The light was blown away, and the target was in danger.

In the sky, more than a hundred light bombs appeared behind Lin Qixuan. Under his control, the light bombs whizzed down towards Ding Baokun who was running away on the ground.


The light bombs exploded quickly after landing, emitting dazzling light. The fan-shaped area where Ding Baokun was located suffered a ruthless bombing like a storm.

Ding Baokun ran for his life in the bombing area. With only half of his body left, he ran away at an unusually fast speed.

Lin Qixuan, who tried to develop Yasakani no Magatama for the first time, was very bad at aiming. He didn't hit Ding Baokun at all with a set of tracing techniques. This made Ding Baokun very happy and called Lin Qixuan a fool.

Lin Qixuan didn't take Ding Baokun's ridicule seriously. Although his move was not accurate, it was good at large quantities.

'Not good! '

Finally, a light bullet landed less than half a meter away from Ding Baokun and exploded close to him.

The impact of the explosion instantly overturned Ding Baokun, and his whole body was lying on the ground with his legs spread out. And his pause made him a living target, and more light bullets came to him.

Explosions sounded one after another, bringing bursts of thick smoke. At this time, the ground was blown into a mess by the light bullets of Yasakani no Magatama, and there were large and small pits everywhere.

After the smoke dissipated, Ding Baokun climbed up with difficulty. His insect body was blown to pieces by the light bullets, and there was a smell of burning on his body.

This was not the worst. The worst was that the sacred purification power contained in the light bullets invaded his body, and his own ghost energy was rapidly dissipating.

In the golden light, layers of black smoke came out of Ding Baokun's body.

After the black smoke cleared, Ding Baokun regained his human body, but only the upper half of his body remained.

"It's over, Ding Baokun!"

Lin Qixuan, with a hazy golden glow all over his body, slowly walked in front of Ding Baokun, like a sun god.

He had already felt Ding Baokun's current state. The reason why Ding Baokun was still alive was entirely because of the vigorous vitality he gained after insect transformation.

"Hahaha, I never thought that I would be defeated by a little devil like you." Ding Baokun laughed helplessly.

He was at the end of his rope at this time, and his broken body could not be repaired by the little vitality in his body.

"Hmph, you are too greedy. If you had wanted to escape from the beginning, I really couldn't do anything to you."

"Haha, why should I escape after swallowing the holy insect and regaining all my strength? It can only be said that it is fate and time, and nothing else can be blamed."

Ding Baokun is right. Normally, with his strength in the middle stage of the extraordinary realm, it would be easy for him to deal with a few guys in the control realm.

Not to mention that after he turned into an insect, his strength reached the late stage of the extraordinary realm.

But Lin Qixuan and his gang are either perverts or cheaters, and they can't be calculated according to common sense.

"Little ghost, you won, do it!"

"You are quite free and easy!" Lin Qixuan said calmly.

"Hahaha, what can I do? Begging for mercy is definitely useless. I know you will never let me go."

"Winners take all. If it were me, you would have returned to your hometown by now." Ding Baokun said with a miserable smile.

He continued, "Boy, let me remind you one last time. You must protect the seed well. I heard from people in our organization that the seed contains the ultimate secret of this world, and the Saint Master will get it at all costs."

"I know." Lin Qixuan nodded solemnly, "Do you have any other last words to say?"

"No more."

"Okay, then I have nothing to say to you. I can only wish you a smoother start next time."

As he said, Lin Qixuan pulled with both hands and condensed a shining golden sword again.

Ding Baokun didn't look at Lin Qixuan, and just lay on the ground in a daze, looking at the stars above his head with empty eyes.

He hadn't looked up at the starry sky so quietly for a long time, and it had been so long that he almost forgot what the starry sky looked like.

In a trance, he unconsciously thought of the scene of lying on the lawn with his wife and counting the stars.

'Damn it, why did I think of that woman at this time! ’

Ding Baokun felt irritated, and Lin Qixuan tightly grasped the sword, the tip of the sword kept approaching Ding Baokun's heart.

Ding Baokun simply closed his eyes and quietly waited for death to come. He had already felt the terrifying high temperature emitted by the lightsaber in Lin Qixuan's hand.


After waiting for a long time, Lin Qixuan's Ame-no-Kume sword still did not penetrate his heart. He opened his eyes in confusion, only to see that the lightsaber stopped less than 1 cm away from his heart.

"What? Don't you want to kill me?" Ding Baokun said calmly.

Lin Qixuan scratched his head, and a little embarrassment appeared on his face. "Can you resist a little? I feel a little pressured by your inability to fight back."

"Humph, hypocritical." Ding Baokun sneered.

"Alas, this is the first time I've killed someone. You should understand."

"So it's the first time, no wonder. I have some experience in this regard. Remember, if you want to have no psychological burden, you must be fast, accurate and ruthless."

"Okay, okay, don't worry."

At this moment, Ding Baokun suddenly jumped up, exhausted the last ghost power, and slapped Lin Qixuan with one palm.

Lin Qixuan understood Ding Baokun's key points, and pierced Ding Baokun's heart with one sword. The sacred and hot breath cut off the vitality in his body.

At the end of his life, he glanced at Chen Shuya who was holding Jia Tao, and Chen Shuya's eyes were staring at him.

He smiled alone, spit out Qian Kang's resentful soul from his mouth, and then his soul returned to the west.

At this time, a trace of fish belly white appeared in the sky...

The fiery red sun was rising from the east, and the sunlight poured down from the gaps in the clouds. Lin Qixuan's whole body was warm under the morning glow, making him squint happily.

When his mind was relaxed, Lin Qixuan withdrew from the shining form.

But the side effects of forcibly improving his strength also followed. A deep fatigue swept through Lin Qixuan's soul. He felt sore and weak all over, very weak, and every cell in his body was like shriveled.

"We won, hahahaha, we won!"

Seeing Ding Baokun die, Li Pengfei was the first to rush out of the Black Prison Castle, cheering and running towards Lin Qixuan.

"Brother, you..."

Li Pengfei stared at Lin Qixuan's face blankly, with a look of disbelief.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?" Lin Qixuan was a little puzzled by Li Pengfei's look.

"Hey, who is this skinny old man?" Lan Mengyao followed closely, covering her mouth as she looked at Lin Qixuan's face.

Yang Wanning looked at Lin Qixuan's current appearance, and her beautiful eyebrows also frowned.

Just when Lin Qixuan was confused, Yang Wanning took out a small mirror and handed it to Lin Qixuan.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Lin Qixuan's mouth opened wide...

I saw that the self in the mirror was skinny, as if it had been sucked dry, and it was so thin that it was unrecognizable...


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