The dead body was buried, and the dead body was buried.

Lin Qixuan's original body and Yang Wanning took the elevator and came to the underground world of the hotel without any obstacles.

After the elevator door opened, a stronger yin energy rushed over. They felt as if they were no longer in the human world, as if they had come to the legendary underworld.

The two walked out of the elevator and moved forward cautiously.

At the door of the elevator were lying several of Duan's men in black suits. They were dead and could not die anymore. The heads on their necks were rotated 180 degrees. It was obviously the work of Ding Baokun.

The further you go in, the heavier the yin energy is. Fortunately, both of them are powerful ability users. If ordinary people go through this, their bodies will definitely be in trouble.

The two soon came to the center of the underground world, which was the place where the bloody cage match was held before.

After seeing the scene here, the two were stunned.

Before, these rich people were gathered together by Ding Baokun, and now the bodies of dead men and women fell to the ground, piled up on each other in a mess, as if it was a mass grave, without a single living person.

Their eyes were wide open, revealing a feeling of disbelief.

Originally thought that they just came here to seek excitement and experience the entertainment projects that only rich people like them can enjoy, but they didn’t expect to leave their lives here in vain.

They still have a good life and endless money. Their wealth is the goal that poor people pursue all their lives, but now that they are dead, everything is gone.

Lin Qixuan can understand their frustration and resentment. This is that people are dead and the money has not been spent. If it were him, Lin Qixuan would probably go crazy and turn into a ghost to pester Ding Baokun for his life.

But this is also retribution. If they hadn't come here, they wouldn't have encountered this kind of thing, but this retribution is a bit cruel.

Not far from them is the rune formation carved by Ding Baokun, but the center of the formation is empty. I don't know where Ding Baokun has gone.

Death does not distinguish between races. The monsters in the cages beside also died under Ding Baokun's ghost energy.

The fire wolf beast and the big ape could not escape death either. They fell powerlessly in the cage, but I didn't see their resentful souls just now, and I don't know where they floated to now.

Lin Qixuan, who was picking up feathers from the geese, immediately stepped forward and took out the crystal cores in their bodies. This is a valuable thing, and it is not good to leave it here to be covered in dust.

Continuing to walk forward is a row of cells, and the innocent people who were captured in the cells were lying on the ground in a crooked manner.

Compared to those rich people, they are the biggest victims. They were brought to this underground world inexplicably, and they had to fight with strangers to please others.

They thought they could survive for a few days after winning, but they didn't expect that Ding Baokun, who was urging them to die, would kill them all.

Lin Qixuan looked at these people with a sad face. After all, he came too late and failed to save them.

Just as he sighed, Yang Wanning turned his head and looked at him and said, "Don't sigh in a hurry. They don't seem to be dead yet."


Lin Qixuan was surprised for a moment. Yang Wanning would definitely not say anything nonsense. He immediately closed his eyes and felt it carefully, and then opened his eyes excitedly.

"Sure enough, there is still air!"

Lin Qixuan released the laser beam to cut the iron door, then kicked the door open and walked in.

He squatted in front of a person, then put his hand on the tip of his nose, and a weak breath came out from the tip of his nose.

They were outside the formation drawn by Ding Baokun, and there was still a certain distance from the center of the formation where the ghost energy exploded. So now they were only invaded by the ghost energy and resentment, and their yang energy was damaged and they fell into a coma. They were lucky to escape, but if they were not expelled in time, their lives would still be in danger.

Lin Qixuan stood up and cast the light of purification into the cell. The golden light is the nemesis of all sneaky things, and the resentment and ghost energy in their bodies were rapidly purified.

After expelling them, these people woke up slowly.

Looking at the two people who suddenly appeared in front of them, these people looked at Lin Qixuan and Yang Wanning with confusion.

Lin Qixuan said: "We are here to save you, you are safe now."

Hearing Lin Qixuan's words, everyone showed incredible expressions in their eyes.

After entering this underground world, the daily fighting made them numb. Their ending was either killing others or being killed by others. They didn't expect that they would really be saved one day.

Some of them burst into tears, and all the repression they had been holding for a long time was released at this moment.

Some of them knelt down in front of Lin Qixuan and Yang Wanning, shouting that they had met a living Buddha or a living god, otherwise they would not have been able to escape from this hell, and their deep gratitude was beyond words.

Lin Qixuan and Yang Wanning were too embarrassed to accept their gifts, and immediately helped them up, "No need to say thank you, there are still bad guys here that have not been dealt with, I'm afraid he will appear again in a while, you guys hurry up and take the elevator here!"

Lin Qixuan urged them to leave quickly, if Ding Baokun appeared, he would not care about them after the fight.

One of them touched his head and recalled carefully, "Are you talking about the middle-aged man? I seemed to see him walking deeper inside before I fainted."

"Huh? Are there other places deep in this underground world?" Lin Qixuan asked in confusion. He was in a hurry to report the news to Gong Lanyue when he came in before, and he didn't have time to check carefully.

"Yes, this underground world is very big, and it is connected to the Monster Paradise deep inside. They transport the monsters from the Monster Paradise every night." Another man with muscles and tendons rushed to answer. He had stayed here the longest, so he knew clearly how this underground world worked.

Lin Qixuan and Yang Wanning hurriedly moved forward, and these people also went to the elevator to leave this Shura field.

As they walked, Lin Qixuan and Yang Wanning suddenly heard a noise coming from the front, like a monster roaring. They looked at each other and knew that it was very likely that Ding Baokun was in front, so they quickened their pace.

Across the dim corridor, there was a huge open space.

A middle-aged man was sitting cross-legged on the open space with a painful expression. Lin Qixuan recognized him at once. It was Ding Baokun.

Beside him stood the ghost lady and several detained monster spirits to protect him.

Hearing the footsteps, Ding Baokun hurriedly opened his eyes and looked at Lin Qixuan and Yang Wanning who suddenly appeared in front of him, his eyes full of tension.

He originally wanted to slip out through the tunnel, but halfway through, Duan's poisonous soul attacked again, forcing him to stop and suppress it with all his strength. At this moment, he can be said to be very weak.

"Who are you two?" Ding Baokun asked in a hoarse voice. Those who can appear here at this moment are most likely enemies, not friends...


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