillingly, turned around and ran towards the gate of the Monster Paradise.

"Are you not going to fight again?"

Qian Kang and Jia Tao were confused by their behavior, but it was good that there was no fight, and they didn't think about the problem.

Ding Baokun and Chen Shuya were looking for Duan's hidden secrets in the garden. One of them was a psychic ability user and the other was a ghost ability user. Both of them were very sensitive to spiritual energy.

They couldn't find the corresponding place for the key anywhere, and when they were very irritated, suddenly a spiritual wave came, and they were immediately captured by the two of them.


The two said in unison, and Ding Baokun showed an excited smile on his face.

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