After a while, the two of them finally got married.

Ding Baokun calculated the time and felt the urgency of time. He didn't plan to continue to dwell on this issue.

He came to Jia Tao again and said, "Jia Tao, how does Brother Kun treat you?"

Jia Tao trembled and said, "Brother Kun, you are very good to me. If it weren't for you, I don't know where I am now!"

"Very good, brothers are like hands and feet, women are like clothes, let's not talk about the bitch Chen Shuya for now. Now Brother Kun, I have just entered the extraordinary realm, but there is a problem. Are you willing to help me?" Ding Baokun looked at Jia Tao steadily.

"Yes, but I am only in the early stage of the master realm. How can I help you?" Jia Tao said puzzledly.

"It's okay, as long as you are willing to help me."

As he said that, Ding Baokun took out a whistle with a strange shape from his pocket.

Seeing this whistle, Jia Tao knew that this whistle was used by Ding Baokun to control the insects. When he thought of the holy insect in his body, his heart was lifted up and he said in horror: "No, no, Brother Kun!"

"Hahaha, you know what I'm going to do by looking at your expression! Well, I don't have to explain it again. I've kept you by my side for so long, now it's time for you to repay me!"

Ding Baokun laughed loudly. Although it was much earlier than the time he wanted to harvest, he could bear this loss in order to catch Lin Qixuan and hand him over to the Salvation Society, and he would definitely get more later!

He no longer hesitated, put the whistle in his mouth and blew it.

A strange sound came from the whistle, and then Jia Tao felt his spine itchy, as if something was drilling around.


Jia Tao began to feel pain, and he now clearly sensed the location of the holy worm. Moreover, the worm bit his flesh and blood, greedily sucking his vitality.

His vitality was rapidly fading, his thinking became slow, his muscles were shrinking, and his body functions were rapidly regressing.

He looked at Ding Baokun beggingly and said, "Brother Kun, please let me go, I beg you!"

"Hahaha, Jia Tao, I have asked for your opinion, didn't you just say you would help me!"

Jia Tao begged for mercy for a long time, but how could Ding Baokun let him go at this critical moment.

After a while, Jia Tao turned into a white-haired, wrinkled old man under the sucking of the holy worm, and Qian Kang, who was watching, was stunned.

Qian Kang knew the role of the holy worm, but when he saw Jia Tao turn from a young man into an old man with his own eyes, he was still shocked and once again had a deep fear of Ding Baokun.

"Ding Baokun, you devil, you devil, you will die!" Feeling the end of his life, Jia Tao cursed.

"Hahaha, you can curse me as much as you want, but I still have to thank you for your contribution to me!" Hearing Jia Tao's curse, Ding Baokun didn't care.

Seeing that he had almost finished sucking, Ding Baokun's whistle made a hurried sound.

The holy insect heard the call, and struggled to break a hole in Jia Tao's back, and then slowly drilled out. The severe pain made Jia Tao faint directly.

I saw a fat worm covered with blood crawling on Jia Tao's body, the whole body was a dark red, and compared with when it was just put into Jia Tao's body, it was obviously expanded several times.

The originally slender multi-segmented body was a little unable to crawl after absorbing the vitality.

Ding Baokun immediately stepped forward and picked up its tentacles, and nodded with satisfaction after seeing its round appearance.

He opened his mouth and stuffed the worm into his mouth without any disgust.

The holy worm sensed its fate, and its multi-legged limbs began to crawl quickly, but it had abundant vitality but no fighting ability, so it tried desperately to escape from Ding Baokun's mouth.

Ding Baokun laughed, bit the fragile body of the holy worm with his teeth, and it burst directly after a bite, and then chewed it in big mouthfuls.

Qian Kang on the side was stunned. This brother Kun was really a ruthless person. The holy worm had worked hard to grow into an inedible appearance, but he didn't expect that someone would dare to use it as food.

Ding Baokun didn't care about Qian Kang's disgusted look. He only felt that his mouth was full of the juice of the holy worm, but it didn't smell fishy at all, but had a refreshing taste.

The rich and indissoluble vitality hovered in his body. When he sensed the strangeness in Ding Baokun's body, he was shocked.

Often, most of them were used to fight against the poison left by Duan, and a small part was used to heal the wounds caused by Lin Qixuan and Yang Wanning.

When the vitality brought by the holy insect disappeared, Ding Baokun had recovered to his best state, and he was refreshed and had a face full of satisfaction.

This insect is indeed a good thing. No wonder it is regarded as a holy insect. If Duan's poison was not so powerful, he felt that he could impact the late stage of the extraordinary realm.

Seeing that his injuries were recovered, he looked in the direction of the hotel, waiting for Lin Qixuan and Yang Wanning to come out and fall into the trap.

"Congratulations, Brother Kun! Congratulations, Brother Kun!" Qian Kang immediately flattered him.

Looking at Qian Kang who was still tied up with a rope, Ding Baokun slowly walked to him and squatted down, putting one hand on Qian Kang's head.

"Brother Kun, what are you doing? Help me untie it!" Qian Kang asked in confusion.

"Qian Kang, you have been with me for some years." Ding Baokun said with a smile.

"Yes, Brother Kun, I have been with you for many years. You know me. I will never have that kind of relationship with my sister-in-law!" Qian Kang thought Ding Baokun was going to talk about that again, and explained hurriedly.

"Alas, let's not talk about that." Ding Baokun interrupted him and gently stroked Qian Kang's head. "Now your brother Kun has reached the 35th level of the extraordinary realm, but your strength is still in the early stage of the control realm, which makes me a little embarrassed."

Qian Kang said embarrassedly: "Brother Kun, I have been practicing very hard, and you also know that my talent is limited. Didn't you say that after you are promoted to the extraordinary realm, you will help me find some good things in the organization to improve my strength?"

"That's right, but you don't have to wait until you go back. I have a way to improve your strength now."

"Really? That's great, Brother Kun, then help me quickly!" Qian Kang said excitedly. He has been following Ding Baokun diligently for so many years, isn't it just to improve his own strength!

"Okay, I'll help you now!" Ding Baokun suddenly smiled sinisterly, and then drew lines on his forehead.

"Brother Kun, you..."

Qian Kang knew that Ding Baokun was drawing the soul-gathering spell. As a trusted henchman, he had seen it too many times, but he didn't expect that this time it would be used on himself.

Before Qian Kang could speak, Ding Baokun slapped him on the top of his head. The powerful ghost energy instantly destroyed the vitality in Qian Kang's body. He looked at Ding Baokun with resentment, but he was powerless.

After a while, Qian Kang's resentful soul floated out of his body.

Ding Baokun took a sinister look. He didn't intend to kill Qian Kang, but Duan's words forced him to do so.

He didn't know whether it was Jia Tao or Qian Kang, and he didn't know whether such a thing had happened, but he would rather believe it than not, even if he killed the wrong person.

How did that sentence go? I would rather let the world betray me than let the world betray me. I might as well kill them all...


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