The truth is that the truth is not absolute.

"But nothing is absolute. Even the oath rune can be circumvented."

"If you only look at things according to the established thinking, it is easy to deviate without knowing it. We Qianlong have made such mistakes many times."

Speaking of this, Qu Lang's face gradually became serious, "Qixuan, have you heard of the Fallen Mother Tree of the Salvation Society before?"

"Fallen Mother Tree... um... what is that?" Lin Qixuan looked at Qu Lang in confusion. He had never heard of this name.

"Uh..." Now it was Qu Lang's turn to be confused, "If you don't know, just pretend I didn't say this."

"Ah?" Lin Qixuan got anxious all of a sudden. Who would stop talking halfway? Wasn't he teasing him?


Gong Lanyue, who was only focused on eating, had just stuffed a king crab leg into her mouth. When she heard their conversation, she laughed out loud.

"Qu Lang, you've already mentioned the name. Won't he check it out himself afterwards?" Gong Lanyue gnawed on the crab leg and rolled her eyes. "You're such a big mouth. You've already said it. Just say it all. Anyway, Lin Qixuan will definitely not go astray."

"Then I'll tell you!" Hearing Gong Lanyue's words, Qu Lang smiled embarrassedly. "The Fallen Mother Tree is the sacred tree in the eyes of the Salvation Society. It has all kinds of incredible powers. It is very likely to surpass the god-level existence that we humans have guessed."

"What, the Fallen Mother Tree surpasses the god-level existence, so doesn't it surpass level 100?"

Qu Lang shocked Lin Qixuan as soon as he opened his mouth. Surpassing level 100, in human imagination, that is a realm that only gods can reach, and now a tree has reached it, which is incredible.

Lin Qixuan then asked: "The Fallen Mother Tree is so powerful, why doesn't the Salvation Society use its power to cleanse the world?"

"Because the Fallen Mother Tree is not on our Blue Planet."

"Not on Blue Planet?"

Qu Lang nodded and said: "Yes, the Fallen Mother Tree is not on our Blue Planet. It is in a distant and unknown space."

"As for when it existed, no one can tell. Everyone only knows that since the Great Cataclysm, its power has gradually radiated."

"Some people with extremely evil hearts can hear its voice and know of its existence. And through the information conveyed by the Fallen Mother Tree, as long as you set up an evil magic circle for sacrifice, you can obtain its power."

"At that time, many cults that believed in the Fallen Mother Tree appeared all over the world. They used the Fallen Mother Tree's "The Fallen Mother Tree took the words as an imperial decree and did many outrageous and cruel things."

"With the sacrifices of humans, the power of the Fallen Mother Tree became stronger. Humans have fallen into a dark moment. Countless people did not die in the mouths of monsters, but died at the hands of their compatriots."

Hearing this, Lin Qixuan couldn't help asking: "If it continues to expand like this, won't humans be finished? Could it be that some powerful humans can't stand it and take action?"

"Not really." Qu Lang shook his head bitterly, "The Fallen Mother Tree is in a distant space. None of us humans can become gods, so naturally we can't even touch its edge."

"Then how did it retreat?" Lin Qixuan frowned. Now the opponent of humans is the monsters in the restricted area, otherwise Lin Qixuan would not have never heard of the name of the Fallen Mother Tree.

"I don't know. No one knows how it retreated." Qu Lang's expression was a little dazed. "Maybe it's the decline of prosperity. Its power had reached its peak, but those evil humans who believed in the Fallen Mother Tree suddenly found that the power they obtained in their bodies was receding like a tide."

"And no matter how much they offered sacrifices, they could not get a response from the Fallen Mother Tree. The human leaders guessed that the Fallen Mother Tree must have had some problems, so they sounded the clarion call for a counterattack."

"Since the power of those evil humans was obtained from the Fallen Mother Tree, when the Fallen Mother Tree had problems, they naturally could not escape the impact. One by one, their realms regressed rapidly. It didn't take long for humans to uproot those cult organizations and regain peace."

"But this dark history has become a taboo for humans. The human leaders quickly issued a gag order, forbidding ordinary people to mention it, for fear that someone would activate the evil sacrificial array again, and the Fallen Mother Tree would revive again."

"So that's it...


Lin Qixuan listened to this history in amazement. He didn’t expect that the human beings in this world also had a hard time. They could maintain relative peace under the attack of monsters and cults.

Gong Lanyue was refreshed after eating the crab legs. She continued Qu Lang’s words: “I thought the matter of the Fallen Mother Tree was over, but not many years later, the existence of the Saint Master suddenly appeared among humans. ”

“No one knows where he came from. People only know that his cultivation speed is very fast, and he soon has a place among the strong. ”

“When humans were celebrating the addition of another strong man, who knew that he would directly raise the banner to establish the Salvation Society and announce that the Fallen Mother Tree would return again. At that time, Blue Star would be the territory of the Fallen Mother Tree. ”

“But fortunately, the power of the Fallen Mother Tree has not recovered, and there are few places that can affect humans. ”

“But it was too late for humans to destroy the Saint Master again. He had grown up, and he came and went without a trace. A strong man hiding in the dark is more frightening than standing on the stage. "

Hearing this, and thinking of the Saint Master looking for seeds everywhere, Lin Qixuan guessed that it might be related to the Fallen Mother Tree.

Imagining that one day, the Saint Master suddenly appeared in front of him, killed him fiercely and took out the seeds, Lin Qixuan got goosebumps instantly.

He couldn't help asking: "Who is this Saint Master? How is it possible that there is no trace of him at all?"

Qu Lang replied in a deep voice: "As for the origin of the Saint Master, we humans have many speculations. The first one is that the Saint Master is an ordinary human who was bewitched by the Fallen Mother Tree. Suddenly one day he got its support and grew up instantly. He is its spokesperson in our world."

"The second one is that humans speculate that the Saint Master is very likely the incarnation of the Fallen Mother Tree in the human world. The reason why the Fallen Mother Tree was silent before is very likely to be nurturing the Saint Master. Because its original body is too far away, it is better to recreate itself on Blue Star. "

Gong Lanyue nodded and responded: "The second guess has been recognized by many people, otherwise it would be impossible to explain his unknown past and his incredible cultivation speed..."


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