The hair was cut off and the hair was cut off.

At the end of the shaving, Lin Qixuan's hair was almost shaved off, leaving only a thin layer tightly attached to the scalp.

Liu Siqing took out a magnifying glass with concern and carefully checked whether the length of each hair was consistent, focusing on rigor.

"Qixuan, wake up, it's done!" Liu Siqing's gentle voice woke up the dozing Lin Qixuan and handed him a mirror, "Take a quick look!"

Lin Qixuan opened his eyes and looked at the hair in the mirror that was no different from that of a labor camp prisoner. The corners of his mouth twitched, "It's good, very energetic!"

"I think so too. Boys still have to keep short hair to have masculinity." Liu Siqing was obviously very satisfied with her masterpiece.

Liu Siqing’s haircut was indeed flawless, and she even trimmed Lin Qixuan’s sideburns, but Lin Qixuan was not used to such short hair for a while.

As the saying goes, a haircut will make you ugly for three days, but it will be fine once he gets used to it.

After the haircut, Lin Qixuan also said goodbye to Liu Siqing. School will start tomorrow, and he and Liu Siqing have to rest early.

Before leaving, Liu Siqing also gave him a lot of "gifts", such as "The Structure of Runes", "My Views on Basic Rune Knowledge", "Apprentice Rune Master Examination Guide", "Apprentice Rune Master's Guide"...

Each book is thick with hundreds of pages, and some are even thousands of pages, which made Lin Qixuan tremble in his heart.

"What a sin!"

In three months, let alone memorizing, it would be difficult to just read all of these.

Fortunately, there are two space rings now, otherwise it would be very crowded to put them in.

After saying goodbye to Liu Siqing, Lin Qixuan rushed back at lightning speed. His newly shaved head was extremely cool in the evening breeze.

"The summer wind is blowing warmly, passing through my hair..."

He hummed a little tune and soon returned to the dormitory building.

After opening the dormitory door, Lin Qixuan just turned on the light and saw Jinghui sitting quietly on the sofa alone, with the mirrored two-headed snake lying next to her.

"Oh my god, Jinghui, do you want to scare me to death? Why don't you turn on the light when you are sitting in the living room?" Lin Qixuan patted his chest and said in shock.

Jinghui stood up when she saw Lin Qixuan coming back, "You are back, have you had dinner? I brought you braised chicken in the kitchen."

"Oh, that's great, there is braised chicken, I really haven't had dinner yet."

Just now, I was busy talking about runes at Liu Siqing's place and forgot that I hadn't had dinner yet. After being reminded by Jinghui, he was really a little hungry.

Lin Qixuan was just about to go into the kitchen to heat up the braised chicken, but Jinghui said with a sad face: "Xuanzi, I have to go."

"Go? Where are you going?" Lin Qixuan turned his head in surprise and said with a confused look.

"I have to go to the Battle Academy. After I finished dinner in the school cafeteria today, I just arrived at the door of the dormitory building, and a group of uncles and aunts surrounded me, saying that they were teachers of the Battle Academy and hoped that I could transfer to them to study."

"Teachers of the Battle Academy?"

Lin Qixuan knew what was going on after a little thought. It must be that the people in the Battle Academy knew about Jinghui's battle this evening.

Jinghui is a natural awakener. The copying ability has taken a step further because of the contract. Now it can not only copy all kinds of things, but also copy the magic of various departments.

As long as a little training can become an outstanding talent, these teachers must have come to Jinghui because they love talents.

At this time, Lin Qixuan saw two large suitcases in the corner of the living room, and couldn't help asking: "So you have made up your mind?"

Jinghui nodded helplessly, "Yes, they said that although my copying ability can be used for treatment, it is a complete waste. Only in the Battle Academy can the true power of the copying ability be brought into play."

"Okay, what the teacher of the Battle Academy said is indeed correct. It is really not worth it for your copying ability to just learn a treatment. It is better to learn more combat skills. In the future, we brothers will go to the restricted area together, isn't it fun?" Lin Qixuan patted Jinghui on the shoulder and said.

"I think so too, but if I go to the Battle Academy, I will have to live in the dormitory over there. It just so happens that there is a dormitory vacant, but we can't be roommates in the future." Jinghui said with sadness in her eyes.

"Oh, it's not a big deal. We are just not in the same dormitory anymore. It's not like that.

We are not in the same school anymore, but we can meet anytime we want. Li Pengfei has been to our place before. "Lin Qixuan smiled and comforted him, "Study hard and practice hard there, and watch less gunfight movies."

"I know, don't worry."

Lin Qixuan changed the subject and suddenly asked curiously, "So many teachers from the Battle Academy came to you, did you choose which one to practice with in the end?"

Speaking of this, Jinghui became excited, "Let me tell you, many teachers came at that time, they were all capable people from different departments, and they all wanted to accept me as a disciple. No one was convinced, and we almost fought.

The last male teacher in the Saint Realm who called himself Yan Mo directly "convinced people with reason" and made other teachers withdraw from the sequence of accepting disciples. "

"Uh... So you will practice with this Saint Realm teacher called Yan Mo in the future?" Lin Qixuan said in a deep voice.

"I thought so at first, but it turned out to be a surprise in the end.

At that time, the bald male teacher named Yan Mo was wrapped in flames, overpowering everyone, and his momentum reached its peak. He confidently asked who else was there, and then... it was a tragedy.

Lin Qixuan was also interested when he heard it, and he hurriedly asked: "Why did Yan Mo end up in tragedy?"

"He was defeated by an invisible force and punched himself."

"He punched himself? Was it a spiritual ability user who took action?"

This Yan Mo was obviously hit by a spiritual technique, which distorted his own thoughts and cognition.

"Yes, they all call this teacher who took action a spiritual mentor."

"Spiritual mentor? Is this teacher a man or a woman?"

"Uh... I don't know." Jinghui scratched her head awkwardly.

"Hmm? How old is this teacher?"

"Uh... I don't know, but judging from her voice and tone, she seems to be quite old."

"Ah? How come you don't know anything I ask? "

Lin Qixuan was confused by Jinghui's words. How could he not know whether his master was a man or a woman?

"I really don't know, because he or she never showed up.

After dealing with the Flame Demon, the other teachers gave up and left. The voice of this teacher suddenly appeared in my heart, saying that I should go back and pack my luggage, and he would pick me up to go to the Battle Academy in the evening. "

"Oh my god, is it so mysterious?"

Lin Qixuan was shocked by the pretentiousness of this spiritual mentor. He accepted his apprentice without showing up. He can give 99 points for this wave...


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