The two heads of the two-headed snake were in a mess.

Gong Lanyue and the mirrored two-headed snake knew that Lin Qixuan was right, but neither of them could attack anymore.

Although Gong Lanyue's injuries were stabilized by Lin Qixuan's treatment, she couldn't do strenuous exercise now. Once the battle started, she would die from the torn wound before the enemy attacked her, and Brother Snake was waiting for Lin Qixuan to rescue his brother...

Gong Lanyue thought for a while, looked at Lin Qixuan and said, "Why don't you treat them first? If Ding Baokun shows up, he can be a cannon fodder even if he can't fight."

Hearing Gong Lanyue's words, Brother Snake was not angry, but full of gratitude. They were monsters, and Gong Lanyue was very satisfied that Lin Qixuan could save her brother without any grudges.

It turned its head and looked at Lin Qixuan expectantly.

Lin Qixuan was a little scared by the look in Brother Snake's eyes, and he said with a stiff face: "Don't look at me with such expectation. My healing skills are only half-baked. I can't cure your serious injuries, especially your body is half broken."

But Brother Snake said nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter, just do it, and leave the rest to fate."

Brother Snake himself knew that Lin Qixuan, a human in the realm of control, would definitely not be able to cure their serious injuries, but now he would climb up the pole as long as he got a chance.

And if his brother didn't get treatment, he would still die, so he could only treat the dead horse as a living one.

Lin Qixuan was relieved when he heard what Snake said. Don't kill his brother. He will come to fight with him. Medical trouble is the most annoying thing.

At this time, Snake brother was already on the verge of death. Lin Qixuan no longer hesitated and immediately cast the healing light on Snake brother.

Lin Qixuan closed his eyes. Through the healing light, he could feel the current state of Snake brother.

Not to mention the injuries on his body, his skull was almost broken by the attack of the golden armored knife worm. If it were not for the strong physique and vigorous vitality of the fourth-level monster, it should have crossed the Naihe Bridge by now.

The skull is not the most serious. The most serious thing is that its spiritual body has become scattered and difficult to cure. This gave Lin Qixuan a headache. In this case, his therapist must be powerless.

He sighed, released a strong healing light to wrap Snake brother's head, and then opened his eyes.

"How is it?" Snake brother looked at Lin Qixuan nervously.

‘If you can’t cure it, wait for death. Goodbye.’

A set of Hua Tuo’s three-combination formula instantly came to his mind, and Lin Qixuan suppressed it. If he said it out loud, he was afraid that Snake Brother would burst into tears.

Lin Qixuan shook his head and said tactfully: “Your brother… Alas, you know.”

His words made Snake Brother’s eyes red. Although he had known that this would be the result, Lin Qixuan’s words at this time broke his last fantasy.

“I used the healing light to hold your brother’s last breath, but it won’t last long. Now there are two ways in front of you.” Lin Qixuan looked at Snake Brother with a serious expression.

“One is to do nothing. I can wake up your brother and you can have a final farewell.”

“The second…” At this point, Lin Qixuan sighed.

Seeing that Lin Qixuan was keeping things a secret, Brother Snake said excitedly: "What is the second one? Tell me!"

"The second one is to find someone to sign a life-sharing contract. Maybe there will be a glimmer of hope."

Hearing Lin Qixuan's words, Brother Snake fell silent again.

For monsters like them, they would rather die than be unfree, otherwise they would not have been imprisoned by Duan for so many years.

Although the life-sharing contract is very equal, it is still a bondage for the two brothers. Compared with their strong physique, the fragile body of humans makes it easy for them to die. And under the effect of the contract, if one party dies, the other party will also be finished.

Before this, if a contract was signed, humans would be their weakness and soft spot. But now, they will be the weaker party.

After careful consideration, Brother Snake looked at Lin Qixuan and said: "Then sign a life-sharing contract!"


Lin Qixuan only knew a little about the life-sharing contract. In his impression, after signing a life-sharing contract, both parties will live and die together. At the moment the contract takes effect, there may be a chance to rescue Brother Snake.


The mirror image two-headed snake showed its unyielding loyalty in front of Duan, which made Lin Qixuan think that the two snake demon brothers would not sign this thing even if they died.

So the sudden agreement of Brother Snake made him a little confused. Could it be that it was convinced by his domineering spirit, so it bowed down?

Brother Snake looked at the puzzled Lin Qixuan, and then said: "You heard it right, we can sign a life-sharing contract, and the one who signed it is you!"

Lin Qixuan helped it hang on to its brother's last breath, and if it weren't for Lin Qixuan, they would probably be killed by the golden armored knife worm now, so it has a very good impression of Lin Qixuan at this moment. If it has to find a human to sign a life-sharing contract, it will only choose Lin Qixuan.


Looking at Brother Snake with a firm expression, Lin Qixuan fell into a dilemma. Being favored by the fourth-level peak monster did make him feel a little bit elated, but people should not be so short-sighted, and they should think about everything in the long run.

He knew that with the seed, his upper limit would be very high, and his cultivation speed would be much faster than his peers. Although the peak fourth-order mirror two-headed snake in front of him was very powerful in front of him at the moment, he believed that it would not take long for him to surpass it.

At that time, the mirror two-headed snake would not only not be a help to him, but would become a burden. No matter how powerful he would be in the future, if the enemy targeted the mirror two-headed snake, he would still be GG. He hated this unstable factor.

Moreover, with their current state, after the contract is successful, most of their power will definitely be used to repair their bodies, and their strength will definitely decline.

In fact, after all, it can be summed up in one sentence: Lin Qixuan dislikes the mirror two-headed snake very much.

Yes, Lin Qixuan is very confident in himself. Even if he wants to sign a contract in the future, he must find a top-level monster of the eighth or ninth order. This small fourth-order monster really makes him look down on it.

Brother Snake's eyes widened. Through Lin Qixuan's eyes, he could feel how much the human in front of him disliked him. This was not very harmful, but it was extremely insulting!

Think about it and his brother, both of whom are fourth-level peak monsters. It has always been humans who begged them to sign a contract. When it came to Lin Qixuan, they were disliked instead. How could they reason with this?

"Human, don't you want to sign a contract with us?"

This was related to his brother's life and death, and he was now in a weak position. Even if he was proud in his heart, Brother Snake had to bow his head at this moment.

Hearing Brother Snake's straightforward words, Lin Qixuan was afraid that speaking directly would hurt his heart. Suddenly, he thought of a good idea...

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