The ghost of the ghost was buried in the dungeon.

The dungeon of the Monster Paradise.

After the spirit of the snake brother left, the snake brother and Ding Baokun chatted casually.

Ding Baokun really wanted to bring this mirror image two-headed snake into his team. With a fourth-level peak monster, he could walk sideways.

After hearing what Ding Baokun said, although the snake brother did not explicitly refuse, the mockery in his eyes was still caught by Ding Baokun.

He also knew that this kind of thing was indeed unlikely. He had not yet reached the extraordinary realm, and the mirror image two-headed snake probably looked down on him, but this mocking look made him feel very unhappy.

‘Wait, after I kill Duan, I can also become a supernatural being. Who will dare to look down on me then! ’

As they continued to chat, Brother Snake suddenly stood up with a gleam of light in his eyes.

It felt that someone had entered the Monster Paradise, and the strength was not low. It was probably Duan.

Its heart was suddenly filled with anger. It was imprisoned by Duan for a long time, which made it a monster of its level feel deeply humiliated. It wanted to swallow Duan right now.

But looking at his brother who had not returned yet, his heart was full of anxiety.

It looked at Ding Baokun and sent out a mental communication: "Hey, human, it seems that Duan is here. You are definitely not Duan's opponent. Hurry up and throw the key over to untie my restraints. I will help you kill Duan, the despicable villain!"

Ding Baokun was shocked when he heard Brother Snake's words, but it was normal for Duan to come here to check the situation after so much time had passed. He immediately started to think.

‘For now, I’ll give the key to the mirror two-headed snake. When they both lose, I’ll come out to reap the benefits.’

Ding Baokun thought of taking advantage of the situation. He quickly asked Jia Tao to throw the key to the mirror two-headed snake, and he took them out of the underground cage and hid in a secret place. He didn’t want to meet Duan now.

After Ding Baokun and his friends left, the mirror two-headed snake looked at the key thrown in the cage and was a little confused. He was just a poisonous monster, and his body was too big. How could he use such a small key to open the chain?

Just when it was in a dilemma, its brother suddenly returned to his original body.

The snake brother’s dull eyes suddenly recovered his spirit. He had just exploded the energy body he copied, and his spirit was a little dazed, but he only had one thought in his mind now, that is, to get out quickly. He wanted to see if the stupid bird was dead. No matter who went against him, he would not have a good end!

Seeing his brother returning, Brother Snake was overjoyed, "You are finally back. Duan, the despicable villain, has come to the Monster Paradise. You quickly untie my chains. The key is on the ground. Let's go out and deal with him together."

Brother Snake was awakened by his brother's words and almost forgot the business. Now is not the time to see the stupid bird. Its biggest enemy is Duan, the dog. Now it is better to get rid of Duan first.

Thinking of this, it spewed out a layer of white mist from its mouth. After the white mist dissipated, a mountain ape appeared in front of them.

The mountain ape grabbed the key on the ground and hurriedly untied the chain on Brother Snake's neck.

At the moment the chain was untied, a shocking momentum burst out from the mirror two-headed snake, and the eyes of the two snake heads showed excitement.

They are finally free...


Duan came to the Monster Paradise and ran straight to the direction where the mirror two-headed snake was imprisoned.

'I hope it's not too late! ’

Duan was very anxious now. The poison and copy abilities of the mirror two-headed snake were very important to him. He had wasted many years in the late stage of the extraordinary realm. If he successfully signed a contract with it, his strength would be able to increase rapidly like a rocket, and it would not be impossible to advance to the mystery realm.

At that time, his position in the Salvation Society would also change accordingly, and he could obtain more resources.

At this moment, an astonishing momentum came from the underground of the Monster Paradise. Duan cried out in his heart that it was not good. Could it be that the restraints of the mirror two-headed snake were untied?

He stood there in a daze, and his brain seemed to have crashed. He didn't know what to do. His strength was definitely not the opponent of the mirror two-headed snake. He had better run away quickly!

If the mirror two-headed snake made trouble, his merits would definitely not be able to protect him. At that time, he could only go from the light to the dark like other members of the Salvation Society.


All the industries and assets he had acquired over the years would be recovered, and he would be back to the time before liberation.

Without the protection brought by his merits and power, he would lose his value to the Blood King, and it would be unknown whether the three-year agreement with the Blood King would still count!

‘Damn Ding Baokun, such a rubbish ruined my years of hard work! ’

Thinking of Ding Baokun, Duan wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood, and his hatred for him suddenly surpassed the monsters that gnawed his right leg that year.

‘No, I can’t run away now, running away is equivalent to confessing, I must find a way to subdue the mirror two-headed snake, and then make other plans. ’

Duan is worthy of being a man of great things. After a brief moment of daze and fear, his brain started to work rapidly again, and countless ways to break the situation flowed through his mind one by one.

"Duan, don't try to escape. Where is Ding Baokun?"

Gong Lanyue, who had been chasing Duan from behind, finally came to Duan after he stopped.

Looking at the Qianlong investigator in front of him, Duan's eyes suddenly lit up. If this girl helped, he would still have a chance.

"Ding Baokun should be in this monster paradise. He released all the monsters in the monster paradise. Let's find him quickly and bring him to justice!" Duan said anxiously.

"I can arrest Ding Baokun alone. You'd better surrender now to avoid physical pain!" Gong Lanyue looked at Duan and said coldly.

"No, you are not his opponent alone. There is also a fourth-level peak monster in his team. Without my help, you can't beat it!"

"What? A fourth-level peak monster!"

Gong Lanyue panicked. She also sensed the momentum just now, but she didn't know what the specific strength was. But now that Duan said this, her heart sank.

She knew very well how terrifying the fourth-order peak monster was.

As for Duan's saying that the monster belonged to Ding Baokun, she didn't completely believe it. Maybe the monster was Duan's own, and he was crying wolf.

But no matter whether the monster belonged to Ding Baokun or Duan, she had to stay and deal with it, otherwise with the destructive power of the fourth-order peak monster, this place would soon be devastated.

Duan's plan was the same. He decided to use this woman first. She was also in the late stage of the extraordinary realm. The two of them might have a chance to subdue the mirror two-headed snake together.

After solving the mirror two-headed snake, he would kill this woman and her companions, and then put the blame on Ding Baokun.

By then, there would be no evidence, and he would still be the boss Du who had made great contributions to mankind, and no one could do anything to him...

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