The students were sighing and began to run around the Auxiliary College. It can be seen that the freshmen in other dormitory buildings were also being trained by their respective instructors.

Although the Auxiliary College is only one of the three colleges of the Demon University, it occupies a large area and has many departments. It takes at least more than an hour to run a circle.

It is worth mentioning that in addition to the Healing Department, the Auxiliary College also has an orthodox department-the Rune Department. They specialize in studying the runes on monsters and engraving them on weapons, scrolls or formations.

An excellent rune master may not be strong in himself, but he still has the power to destroy the world through runes.

When he ran halfway through the Rune Department, Lin Qixuan looked behind him. Except for Jinghui and a few other boys, most of the female students had fallen behind and started to walk slowly behind.

Lin Qixuan slowed down and waited until Jinghui caught up. He asked with steady breathing: "Are you okay?"

"I'm... okay, don't worry about me."

Jinghui was panting heavily. His daily work in the temple was to clean or chant scriptures by beating wooden fish. He rarely had such intense exercise.

Moreover, his copying ability was of little help to the body, so the physical difference between him in the Manipulation Realm and his classmates in the Awakening Realm was not big.

But for breakfast, he had a strong willpower and gritted his teeth to maintain a steady speed.

Five of the seven boys could not eat breakfast. Looking at Lin Qixuan who was at ease, he knew that he would definitely not be able to compete, but he only needed to be in second place.

After hearing this, Lin Qixuan ignored Jinghui. He believed that Jinghui, who was a hero, would not lose to the male students who were passers-by in this aspect.

In the last kilometer, Lin Qixuan sped up and ran all the way to Lin Hansha.

After seeing Lin Qixuan, who was sweating slightly but breathing steadily, Lin Hansha couldn't help but secretly marvel in her heart.

"Not bad, brother, you haven't had a bad breath after running for an hour. Your future girlfriend is lucky."

"Isn't it just to see Sister Sha as soon as possible?"

"Hehe, you are so smooth-talking. If you say that, I have to take better care of you. By the way, what department did you awaken?"

"I am the light department."

"Light department?"

Lin Hansha was a little confused. Do those who awaken the light department have such strong physical fitness? But she thought about it and felt relieved. If it weren't for the light department, Lin Qixuan would not be in the healing department.

Thinking of this, she felt a little sorry for Lin Qixuan. If such a strong body could awaken a powerful superpower, this brother would definitely become a strong man in the future.

After a while, Lin Qixuan saw Jinghui "walking" over from a distance, followed by five other male classmates.

They were like zombies, dragging their legs and slowly moving here, with painful expressions on everyone's faces.

In the last 100 meters, a male classmate behind Jinghui suddenly began to exert force, instantly surpassed the other classmates, and came behind Jinghui.

When Jinghui saw that someone wanted to steal his breakfast, he immediately got excited and raised his head to move forward quickly.

In the end, Jinghui arrived at the finish line one step ahead, fell to the ground with peace of mind, panting and laughing, watching Lin Qixuan on the side curled his lips, this monk was really desperate for food.

After the last female classmate walked to the finish line, Lin Hansha announced the end of the morning exercise, and the ten students who were behind showed frustrated expressions.

"Just now, the monitor Lin Qixuan pleaded for you. The ten students who are lagging behind can also enjoy breakfast. After breakfast, come back here to gather at nine o'clock."

Lin Hansha winked at Lin Qixuan while speaking. Lin Qixuan knew that she was helping him to build a good relationship with his classmates, and he couldn't help but feel touched. This cheap sister is still very authentic.

After hearing this, the classmates cast grateful eyes at Lin Qixuan and shouted "Long live the monitor". Some beautiful female classmates even flirted with him.

Only Jinghui was dumbfounded. If she had known this, why would she work so hard...

After breakfast, everyone returned to the dormitory building. Lin Hansha was already waiting for them there.

Lin Hansha looked at everyone and said, "Everyone has warmed up in the morning. Now I will teach you some fighting techniques that our regiment is using."

Hearing that the instructor was going to teach fighting techniques, the male students shouted "Long live Instructor Lin". After all, every male student has a

I have a dream of martial arts. Now that I have become a person with special abilities, this thing will be even more useful.

The girls were also excited. If they learn this fighting skill well, they can save their lives at critical moments. No one would mind learning an extra skill.

"Everyone should study hard. This is created by our Corps by combining Chinese martial arts with many mainstream fighting skills from other countries, such as Muay Thai, karate, and judo. It has also been carefully improved through actual combat, and is very practical."

As he spoke, Lin Hansha made a few seals with his hands, and a wide earthen ring suddenly rose up in the open space in front, which amazed all the students.

It was also the first time that Lin Qixuan saw a person with special abilities perform magic, and he was envious.

Lin Hansha made a few seals lightly, and it had such an effect. What would it be like if they really fought?

By the way, isn't Li Pengfei an earth element? He would definitely be more excited if he saw it here.

When Lin Qixuan was absent-minded, Lin Hansha jumped onto the stage and said to everyone, "The monitor and I will demonstrate for everyone. Please come to the stage, Lin."

Lin Hansha called Lin Qixuan several times but he didn't respond. A dangerous smile flashed across her pretty face.

Jinghui, who was standing by, quickly woke up Lin Qixuan, who was daydreaming. Lin Qixuan looked at Lin Hansha, who was on the stage with some ill intentions, and jumped onto the stage uneasily.

"Good brother, do you think our fighting skills are not good enough?" Lin Hansha looked at Lin Qixuan with a smile, "I called you several times but you didn't respond."

Lin Qixuan looked at it for a while and felt a headache, and hurriedly said: "How could it be? It's because Sister Sha was so handsome when she performed the magic just now, and I was accidentally stunned."

"Hehe, Sister is even more handsome when fighting." Hearing Lin Qixuan's words, Lin Hansha showed a satisfied smile, and then said loudly:

"Student Lin, please attack me with all your strength."

Lin Qixuan didn't act pretentiously after hearing this. He knew that Lin Hansha must be very confident in himself when he said this, and he might be okay among the freshmen at the peak of the initial awakening state, but it would definitely not be enough to meet an unfathomable ability user like Lin Hansha.

He secretly accumulated strength, shot out a bullet, and punched Lin Hansha in the face.

The students below only saw Lin Qixuan coming to the instructor in an instant, and couldn't help but sigh that this class monitor was still quite capable.

At this time, Lin Hansha gently raised his hands, and his left hand directly grabbed Lin Qixuan's right hand, and his right elbow pressed against Lin Qixuan's chest, and his right leg gently pushed Lin Qixuan's left leg.

Lin Qixuan felt that his body had lost balance and was about to fall down. Seeing this, Lin Hansha directly reached out and hugged Lin Qixuan.

Lin Qixuan originally thought that his head would fall on the ring, but now he felt that his head suddenly fell on a soft place. He took a few breaths gently, and there were bursts of subtle fragrance.

Then the whole head sank down, making him feel breathless.

"Hehe, good brother, have you had enough pillows?"


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